path: root/calendar_cli/
diff options
authorTobias Brox <>2022-12-09 00:35:35 +0100
committerTobias Brox <>2022-12-09 00:35:35 +0100
commit1beeecd3f4a21fa5891627247c9492c93a3e255a (patch)
tree58258589cc8b2cb07d1ff54e2f8a9397c5e5d1f4 /calendar_cli/
parent7f720cbf5ea446f241ed9bb595fe8897e26063c2 (diff)
making useful for me
Diffstat (limited to 'calendar_cli/')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/calendar_cli/ b/calendar_cli/
index 0ed3502..b20223f 100755
--- a/calendar_cli/
+++ b/calendar_cli/
@@ -56,6 +56,11 @@ attr_txt_many = ['category', 'comment', 'contact', 'resources', 'parent', 'child
attr_time = ['dtstamp', 'dtstart', 'due', 'dtend', 'duration']
attr_int = ['priority']
+def _ensure_ts(dt):
+ if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
+ return dt
+ return datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month,
def parse_dt(input, return_type=None):
"""Parse a datetime or a date.
@@ -103,6 +108,8 @@ def parse_add_dur(dt, dur):
TODO: return of delta in years not supported yet
TODO: ISO8601 duration not supported yet
+ if dt and not (isinstance(dt,
+ dt = parse_dt(dt)
time_units = {
's': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 3600,
'd': 86400, 'w': 604800
@@ -257,14 +264,6 @@ def cli(ctx, **kwargs):
-def i_update_config(ctx):
- """
- Edit the config file interactively
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
def list_calendars(ctx):
Will output all calendars found
@@ -321,7 +320,7 @@ def _set_attr_options(verb="", desc=""):
@click.option('--start', help='do a time search, with this start timestamp')
@click.option('--end', help='do a time search, with this end timestamp (or duration)')
@click.option('--timespan', help='do a time search for this interval')
-@click.option('--sort-key', help='use this attributes for sorting. Templating can be used. Prepend with - for reverse sort. Special: "get_duration()" yields the duration or the distance between dtend and dtstart, or an empty timedelta', multiple=True)
+@click.option('--sort-key', help='use this attributes for sorting. Templating can be used. Prepend with - for reverse sort. Special: "get_duration()" yields the duration or the distance between dtend and dtstart, or an empty timedelta', default=['{DTSTART.dt:?{DUE.dt:?(0000)?}?%F %H:%M:%S}{PRIORITY:?0?}'], multiple=True)
@click.option('--skip-parents/--include-parents', help="Skip parents if it's children is selected. Useful for finding tasks that can be started if parent depends on child", default=False)
@click.option('--skip-children/--include-children', help="Skip children if it's parent is selected. Useful for getting an overview of the big picture if children are subtasks", default=False)
@click.option('--limit', help='Number of objects to show', type=int)
@@ -387,12 +386,13 @@ def _select(ctx, all=None, uid=[], abort_on_missing_uid=None, sort_key=[], skip_
if uid:
- if kwargs_.get('start'):
- kwargs['start'] = parse_dt(kwargs['start'])
+ if kwargs_.get('start') or kwargs_.get('end'):
+ if kwargs_.get('start'):
+ kwargs['start'] = parse_dt(kwargs['start'])
if kwargs_.get('end'):
rx = re.match(r'\+((\d+(\.\d+)?[smhdwy])+)', kwargs['end'])
if rx:
- kwargs['end'] = parse_add_dur(kwargs['start'],
+ kwargs['end'] = parse_add_dur(kwargs.get('start',,
kwargs['end'] = parse_dt(kwargs['end'])
elif kwargs_.get('timespan'):
@@ -542,6 +542,8 @@ def delete(ctx, multi_delete, **kwargs):
@click.option('--pdb/--no-pdb', default=None, help="Interactive edit through pdb (experts only)")
@click.option('--add-category', default=None, help="Delete multiple things without confirmation prompt", multiple=True)
