# Policy for APKBUILDs This documents defines a policy for writing APKBUILDs. # Standard selection APKBUILDs are POSIX shell scripts as defined in [POSIX.1-2017 Volume 3] [POSIX.1-2017 volume 3]. Additionally, the following extensions are supported: 1. The `local` keyword for introducing variables local to a function is supported, it is briefly documented in the [bash manual][bash functions]. 2. Non-POSIX [parameter extensions][POSIX.1-2017 parameter expansion] are supported. This includes: Substring expansions (e.g. `${var:offset:length}`) and Replacement expansions (e.g. `${var/pattern/string}`). The [bash manual][bash expansion] contains further information on these two expansions. **NOTE:** `busybox ash` is currently used to evaluate APKBUILDs since it supports additional POSIX shell extensions your APKBUILD might be evaluated correctly even if it is not confirming to this policy document. # Shell Style Considerations ## Formatting ### Indention Indent with tabs, don't use spaces. Avoid whitespaces. ### Line Length Maximum line length is 80 characters, this should be considered a recommendation and not a strict requirement which must be followed at all costs. Most notably, automatically generated parts (e.g. by `abuild checksum`) are except from this rule. ### Compound Statements Put `; do` and `; then` on the same line as the `while`, `for` or `if`. ### Function Declarations * Always put the function name, the parenthesis and the curly brackets on the same line. * Don't use spacing between function name and parenthesis. * Do use spacing between function parenthesis and curly brackets. ### Case statement * Don't indent alternatives. * A one-line alternative needs a space after the close parenthesis of the pattern and before the `;;`. * End the last case with `;;`. ### Variable expansion * Use `${var}` over `$var` only when it is strictly necessary. Meaning: Only if the character following the [variable name][POSIX.1-2017 definition name] is an underscore or an alphanumeric character. ### Quoting * Always quote string literals (exceptions are assigning `pkgname` and `pkgver`, more on this below). * Always quote variables, command substitutions or shell meta characters when used in strings. Prefer `"$var"/foo/bar` over `"$var/foo/bar"`. * Never quote literal integers. ## Features ### Command Substitution * Always use `$()` instead of backticks. ### Test and [ * Prefer `[` over `test(1)`. ## Naming Conventions ### Function Names * Lower-case, with underscores to separate words. Prefix all helper functions with an underscore character. ### Variable Names * Lower-case, with underscores to separate words. Prefix all non-metadata variables with an underscore character. ### Use Local Variables * Declare function-specific variables with the `local` keyword. ## Calling Commands ### Command Substitutions and Global Variables * Avoid command Substitutions in global variables, use parameter expansions instead. ### Return Values * APKBUILDs are executed with `set -e`, explicit `|| return 1` statements must not be used. ## Comments ### Spacing * All comments begin with an ASCII space character, e.g. `# foo`. ### TODO Comments * Use TODO comments for code that is temporary, a short-term solution, or good-enough but not perfect. # APKBUILD style considerations ## Comments ### Contributor Comment * All APKBUILDs may begin with one or more contributor comments (one per line) containing a valid [RFC 5322][RFC 5322] address. For example, `# Contributor: Max Mustermann `. ### Maintainer Comment * All APKBUILDs contain exactly one maintainer comment containing a valid RFC 5322 address. For example, `# Maintainer: Max Mustermann `. * The Maintainer comment should immediately follow the Contributor comment(s). * In the case of package being abandoned, the comment should still be present, but left empty: `# Maintainer:`. ## Metadata Variables Metadata Variables are variables used directly by abuild itself, e.g. `pkgname` or `depends`. ### Metadata Values * `pkgname` must only contain lowercase characters. * `pkgname` must match the name of the directory the `APKBUILD` file is located in. ### Variable Assignments * Empty Metadata Variable assignments, e.g. `install=""` must be removed. * The Metadata Variable `builddir` defaults to `$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver` and should only be assigned if the default values is not appropriate. ### Assignment Order * All Metadata Variables (except checksums) must be declared before the first function declaration. * Checksum Metadata Variables must be declared after the last function declaration, `abuild checksum` will automatically take care of this. ## Build Functions ### Function Declaration * Functions should be declared in the order they are called by abuild. * All functions are executed in `"$builddir"` explicit directory changes to `$builddir` must be avoided (if possible). * Variables local to functions must always be declared with the `local` keyword. ### Function Overwriting * If the `prepare` function is overwritten it should always call `default_prepare`. [POSIX.1-2017 volume 3]: https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/idx/xcu.html [POSIX.1-2017 parameter expansion]: https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html#tag_18_06_02 [POSIX.1-2017 definition name]: https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap03.html#tag_03_235 [bash functions]: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Shell-Functions [bash expansion]: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Shell-Parameter-Expansion [RFC 5322]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322