# Contributor: Kevin Daudt # Maintainer: Kevin Daudt pkgname=py3-flit pkgver=3.9.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="simple packaging tool for simple packages" url="https://flit.readthedocs.io/" arch="noarch" license="BSD-3-Clause" depends=" py3-docutils py3-flit-core py3-requests py3-tomli-w " makedepends=" py3-installer " checkdepends=" py3-pytest-cov py3-responses py3-testpath " subpackages="$pkgname-pyc" source="https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/f/flit/flit-$pkgver.tar.gz tests-use-python3.patch " builddir="$srcdir/flit-$pkgver" build() { # temp hack to not pull in all of py3-build mkdir dist python3 - <<-EOF import flit_core.buildapi as buildapi name = buildapi.build_wheel('./dist') print(name) EOF } check() { # Necessary for sdist tests git init -q git add . git -c user.email='test@test.test' -c user.name='test' commit -qm. || true # pep621 - needs pip # install_reqs_my_python_if_needed - needs pip # invalid_classifier - needs network access # install_reqs_my_python_if_needed - needs pip # test_symlink_data_dir - needs pip # test_install_data_dir - needs pip local _disabled_tests=" test_install_module_pep621 and not test_symlink_module_pep621 and not test_invalid_classifier and not install_reqs_my_python_if_needed and not test_symlink_data_dir and not test_install_data_dir" # shellcheck disable=SC2116 pytest -v -k "not $(echo $_disabled_tests)" rm -rf .git } package() { python3 -m installer -d "$pkgdir" \ dist/flit-$pkgver-py3-none-any.whl } sha512sums=" 3cbca4530fe463e27fb43130e0d00681e63434bdd552bd61b4a2f3b7967729d9d9a49c69b1a2380ed99bcca1e66a38e592f41cbe38a471d3e7297ab00cdabc29 flit-3.9.0.tar.gz 0230150d17cfa1590fc8cc7fee06896d4dcc52dada50415d1035332f5a2d5d6f2970bf5e6adf34750761649c8285fa1969cc0261c60f470e89231bac466c88fb tests-use-python3.patch "