+@click.option('--postpone', help="Add something to the DTSTART and DTEND/DUE")
+@click.option('--cancel/--uncancel', default=None, help="Mark task(s) as cancelled")
@click.option('--complete/--uncomplete', default=None, help="Mark task(s) as completed")
@click.option('--complete-recurrence-mode', default='safe', help="Completion of recurrent tasks, mode to use - can be 'safe', 'thisandfuture' or '' (see caldav library for details)")
@@ -552,7 +554,7 @@ def edit(*largs, **kwargs):
return _edit(*largs, **kwargs)
-def _edit(ctx, add_category=None, complete=None, complete_recurrence_mode='safe', **kwargs):
+def _edit(ctx, add_category=None, cancel=None, complete=None, complete_recurrence_mode='safe', postpone=None, **kwargs):
Edits a task/event/journal
@@ -588,6 +590,14 @@ def _edit(ctx, add_category=None, complete=None, complete_recurrence_mode='safe'
obj.complete(handle_rrule=complete_recurrence_mode, rrule_mode=complete_recurrence_mode)
elif complete is False:
+ if cancel:
+ component.status='CANCELLED'
+ elif cancel is False:
+ component.status='NEEDS-ACTION'
+ if postpone:
+ for attrib in ('DTSTART', 'DTEND', 'DUE'):
+ if component.get(attrib):
+ component[attrib].dt = parse_add_dur(component[attrib].dt, postpone)
@@ -605,122 +615,84 @@ def complete(ctx, **kwargs):
return _edit(ctx, complete=True, **kwargs)
+@click.option('--hours-per-day', help='how many hours per day you expect to be able to dedicate to those tasks/events', default=4)
+@click.option('--limit', help='break after finding this many "panic"-items', default=4096)
-def calculate_panic_time(ctx, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError()
+def calculate_panic_time(ctx, hours_per_day, limit):
+ return _calculate_panic_time(ctx, hours_per_day, limit, output=True)
+def _calculate_panic_time(ctx, hours_per_day, limit, output=True):
+ """Check if we need to panic
+ Assuming we can spend a limited time per day on those tasks
+ (because one also needs to sleep and do other things that are not
+ included in the calendar, or maybe some tasks can only be done
+ while the sun is shining), all tasks/events are processed in order
+ (assumed to be ordered by DTSTART). The algorithm is supposed to
+ find if there are tasks that cannot be accomplished before the
+ DUE. In that case, one should either PANIC or move the DUE.
+ Eventually it will report the total amount of slack found (time we
+ can slack off and still catch all the deadlines) as well as the
+ minimum slack (how long one may snooze before starting working on
+ those tasks).
+ TODO: Only tasks supported so far. It should also warn on
+ overlapping events and substract time spent on events.
+ """
+ tot_slack = None
+ min_slack = None
+ dur_multiplicator = 24/hours_per_day
+ possible_start =
+ panic_objs_found = []
+ for obj in ctx.obj['objs']:
+ if len(panic_objs_found) >= limit:
+ break
+ if not isinstance(obj, caldav.Todo):
+ raise NotImplementedError("Should do calculations on time spent on events and ignore journals ... TODO")
+ else:
+ ## TODO: tasks with recurrence sets should be considered ...
+ ## ... at the other hand, default completion mode in the caldav
+ ## library is "safe", meaning that there shouldn't be recurrence sets
+ comp = obj.icalendar_component
+ duration = obj.get_duration()
+ due = obj.get_due()
+ if due:
+ long_dur = duration*dur_multiplicator
+ good_start = due - long_dur
+ slack = _ensure_ts(good_start) - possible_start
+ if slack <= datetime.timedelta(0):
+ task = comp.get('summary') or comp.get('description') or comp.get('uid')
+ dtstart = comp.get('dtstart')
+ priority = comp.get('priority', 0)
+ if output:
+ click.echo(f"PANIC: task {task} needs attention!")
