calcurse TODO list

Here is a list of modifications we will perform on calcurse in future releases.
They are grouped into three different priority categories. Feel free to send us
an email ( if you would like to see a feature added in
calcurse which does not appear in this list.


* Add a key binding to toggle between visible/hidden tasks inside todo panel
* Add an optional argument to the --next flag to check for next appointment
  starting from the specified time
* Improve the way one can specify a duration (allowing something like
* Implement word-wrap in the sidebar
* Support additional iCalendar keywords in appointment/event/todo notes (see


* Add support for CalDAV protocol (rfc4791)
* Add support for ical's BYDAY recursion modifier (to express recurrences
  like 'every monday' for example)
* Implement user-definable categories to classify appointments and tasks
* Implement copy/paste functionality
* Implement support for a journal


* All status bars should be terminal-size dependant (config_bar is not)
* Compute Easter sunday