# NPCD.cfg - sample configuration file for PNPs NPCD
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as 
# published by the Free Software Foundation;
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

# Privilege Options

user = nagios
group = nagios

#			#
# Logging Options	#
#			#

# log_type - define if you want your logs to 
# 'syslog' or to a 'file'
# log_type = <value>

log_type = file
#log_type = syslog

# log_file - define a path to your logfile
# needed if 'log_type'='file'
# log_file = </path/to/logpath/filename>

log_file = /var/pnp4nagios/npcd.log

# max_logfile_size - defines the maximum filesize (bytes)
# before the logfile will rotated.
# max_logfile_size = <value> (default 10Mbyte)

max_logfile_size = 10485760

# log_level - how much should we log?
# log_level = <integer value>
#  0 = No logging - except errors
#  1 = Small logging - some few more output
#  2 = More Logging (actual ALL logs)
# -1 = DEBUG Mode - ALL Logging and slower processing

log_level = 0

#			#
#			#

# perfdata_spool_dir - where we can find the 
# performance data files
# perfdata_spool_dir = </path/to/directory/>

perfdata_spool_dir = /var/pnp4nagios/perfdata/spool/

# Execute following command for each found file
# in 'perfdata_spool_dir'
# perfdata_file_run_cmd = </path/to/command>
# Must be executable by user/group from above
# perfdata_file_run_cmd = </path/to/filename>

perfdata_file_run_cmd = /usr/lib/pnp4nagios/process_perfdata.pl

# perfdata_file_run_cmd_args (optional) 
# If you wish, you can apply more arguments to the
# perfdata_file_run_cmd
# Hint:
# NPCD will create a command line like this:
# '<perfdata_file_run_cmd> <perfdata_file_run_cmd_args> <filename_from_spool_dir>'

perfdata_file_run_cmd_args = -b

# identify_npcd (optional)
# If set to one (by default) npcd will append
# '-n' to the perfdata_file_run_cmd
# identify_npcd = 0|1 (default: 1)

identify_npcd = 1

# npcd_max_threads - define how many parallel threads we 
# should start

npcd_max_threads = 5

# sleep_time - how many seconds npcd should wait between dirscans
# sleep_time = 15 (default)

sleep_time = 15

# load_threshold - npcd won't start new threads
# if your system load is above this threshold
# load_threshold = <float value> (default: 0.0)
# Hint: Do not use "," as decimal delimiter
# 07/15/2008: Every value above 0.0 will
#             enable this feature

load_threshold = 0.0

# location of your pid file


#                       #
#                       #

# perfdata_file - where should the npcdmod.o 
# write the performance data
# must not be within the same directory as
# perfdata_spool_dir
# perfdata_file = </path/to/file>

perfdata_file = /var/pnp4nagios/perfdata.dump

# perfdata_spool_filename - declare the destination
# filename for the spooled files
# This option allows you a customized filename.
# Usefull if you own different nagios servers 
# which write their data to a shared storage.
# perfdata_spool_filename = <filename>
# Hint: 
# The final files will be moved to 
#  'perfdata_spool_dir/perfdata_spool_filename-TIMESTAMP'
# Example:
# perfdata_spool_filename = perfdata-NY
# perfdata_spool_filename = perfdata-LA

perfdata_spool_filename = perfdata

# perfdata_file_processing_interval
perfdata_file_processing_interval = 15

# We have to end with a newline