Before: let g:can_run_socket_tests = !has('win32') \ && (exists('*ch_close') || exists('*chanclose')) if g:can_run_socket_tests call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test') let g:channel_id_received = 0 let g:data_received = '' function! WaitForData(expected_data, timeout) abort let l:ticks = 0 while l:ticks < a:timeout " Sleep first, so we can switch to the callback. let l:ticks += 10 sleep 10ms if g:data_received is# a:expected_data break endif endwhile endfunction function! TestCallback(channel_id, data) abort let g:channel_id_received = a:channel_id let g:data_received .= a:data endfunction let g:port = 10347 let g:pid = str2nr(system( \ 'python' \ . ' ' . ale#Escape(g:dir . '/') \ . ' ' . g:port \)) endif After: if g:can_run_socket_tests call ale#test#RestoreDirectory() unlet! g:channel_id_received unlet! g:data_received unlet! g:channel_id delfunction WaitForData delfunction TestCallback if has_key(g:, 'pid') call system('kill ' . g:pid) endif unlet! g:pid unlet! g:port endif unlet! g:can_run_socket_tests Execute(Sending and receiving connections to sockets should work): if g:can_run_socket_tests let g:channel_id = ale#socket#Open( \ '' . g:port, \ {'callback': function('TestCallback')} \) Assert g:channel_id >= 0, 'The socket was not opened!' call ale#socket#Send(g:channel_id, 'hello') call ale#socket#Send(g:channel_id, ' world') AssertEqual 1, ale#socket#IsOpen(g:channel_id) " Wait up to 1 second for the expected data to arrive. call WaitForData('hello world', 1000) AssertEqual g:channel_id, g:channel_id_received AssertEqual 'hello world', g:data_received call ale#socket#Close(g:channel_id) AssertEqual 0, ale#socket#IsOpen(g:channel_id) endif " NeoVim versions which can't connect to sockets should just fail. if has('nvim') && !exists('*chanclose') AssertEqual -1, ale#socket#Open( \ '', \ {'callback': function('function')} \) endif