  Save g:ale_command_wrapper

  let g:ale_command_wrapper = ''

  function! TestCommand(expected_part, input) abort
    let l:expected = has('win32')
    \ ? 'cmd /s/c "' . a:expected_part . '"'
    \ : split(&shell) + split(&shellcmdflag) + [a:expected_part]

    AssertEqual l:expected, ale#job#PrepareCommand(bufnr(''), a:input)


  unlet! b:ale_command_wrapper

  delfunction TestCommand

Execute(The command wrapper should work with a nice command):
  let b:ale_command_wrapper = 'nice -n 5'

  call TestCommand('nice -n 5 foo bar', 'foo bar')

Execute(The command wrapper should work with a nice command with an explicit marker):
  let b:ale_command_wrapper = 'nice -n 5 %*'

  call TestCommand('nice -n 5 foo bar', 'foo bar')

Execute(Wrappers with spread arguments in the middle should be suppported):
  let b:ale_command_wrapper = 'wrap %* --'

  call TestCommand('wrap foo bar --', 'foo bar')

Execute(Wrappers with the command as one argument should be supported):
  let b:ale_command_wrapper = 'wrap -c %@ -x'

  call TestCommand('wrap -c ' . ale#Escape('foo bar') . ' -x', 'foo bar')

Execute(&& and ; should be moved to the front):
  let b:ale_command_wrapper = 'wrap -c %@ -x'

  call TestCommand('foo && bar; wrap -c ' . ale#Escape('baz') . ' -x', 'foo && bar;baz')

  let b:ale_command_wrapper = 'nice -n 5'

  call TestCommand('foo && bar; nice -n 5 baz -z', 'foo && bar;baz -z')