+ click.echo(f" possible start: {possible_start:%F %H:%M:%S}")
+ click.echo(f" safe start: {good_start:%F %H:%M:%S}")
+ click.echo(f" dtstart: {dtstart.dt:%F %H:%M:%S}")
+ click.echo(f" due: {due:%F %H:%M:%S}")
+ click.echo(f" priority: {priority}")
+ panic_objs_found.append(obj)
+ if tot_slack is None:
+ tot_slack = slack
+ min_slack = slack
+ else:
+ tot_slack = slack
+ min_slack = min(min_slack, tot_slack)
+ possible_start += long_dur
+ panic_time = + min_slack
+ if output:
+ click.echo(f"Total slack found: {tot_slack}")
+ click.echo(f"Minimum slack found: {min_slack}")
+ click.echo(f"Panic time: {panic_time:%F %H:%M:%S}")
+ else:
+ return (panic_objs_found, min_slack, tot_slack, panic_time)
def sum_hours(ctx, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError()
-def i_set_task_attribs(ctx):
- """Interactively populate missing attributes to tasks
- Convenience method for tobixen-style task management. Assumes
- that all tasks ought to have categories, a due date, a priority
- and a duration (estimated minimum time to do the task) set and ask
- for those if it's missing.
- See also, and
- """
- ## Tasks missing a category
- LIMIT = 16
- def _set_something(something, help_text, default=None):
- cond = {f"no_{something}": True}
- if something == 'duration':
- cond['no_dtstart'] = True
- _select(ctx=ctx, todo=True, limit=LIMIT, sort_key=['{DTSTART.dt:?{DUE.dt:?(0000)?}?%F %H:%M:%S}', '{PRIORITY:?0?}'], **cond)
- objs = ctx.obj['objs']
- if objs:
- num = len(objs)
- if num == LIMIT:
- num = f"{LIMIT} or more"
- click.echo(f"There are {num} tasks with no {something} set.")
- if something == 'category':
- _select(ctx=ctx, todo=True)
- cats = list_type(_cats(ctx))
- cats.sort()
- click.echo("List of existing categories in use (if any):")
- click.echo("\n".join(cats))
- click.echo(f"For each task, {help_text}")
- for obj in objs:
- comp = obj.icalendar_component
- summary = comp.get('summary') or comp.get('description') or comp.get('uid')
- value = click.prompt(summary)
- if not value and default:
- value = default
- if something == 'category':
- comp.add('categories', value.split(','))
- elif something == 'due':
- obj.set_due(parse_dt(value), move_dtstart=True)
- elif something == 'duration':
- obj.set_duration(parse_add_dur(None, value), movable_attr='DTSTART')
- else:
- comp.add(something, value)
- click.echo()
- ## Tasks missing categories
- _set_something('category', "enter a comma-separated list of categories to be added")
- ## Tasks missing a due date
- _set_something('due', "enter the due date (default +2d)", default="+2d")
- ## Tasks missing a priority date
- message="""Enter the priority - a number between 0 and 9.
-The RFC says that 0 is undefined, 1 is highest and 9 is lowest.
- suggests the following:
-1: The DUE timestamp MUST be met, come hell or high water.
-2: The DUE timestamp SHOULD be met, if we lose it the task becomes irrelevant.
-3: The DUE timestamp SHOULD be met, but worst case we can probably procrastinate it, perhaps we can apply for an extended deadline.
-4: The deadline SHOULD NOT be pushed too much
-5: If the deadline approaches and we have higher-priority tasks that needs to be done, then this task can be procrastinated.
-6: The DUE is advisory only and expected to be pushed - but it would be nice if the task gets done within reasonable time.
-7-9: Low-priority task, it would be nice if the task gets done at all ... but the DUE is overly optimistic and expected to be pushed several times.
- _set_something('priority', message, default="5")
- ## Tasks missing a duration
- message="""Enter the DURATION (i.e. 5h or 2d)
- suggests this to be the estimated efficient work time
-needed to complete the task.
