Before: call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test') call ale#test#SetFilename('dummy.txt') let g:old_filename = expand('%:p') let g:Callback = '' let g:expr_list = [] let g:message_list = [] let g:handle_code_action_called = 0 let g:code_actions = [] let g:options = {} let g:capability_checked = '' let g:conn_id = v:null let g:InitCallback = v:null runtime autoload/ale/lsp_linter.vim runtime autoload/ale/lsp.vim runtime autoload/ale/util.vim runtime autoload/ale/organize_imports.vim runtime autoload/ale/code_action.vim function! ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(buffer, linter, Callback) abort let g:conn_id = ale#lsp#Register('executable', '/foo/bar', {}) call ale#lsp#MarkDocumentAsOpen(g:conn_id, a:buffer) if a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver' call ale#lsp#MarkConnectionAsTsserver(g:conn_id) endif let l:details = { \ 'command': 'foobar', \ 'buffer': a:buffer, \ 'connection_id': g:conn_id, \ 'project_root': '/foo/bar', \} let g:InitCallback = {-> ale#lsp_linter#OnInit(a:linter, l:details, a:Callback)} endfunction function! ale#lsp#HasCapability(conn_id, capability) abort let g:capability_checked = a:capability return 1 endfunction function! ale#lsp#RegisterCallback(conn_id, callback) abort let g:Callback = a:callback endfunction function! ale#lsp#Send(conn_id, message) abort call add(g:message_list, a:message) return 42 endfunction function! ale#util#Execute(expr) abort call add(g:expr_list, a:expr) endfunction function! ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(code_action, options) abort let g:handle_code_action_called = 1 Assert !get(a:options, 'should_save') call add(g:code_actions, a:code_action) endfunction After: if g:conn_id isnot v:null call ale#lsp#RemoveConnectionWithID(g:conn_id) endif call ale#references#SetMap({}) call ale#test#RestoreDirectory() call ale#linter#Reset() unlet! g:capability_checked unlet! g:InitCallback unlet! g:old_filename unlet! g:conn_id unlet! g:Callback unlet! g:message_list unlet! g:expr_list unlet! b:ale_linters unlet! g:options unlet! g:code_actions unlet! g:handle_code_action_called runtime autoload/ale/lsp_linter.vim runtime autoload/ale/lsp.vim runtime autoload/ale/util.vim runtime autoload/ale/organize_imports.vim runtime autoload/ale/code_action.vim Execute(Other messages for the tsserver handler should be ignored): call ale#organize_imports#HandleTSServerResponse(1, {'command': 'foo'}) AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 0 Execute(Failed organizeImports responses should be handled correctly): call ale#organize_imports#HandleTSServerResponse( \ 1, \ {'command': 'organizeImports', 'request_seq': 3} \) AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 0 Execute(Code actions from tsserver should be handled): call ale#organize_imports#HandleTSServerResponse(1, { \ 'command': 'organizeImports', \ 'request_seq': 3, \ 'success': v:true, \ 'body': [], \}) AssertEqual g:handle_code_action_called, 1 AssertEqual [{ \ 'description': 'Organize Imports', \ 'changes': [], \}], g:code_actions Given typescript(Some typescript file): foo somelongerline bazxyzxyzxyz Execute(tsserver organize imports requests should be sent): call ale#linter#Reset() runtime ale_linters/typescript/tsserver.vim ALEOrganizeImports " We shouldn't register the callback yet. AssertEqual '''''', string(g:Callback) AssertEqual type(function('type')), type(g:InitCallback) call g:InitCallback() AssertEqual \ 'function(''ale#organize_imports#HandleTSServerResponse'')', \ string(g:Callback) AssertEqual \ [ \ ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Change(bufnr('')), \ [0, 'ts@organizeImports', { \ 'scope': { \ 'type': 'file', \ 'args': { \ 'file': expand('%:p'), \ }, \ }, \ }] \ ], \ g:message_list Given python(Some Python file): foo somelongerline bazxyzxyzxyz Execute(Should result in error message): call ale#linter#Reset() runtime ale_linters/python/pyls.vim let b:ale_linters = ['pyls'] ALEOrganizeImports " We shouldn't register the callback yet. AssertEqual '''''', string(g:Callback) AssertEqual type(function('type')), type(g:InitCallback) call g:InitCallback() AssertEqual [ \ 'echom ''OrganizeImports currently only works with tsserver''', \], g:expr_list