/* $calcurse: apoint.c,v 1.17 2007/08/15 15:33:54 culot Exp $ */ /* * Calcurse - text-based organizer * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Frederic Culot * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Send your feedback or comments to : calcurse@culot.org * Calcurse home page : http://culot.org/calcurse * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <time.h> #include "i18n.h" #include "vars.h" #include "event.h" #include "apoint.h" #include "day.h" #include "custom.h" #include "utils.h" #include "notify.h" #include "recur.h" #include "calendar.h" apoint_llist_t *alist_p; static int hilt = 0; int apoint_llist_init(void) { alist_p = (apoint_llist_t *) malloc(sizeof(apoint_llist_t)); alist_p->root = NULL; pthread_mutex_init(&(alist_p->mutex), NULL); return 0; } /* Sets which appointment is highlighted. */ void apoint_hilt_set(int highlighted) { hilt = highlighted; } void apoint_hilt_decrease(void) { hilt--; } void apoint_hilt_increase(void) { hilt++; } /* Return which appointment is highlighted. */ int apoint_hilt(void) { return (hilt); } apoint_llist_node_t * apoint_new(char *mesg, long start, long dur, char state) { apoint_llist_node_t *o, **i; o = (apoint_llist_node_t *) malloc(sizeof(apoint_llist_node_t)); o->mesg = (char *) malloc(strlen(mesg) + 1); strncpy(o->mesg, mesg, strlen(mesg) + 1); o->state = state; o->start = start; o->dur = dur; pthread_mutex_lock(&(alist_p->mutex)); i = &alist_p->root; for (;;) { if (*i == 0 || (*i)->start > start) { o->next = *i; *i = o; break; } i = &(*i)->next; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(alist_p->mutex)); return o; } /* * Add an item in either the appointment or the event list, * depending if the start time is entered or not. */ void apoint_add(void) { #define LTIME 6 char *mesg_1 = _("Enter start time ([hh:mm] or [h:mm]), leave blank for an all-day event : "); char *mesg_2 = _("Enter end time ([hh:mm] or [h:mm]) or duration (in minutes) : "); char *mesg_3 = _("Enter description :"); char *format_message_1 = _("You entered an invalid start time, should be [h:mm] or [hh:mm]"); char *format_message_2 = _("You entered an invalid end time, should be [h:mm] or [hh:mm] or [mm]"); char *enter_str = _("Press [Enter] to continue"); int Id = 1; char item_time[LTIME] = ""; char item_mesg[BUFSIZ] = ""; long apoint_duration = 0, apoint_start; apoint_llist_node_t *apoint_pointeur; struct event_s *event_pointeur; unsigned heures, minutes; unsigned end_h, end_m; int is_appointment = 1; /* Get the starting time */ while (check_time(item_time) != 1) { status_mesg(mesg_1, ""); if (getstring(swin, item_time, LTIME, 0, 1) != GETSTRING_ESC) { if (strlen(item_time) == 0){ is_appointment = 0; break; } else if (check_time(item_time) != 1) { status_mesg(format_message_1, enter_str); wgetch(swin); } else sscanf(item_time, "%u:%u", &heures, &minutes); } else return; } /* * Check if an event or appointment is entered, * depending on the starting time, and record the * corresponding item. */ if (is_appointment){ /* Get the appointment duration */ item_time[0] = '\0'; while (check_time(item_time) == 0) { status_mesg(mesg_2, ""); if (getstring(swin, item_time, LTIME, 0, 1) != GETSTRING_VALID) return; //nothing entered, cancel adding of event else if (check_time(item_time) == 0) { status_mesg(format_message_2, enter_str); wgetch(swin); } else { if (check_time(item_time) == 2) apoint_duration = atoi(item_time); else if (check_time(item_time) == 1) { sscanf(item_time, "%u:%u", &end_h, &end_m); if (end_h < heures){ apoint_duration = MININSEC - minutes + end_m + (24 + end_h - (heures + 1)) * MININSEC; } else { apoint_duration = MININSEC - minutes + end_m + (end_h - (heures + 1)) * MININSEC; } } } } } else /* Insert the event Id */ Id = 1; status_mesg(mesg_3, ""); if (getstring(swin, item_mesg, BUFSIZ, 0, 1) == GETSTRING_VALID) { if (is_appointment) { apoint_start = date2sec(*calendar_get_slctd_day(), heures, minutes); apoint_pointeur = apoint_new(item_mesg, apoint_start, min2sec(apoint_duration), 0L); if (notify_bar()) notify_check_added(item_mesg, apoint_start, 0L); } else event_pointeur = event_new(item_mesg, date2sec(*calendar_get_slctd_day(), 12, 0), Id); if (hilt == 0) hilt++; } erase_status_bar(); } /* Delete an item from the appointment list. */ void apoint_delete(conf_t *conf, unsigned *nb_events, unsigned *nb_apoints) { char *choices = "[y/n] "; char *del_app_str = _("Do you really want to delete this item ?"); const char *errmsg = _("FATAL ERROR in apoint_delete: no such type\n"); long date; int nb_items = *nb_apoints + *nb_events; bool go_for_deletion = false; int to_be_removed = 0; int answer = 0; int deleted_item_type = 0; date = calendar_get_slctd_day_sec(); if (conf->confirm_delete) { status_mesg(del_app_str, choices); answer = wgetch(swin); if ( (answer == 'y') && (nb_items != 0) ) go_for_deletion = true; else { erase_status_bar(); return; } } else if (nb_items != 0) go_for_deletion = true; if (go_for_deletion) { if (nb_items != 0) { deleted_item_type = day_erase_item(date, hilt, 0); if (deleted_item_type == EVNT || deleted_item_type == RECUR_EVNT) { (*nb_events)--; to_be_removed = 1; } else if (deleted_item_type == APPT || deleted_item_type == RECUR_APPT) { (*nb_apoints)--; to_be_removed = 3; } else if (deleted_item_type == 0) { to_be_removed = 0; } else ierror(errmsg); /* NOTREACHED */ if (hilt > 1) hilt--; if (apad->first_onscreen >= to_be_removed) apad->first_onscreen = apad->first_onscreen - to_be_removed; if (nb_items == 1) hilt = 0; } } } unsigned apoint_inday(apoint_llist_node_t *i, long start) { if (i->start <= start + DAYINSEC && i->start + i->dur > start) { return 1; } return 0; } void apoint_sec2str(apoint_llist_node_t *o, int type, long day, char *start, char *end) { struct tm *lt; time_t t; if (o->start < day && type == APPT) { strncpy(start, "..:..", 6); } else { t = o->start; lt = localtime(&t); snprintf(start, HRMIN_SIZE, "%02u:%02u", lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min); } if (o->start + o->dur > day + DAYINSEC && type == APPT) { strncpy(end, "..:..", 6); } else { t = o->start + o->dur; lt = localtime(&t); snprintf(end, HRMIN_SIZE, "%02u:%02u", lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min); } } void apoint_write(apoint_llist_node_t *o, FILE * f) { struct tm *lt; time_t t; t = o->start; lt = localtime(&t); fprintf(f, "%02u/%02u/%04u @ %02u:%02u", lt->tm_mon + 1, lt->tm_mday, 1900 + lt->tm_year, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min); t = o->start + o->dur; lt = localtime(&t); fprintf(f, " -> %02u/%02u/%04u @ %02u:%02u ", lt->tm_mon + 1, lt->tm_mday, 1900 + lt->tm_year, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min); if (o->state & APOINT_NOTIFY) fprintf(f, "!"); else fprintf(f, "|"); fprintf(f, "%s\n", o->mesg); } apoint_llist_node_t * apoint_scan(FILE * f, struct tm start, struct tm end, char state) { struct tm *lt; char buf[MESG_MAXSIZE], *nl; time_t tstart, tend, t; t = time(NULL); lt = localtime(&t); /* Read the appointment description */ fgets(buf, MESG_MAXSIZE, f); nl = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (nl) { *nl = '\0'; } start.tm_sec = end.tm_sec = 0; start.tm_isdst = end.tm_isdst = -1; start.tm_year -= 1900; start.tm_mon--; end.tm_year -= 1900; end.tm_mon--; tstart = mktime(&start); tend = mktime(&end); if (tstart == -1 || tend == -1 || tstart > tend) { fputs(_("FATAL ERROR in apoint_scan: date error in the appointment\n"), stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return apoint_new(buf, tstart, tend - tstart, state); } void apoint_delete_bynum(long start, unsigned num) { unsigned n; int need_check_notify = 0; apoint_llist_node_t *i, **iptr; n = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&(alist_p->mutex)); iptr = &alist_p->root; for (i = alist_p->root; i != 0; i = i->next) { if (apoint_inday(i, start)) { if (n == num) { if (notify_bar()) need_check_notify = notify_same_item(i->start); *iptr = i->next; free(i->mesg); free(i); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(alist_p->mutex)); if (need_check_notify) notify_check_next_app(); return; } n++; } iptr = &i->next; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(alist_p->mutex)); /* NOTREACHED */ ierror(_("FATAL ERROR in apoint_delete_bynum: no such appointment")); } /* * Print an item date in the appointment panel. */ void display_item_date(WINDOW *win, int incolor, apoint_llist_node_t *i, int type, long date, int y, int x) { char a_st[100], a_end[100]; int recur = 0; apoint_sec2str(i, type, date, a_st, a_end); if (type == RECUR_EVNT || type == RECUR_APPT) recur = 1; if (incolor == 0) custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); if (recur) if (i->state & APOINT_NOTIFY) mvwprintw(win, y, x, " *!%s -> %s", a_st, a_end); else mvwprintw(win, y, x, " * %s -> %s", a_st, a_end); else if (i->state & APOINT_NOTIFY) mvwprintw(win, y, x, " -!%s -> %s", a_st, a_end); else mvwprintw(win, y, x, " - %s -> %s", a_st, a_end); if (incolor == 0) custom_remove_attr(awin, ATTR_HIGHEST); } /* * Return the line number of an item (either an appointment or an event) in * the appointment panel. This is to help the appointment scroll function * to place beggining of the pad correctly. */ static int get_item_line(int item_nb, int nb_events_inday) { int separator = 2; int line = 0; if (item_nb <= nb_events_inday) line = item_nb - 1; else line = nb_events_inday + separator + (item_nb - (nb_events_inday + 1))*3 - 1; return line; } /* * Update (if necessary) the first displayed pad line to make the * appointment panel scroll down next time pnoutrefresh is called. */ void apoint_scroll_pad_down(int nb_events_inday, int win_length) { int pad_last_line = 0; int item_first_line = 0, item_last_line = 0; int borders = 6; int awin_length = win_length - borders; item_first_line = get_item_line(hilt, nb_events_inday); if (hilt < nb_events_inday) item_last_line = item_first_line; else item_last_line = item_first_line + 1; pad_last_line = apad->first_onscreen + awin_length; if (item_last_line >= pad_last_line) apad->first_onscreen = item_last_line - awin_length; } /* * Update (if necessary) the first displayed pad line to make the * appointment panel scroll up next time pnoutrefresh is called. */ void apoint_scroll_pad_up(int nb_events_inday) { int item_first_line = 0; item_first_line = get_item_line(hilt, nb_events_inday); if (item_first_line < apad->first_onscreen) apad->first_onscreen = item_first_line; } /* * Look in the appointment list if we have an item which starts before the item * stored in the notify_app structure (which is the next item to be notified). */ struct notify_app_s * apoint_check_next(struct