-(According to the RFC, DURATION cannot be combined with DUE, meaning that we
-actually will be setting DTSTART and not DURATION)"""
- _set_something('duration', message)
-def agenda(ctx):
- """
- Convenience command, prints an agenda
- This command is slightly redundant, same results may be obtained by running those two commands in series:
- `select --event --start=now --end=in 32 days --limit=16 list`
- `select --todo --sort '{DTSTART.dt:?{DUE.dt:?(0000)?}?%F %H:%M:%S}' --sort '{PRIORITY:?0}' --limit=16 list`
- agenda is for convenience only and takes no options or parameters.
- Use the select command for advanced usage. See also
- """
- start =
- _select(ctx=ctx, start=start, event=True, end='+30d', limit=16, sort_key=['DTSTART', 'get_duration()'])
- objs = ctx.obj['objs']
- _select(ctx=ctx, start=start, todo=True, end='+30d', limit=16, sort_key=['{DTSTART.dt:?{DUE.dt:?(0000)?}?%F %H:%M:%S}', '{PRIORITY:?0?}'])
- ctx.obj['objs'] = objs + ["======"] + ctx.obj['objs']
- return _list(ctx)
## TODO: all combinations of --first-calendar, --no-first-calendar, --multi-add, --no-multi-add should be tested
@click.option('-l', '--add-ical-line', multiple=True, help="extra ical data to be injected")
@@ -799,6 +771,8 @@ def todo(ctx, **kwargs):
kal add todo "fix all known bugs in calendar-cli"
kal add todo --set-due=2050-12-10 "release calendar-cli version 42.0.0"
+ if not 'status' in kwargs:
+ kwargs['status'] = 'NEEDS-ACTION'
kwargs['summary'] = " ".join(kwargs['summary'])
_process_set_args(ctx, kwargs)
if not ctx.obj['set_args']['summary']:
@@ -835,5 +809,232 @@ def journal():
click.echo("soon you should be able to add journal entries to your calendar")
raise NotImplementedError("foo")
+def agenda(ctx):
+ """
+ Convenience command, prints an agenda
+ This command is slightly redundant, same results may be obtained by running those two commands in series:
+ `select --event --start=now --end=in 32 days --limit=16 list`
+ `select --todo --sort '{DTSTART.dt:?{DUE.dt:?(0000)?}?%F %H:%M:%S}' --sort '{PRIORITY:?0}' --limit=16 list`
+ agenda is for convenience only and takes no options or parameters.
+ Use the select command for advanced usage. See also
+ """
+ start =
+ _select(ctx=ctx, start=start, event=True, end='+30d', limit=16, sort_key=['DTSTART', 'get_duration()'])
+ objs = ctx.obj['objs']
+ _select(ctx=ctx, start=start, todo=True, end='+30d', limit=16, sort_key=['{DTSTART.dt:?{DUE.dt:?(0000)?}?%F %H:%M:%S}', '{PRIORITY:?0?}'])
+ ctx.obj['objs'] = objs + ["======"] + ctx.obj['objs']
+ return _list(ctx)
+def interactive(ctx):
+ """
+ Interactive convenience commands
+ Various convenience methods that will prompt for input
+ """
+@click.option('--limit', help='If more than limit overdue tasks are found, probably we should do a mass procrastination rather than going through one and one task', default=8)
+def check_overdue(ctx, limit):
+ _select(ctx=ctx, todo=True, end='+5m', limit=limit, sort_key=['{DTSTART.dt:?{DUE.dt:?(0000)?}?%F %H:%M:%S}', '{PRIORITY:?0?}'])
+ objs = ctx.obj['objs']
+ #if len(objs) == limit and objs[-1].get('dtstart') ... TODO
+ #click.confirm(f"You seem to have at least {limit} due or overdue tasks. Possibly you would be better off with the dismiss-panic subcommand. Do you want to continue?", abort=True)
+ for obj in objs:
+ comp = obj.icalendar_component
+ summary = comp.get('summary') or comp.get('description') or comp.get('uid')
+ dtstart = comp.get('DTSTART')
+ due = obj.get_due()
+ if not dtstart or not due:
+ click.echo(f"task without dtstart or due found, please run set-task-attribs subcommand. Ignoring {summary}")
+ continue
+ dtstart = dtstart.dt
+ ## TODO: client side filtering in case the server returns too much - should be moved to the caldav library
+ if dtstart.strftime("%F%H%M%S") >"%F%H%M%S"):
+ continue
+ click.echo(f"{dtstart:%F %H:%M:%S} - {due:%F %H:%M:%S}: {summary}")
