Before: let g:exists = exists('$TMPDIR') let g:old_value = $TMPDIR After: if g:exists let $TMPDIR = g:old_value else silent! unlet! $TMPDIR endif unlet! g:exists unlet! g:old_value Execute(ale#util#Tempname shouldn't set $TMPDIR to an empty string if it isn't set): " You can't run this test twice on old Vim versions. if has('unix') Assert ale#util#Tempname() =~# '^/tmp' Assert !exists('$TMPDIR'), '$TMPDIR exists where it shouldn''t' endif Execute(ale#util#Tempname shouldn't replace $TMPDIR and reset them to an empty string): if has('unix') let $TMPDIR = '' Assert ale#util#Tempname() =~# '^/tmp' if !has('nvim') Assert exists('$TMPDIR'), '$TMPDIR doesn''t exist where it should' endif AssertEqual '', $TMPDIR endif