# Maintainer: psykose pkgname=libkcapi pkgver=1.4.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Linux Kernel Crypto API User Space Interface Library" url="https://www.chronox.de/libkcapi.html" arch="all" license="BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only" makedepends=" autoconf automake libtool linux-headers " checkdepends="bash openssl" subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-tools $pkgname-doc" source="https://www.chronox.de/libkcapi/libkcapi-$pkgver.tar.xz no-werror.patch " # requires AF_ALG support and enablement of ktls on running kernel options="!check" prepare() { default_prepare autoreconf -fvi } build() { CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -flto=auto" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --build=$CBUILD \ --host=$CHOST \ --enable-kcapi-hasher \ --enable-kcapi-speed \ --enable-kcapi-rngapp \ --enable-kcapi-encapp \ --enable-kcapi-dgstapp \ --enable-kcapi-test \ --disable-static make } check() { local tests=" hasher-test.sh kcapi-convenience.sh kcapi-dgst-test.sh kcapi-enc-test-large.sh kcapi-enc-test.sh kcapi-fuzz-test.sh " for test in $tests; do msg "testing $test" ./test/$test done } package() { make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install rm "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/.[!.]* rm "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/.[!.]* rm "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/fips* rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/libexec/ cd "$pkgdir"/usr/bin # rename generic utils to not conflict with generic names. the options # aren't guaranteed to be compatible for tool in sha* md5* sm3*; do mv $tool kcapi-$tool done } tools() { pkgdesc="$pkgdesc (commandline utilities)" amove usr/bin } sha512sums=" fa3df1fe22eba32585de5df044f907d3ad189c33f5704fe29b0fdeda92e772ef077055b80e17bc1646a8cdedaf4f195aadf0b133f493597f0f7657b04ea93a99 libkcapi-1.4.0.tar.xz a5b38f49a7bb07eb57523566e065bad702999d8be21fa6cd8a01af1b60e9bd8fbb6fd9cf71f70dca7d616aa381475273d995841b8580f91418fb0094263e6402 no-werror.patch "