+ input = click.prompt("postpone <n>d / ignore / complete / cancel ?", default='ignore')
+ if input == 'ignore':
+ continue
+ elif input.startswith('postpone'):
+ obj.set_due(parse_add_dur(due, input.split(' ')[1]), move_dtstart=True)
+ elif input == 'complete':
+ obj.complete(handle_rrule=True)
+ elif input == 'cancel':
+ comp['STATUS'] = 'CANCELLED'
+ else:
+ click.echo(f"unknown instruction '{input}' - ignoring")
+ continue
+@click.option('--hours-per-day', help='how many hours per day you expect to be able to dedicate to those tasks/events', default=4)
+def dismiss_panic(ctx, hours_per_day):
+ """Checks workload, procrastinates tasks
+ Search for panic points, checks if they can be solved by
+ procrastinating tasks, comes up with suggestions
+ """
+ return _dismiss_panic(ctx, hours_per_day)
+def _dismiss_panic(ctx, hours_per_day):
+ ## TODO: fetch both events and tasks
+ _select(ctx=ctx, todo=True, sort_key=['{DTSTART.dt:?{DUE.dt:?(0000)?}?%F %H:%M:%S}{PRIORITY:?0?}'])
+ objs = ctx.obj['objs']
+ get_dtstart = lambda x: _ensure_ts((x.icalendar_component.get('dtstart') or x.icalendar_component.get('due')).dt)
+ (panic_objs, min_slack, tot_slack, panic_time) = _calculate_panic_time(ctx=ctx, output=False, hours_per_day=hours_per_day, limit=1)
+ if not panic_objs:
+ click.echo("No need to panic :-)")
+ return
+ first_objs = [ x for x in objs if get_dtstart(x) <= get_dtstart(panic_objs[0]) ]
+ lowest_pri = max( [ x.icalendar_component.get('priority', 0) for x in first_objs ] )
+ if lowest_pri == 0:
+ _abort("Please assign priority to all your tasks")
+ first_low_pri_tasks = [ x for x in first_objs if x.icalendar_component.get('priority', 0) == lowest_pri ]
+ other_low_pri_tasks = [ x for x in objs if x.icalendar_component.get('priority', 0) >= lowest_pri and get_dtstart(x) > get_dtstart(panic_objs[0]) ]
+ click.echo(f"Lowest-priority conflicting tasks (priority={lowest_pri}):")
+ for obj in first_low_pri_tasks:
+ component = obj.icalendar_component
+ summary = component.get('summary') or component.get('description') or component.get('uid')
+ due = obj.get_due()
+ dtstart = component.get('dtstart') or component.get('due')
+ dtstart = dtstart.dt
+ click.echo(f"Last possible start: {dtstart:%F %H:%M:%S} - Due: {due:%F %H:%M:%S}: {summary}")
+ if lowest_pri == 1:
+ _abort("PANIC! Those are all high-priority tasks and cannot be postponed!")
+ if lowest_pri == 2:
+ _abort("PANIC! Those tasks cannot be postponed. Maybe you want to cancel some of them? (interactive cancelling not supported yet)")
+ procrastination_time = -min_slack/len(first_low_pri_tasks)
+ if procrastination_time.days:
+ procrastination_time = f"{procrastination_time.days+1}d"
+ else:
+ procrastination_time = f"{procrastination_time.seconds//3600+1}h"
+ procrastination_time = click.prompt(f"Push the due-date with ...", default=procrastination_time)
+ ptime = parse_add_dur(None, procrastination_time)
+ for x in first_low_pri_tasks:
+ x.set_due(x.get_due() + ptime, move_dtstart=True)
+ if other_low_pri_tasks:
+ click.echo(f"There are {len(other_low_pri_tasks)} later pri>={lowest_pri} tasks which probably should be postponed")
+ procrastination_time = click.prompt(f"Push the due-date for those with ...", default=procrastination_time)
+ ptime = parse_add_dur(None, procrastination_time)
+ for x in other_low_pri_tasks:
+ x.set_due(x.get_due() + ptime, move_dtstart=True)
+ return _dismiss_panic(ctx, hours_per_day)
+def update_config(ctx):
+ """
+ Edit the config file interactively
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+def set_task_attribs(ctx):
+ """Interactively populate missing attributes to tasks
+ Convenience method for tobixen-style task management. Assumes
+ that all tasks ought to have categories, a due date, a priority
+ and a duration (estimated minimum time to do the task) set and ask
+ for those if it's missing.
