calendar-cli ============ Simple command-line CalDav client, for adding and browsing calendar items, todo list items, etc Rationale --------- GUIs and Web-UIs are nice for some purposes, but I really find the command line unbeatable when it comes to: * Minor stuff that are repeated often. Writing something like "todo add make a calendar-cli system" or "cal add 'tomorrow 15:40+2h' doctor appointment" is just very much faster than navigating into some web calendar interface and add an item there. * Things that are outside the scope of the UI. Here is one of many tasks I'd like to do: "go through the work calendar, find all new calendar events that are outside office hours, check up with the personal calendar if there are potential conflicts, add some information at the personal calendar if appropriate", and vice versa - it has to be handled very manually if doing it through any normal calendar application as far as I know, but if having some simple CLI or python library I could easily make some interactive script that would help me doing the operation above. I've been looking a bit around, all I could find was cadaver and CalDAVClientLibrary. Both of those seems to be a bit shortcoming; they seem to miss the iCalendar parsing/generation. CalDAVClientLibrary is already a python library, and there also exist python libraries for iCalendar parsing/generation, so all that seems to be missing is the "glue" between those libraries. Synopsis -------- [global options] [command] [command options] [subcommand] [subcommand options] [subcommand arguments] ... should be symlinked to the various commands. ### Global options Only long options will be available up until version 0.10; I don't want to pollute the short option space before the CLI is reasonably well-defined. Always consult --help for up-to-date and complete listings of options. The list below will only contain the most important options and may not be up-to-date and may contain features not implemented yet. * --interactive, -i: stop and query the user rather often * --caldav-url, --caldav-user, --caldav-pass: how to connect to the CalDAV server. Fits better into a configuration file. * --config-file: use a specific configuration file (default: $HOME/.calendar-cli.conf) * --config-section: use a specific section from the config file (i.e. to select a different caldav-server to connect to) * --icalendar: instead of connecting to a CalDAV server, write an icalendar file to stdout ### Commands * cal - access/modify a calendar * subcommands: add, agenda * todo - access/modify a todo-list * subcommands: add, agenda ### Event time specification Supported in v0.01: * anything recognized by dateutil.parser.parse() All of those would eventually be supported in future versions if it's not too difficult to achieve: * An iso time stamp, followed with the duration, using either + or space as separator. Duration is a number postfixed by s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, w for weeks and y for years (i.e. 2013-09-10T13:37+30d) * Two ISO timestamps separated by a dash (-) * ISO dates without times (default duration will be one day, for two dates full days up to and including the end date is counted) * "tomorrow" instead of an ISO date * weekday instead of an ISO date * clock time without the date; event will be assumed to start within 24 hours. Alternatively, endtime or duration can be given through options. Configuration file ------------------ (I considered a configuration file in .ini-format, having a "default"-section with default values for any global options, and optionally other sections for different CalDAV-servers. Asking a bit around for recommendations on config file format as well as location, I was told that the .ini-format is not a standard, I'd be better off using a standard like yaml, json or xml. Personally I like json a bit better than yaml - after consulting with a friend I ended up with json. Location ... I think it's "cleaner" to keep it in ~/.config/, and I'd like any calendar application to be able to access the file, hence it got ~/.config/calendar.conf rather than ~/.calendar-cli.conf) The file may look like this: { "default": { "caldav_url": "", "caldav-user": "luser", "caldav-pass": "insecure" } } Optionally, in addition (or even instead) of "default", other "sections" can be created and selected through the --config-section option. The rationale is to allow configuration for multiple CalDAV-servers to remain in the same configuration file. Later versions will eventually be capable of copying events, or putting events into several calendars. Remember to `chmod og-r ~/.config/calendar.conf` or `chmod 0600 ~/.config/calendar.conf` ### Examples Add a calendar item "testevent" at 2013-10-01: ./ calendar --calendar-url= add 2013-10-01 testevent (assumes that `caldav-url`, `calldav-pass` and `caldav-user` has been added into configuration file. Those may also be added as command line options) Objectives ---------- * It should be really easy and quick to add a todo-list item from the command line. * It should be really easy and quick to add a calendar item from the command line. * It should be possible to get out lists ("agenda") of calendar items and todo-items. * Interface for copying calendar items between calendars, even between calendars on distinct caldav servers Milestones ---------- * CLI-interface for creating ical calendar events (working as of version 0.01) * CalDAV login (working as of version 0.02) * Push calendar item into CalDAV server (working as of version 0.02, but both an URL for the caldav server and an URL for the actual calendar has to be given) * Config file with CalDAV connection details (working as of version 0.03) * Replace calendar-URL with calendar-path * Find default calendar-path * Show agenda * CLI-interface for creating ical todo events * Push todo item into CalDAV server Status ------ 2013-09-15: Made a repository at github and wrote up this README. 2013-09-24: version 0.01 - supports creating an ical-file based on command line parameters 2013-09-28: version 0.02 - possible to add a calendar item to the caldav server