notify_app_s *app, long start) { apoint_llist_node_t *i; pthread_mutex_lock(&(alist_p->mutex)); for (i = alist_p->root; i != 0; i = i->next) { if (i->start > app->time) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(alist_p->mutex)); return app; } else { if (i->start > start) { app->time = i->start; app->txt = mycpy(i->mesg); app->state = i->state; app->got_app = 1; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(alist_p->mutex)); return app; } /* * Returns a structure of type apoint_llist_t given a structure of type * recur_apoint_s */ apoint_llist_node_t *apoint_recur_s2apoint_s( recur_apoint_llist_node_t *p) { apoint_llist_node_t *a; a = (apoint_llist_node_t *) malloc(sizeof(apoint_llist_node_t)); a->mesg = (char *) malloc(strlen(p->mesg) + 1); a->start = p->start; a->dur = p->dur; a->mesg = p->mesg; return a; } /* * Switch notification state. */ void apoint_switch_notify(void) { apoint_llist_node_t *apoint; struct day_item_s *p; long date; int apoint_nb = 0, n, need_chk_notify; p = day_get_item(hilt); if (p->type != APPT && p->type != RECUR_APPT) return; date = calendar_get_slctd_day_sec(); if (p->type == RECUR_APPT) { recur_apoint_switch_notify(date, p->appt_pos); return; } else if (p->type == APPT) apoint_nb = day_item_nb(date, hilt, APPT); n = 0; need_chk_notify = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&(alist_p->mutex)); for (apoint = alist_p->root; apoint != 0; apoint = apoint->next) { if (apoint_inday(apoint, date)) { if (n == apoint_nb) { apoint->state ^= APOINT_NOTIFY; if (notify_bar()) notify_check_added(apoint->mesg, apoint->start, apoint->state); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(alist_p->mutex)); if (need_chk_notify) notify_check_next_app(); return; } n++; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(alist_p->mutex)); /* NOTREACHED */ ierror( _("FATAL ERROR in apoint_switch_notify: no such appointment")); } /* Updates the Appointment panel */ void apoint_update_panel(window_t *winapp, int which_pan) { int title_xpos; int bordr = 1; int title_lines = 3; int app_width = winapp->w - bordr; int app_length = winapp->h - bordr - title_lines; long date; date_t slctd_date; /* variable inits */ slctd_date = *calendar_get_slctd_day(); title_xpos = winapp->w - (strlen(_(monthnames[slctd_date.mm - 1])) + 16); if (slctd_date.dd < 10) title_xpos++; date = date2sec(slctd_date, 0, 0); day_write_pad(date, app_width, app_length, hilt); /* Print current date in the top right window corner. */ erase_window_part(awin, 1, title_lines, winapp->w - 2, winapp->h - 2); custom_apply_attr(awin, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(awin, title_lines, title_xpos, "%s %s %d, %d", calendar_get_pom(date), _(monthnames[slctd_date.mm - 1]), slctd_date.dd, slctd_date.yyyy); custom_remove_attr(awin, ATTR_HIGHEST); /* Draw the scrollbar if necessary. */ if ((apad->length >= app_length)||(apad->first_onscreen > 0)) { float ratio = ((float) app_length) / ((float) apad->length); int sbar_length = (int) (ratio * app_length); int highend = (int) (ratio * apad->first_onscreen); bool hilt_bar = (which_pan == APPOINTMENT) ? true : false; int sbar_top = highend + title_lines + 1; if ((sbar_top + sbar_length) > winapp->h - 1) sbar_length = winapp->h - 1 - sbar_top; draw_scrollbar(awin, sbar_top, winapp->w - 2, sbar_length, title_lines + 1, winapp->h - 1, hilt_bar); } wnoutrefresh(awin); pnoutrefresh(apad->ptrwin, apad->first_onscreen, 0, winapp->y + title_lines + 1, winapp->x + bordr, winapp->y + winapp->h - 2*bordr, winapp->x + winapp->w - 3*bordr); }