+ See also, and
+ """
+ ## Tasks missing a category
+ LIMIT = 16
+ def _set_something(something, help_text, default=None):
+ cond = {f"no_{something}": True}
+ something_ = 'categories' if something == 'category' else something
+ if something == 'duration':
+ something_ = 'dtstart'
+ cond['no_dtstart'] = True
+ _select(ctx=ctx, todo=True, limit=LIMIT, sort_key=['{DTSTART.dt:?{DUE.dt:?(0000)?}?%F %H:%M:%S}', '{PRIORITY:?0?}'], **cond)
+ ## TODO: client-side filtering due to calendar servers that don't support the RFC properly
+ ## "Incompatibility workarounds" should be moved to the caldav library
+ objs = [x for x in ctx.obj['objs'] if not x.icalendar_component.get(something_)]
+ if objs:
+ num = len(objs)
+ if num == LIMIT:
+ num = f"{LIMIT} or more"
+ click.echo(f"There are {num} tasks with no {something} set.")
+ if something == 'category':
+ _select(ctx=ctx, todo=True)
+ cats = list_type(_cats(ctx))
+ cats.sort()
+ click.echo("List of existing categories in use (if any):")
+ click.echo("\n".join(cats))
+ click.echo(f"For each task, {help_text}")
+ for obj in objs:
+ comp = obj.icalendar_component
+ summary = comp.get('summary') or comp.get('description') or comp.get('uid')
+ value = click.prompt(summary, default=default)
+ if something == 'category':
+ comp.add(something_, value.split(','))
+ elif something == 'due':
+ obj.set_due(parse_dt(value, datetime.datetime), move_dtstart=True)
+ elif something == 'duration':
+ obj.set_duration(parse_add_dur(None, value), movable_attr='DTSTART')
+ else:
+ comp.add(something_, value)
+ click.echo()
+ ## Tasks missing categories
+ _set_something('category', "enter a comma-separated list of categories to be added")
+ ## Tasks missing a due date
+ _set_something('due', "enter the due date (default +2d)", default="+2d")
+ ## Tasks missing a priority date
+ message="""Enter the priority - a number between 0 and 9.
+The RFC says that 0 is undefined, 1 is highest and 9 is lowest.
+ suggests the following:
+1: The DUE timestamp MUST be met, come hell or high water.
+2: The DUE timestamp SHOULD be met, if we lose it the task becomes irrelevant.
+3: The DUE timestamp SHOULD be met, but worst case we can probably procrastinate it, perhaps we can apply for an extended deadline.
+4: The deadline SHOULD NOT be pushed too much
+5: If the deadline approaches and we have higher-priority tasks that needs to be done, then this task can be procrastinated.
+6: The DUE is advisory only and expected to be pushed - but it would be nice if the task gets done within reasonable time.
+7-9: Low-priority task, it would be nice if the task gets done at all ... but the DUE is overly optimistic and expected to be pushed several times.
+ _set_something('priority', message, default="5")
+ ## Tasks missing a duration
+ message="""Enter the DURATION (i.e. 5h or 2d)
+ suggests this to be the estimated efficient work time
+needed to complete the task.
+(According to the RFC, DURATION cannot be combined with DUE, meaning that we
+actually will be setting DTSTART and not DURATION)"""
+ _set_something('duration', message)
if __name__ == '__main__':