Before: Save g:ale_completion_enabled After: Restore if !g:ale_completion_enabled call ale#completion#Disable() endif Execute(TypeScript completions responses should be parsed correctly): AssertEqual [], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletions({ \ 'body': [], \}) AssertEqual ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletions({ \ 'body': [ \ {'name': 'foo'}, \ {'name': 'bar'}, \ {'name': 'baz'}, \ ], \}) Execute(TypeScript completion details responses should be parsed correctly): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'word': 'abc', \ 'menu': '(property) number', \ 'info': '', \ 'kind': 'f' \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'def', \ 'menu': '(property) Foo.def: number', \ 'info': 'foo bar baz', \ 'kind': 'f' \ }, \ ], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletionEntryDetails({ \ 'body': [ \ { \ 'name': 'abc', \ 'kind': 'parameterName', \ 'displayParts': [ \ {'text': '('}, \ {'text': 'property'}, \ {'text': ')'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'Foo'}, \ {'text': '.'}, \ {'text': 'abc'}, \ {'text': ':'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'number'}, \ ], \ }, \ { \ 'name': 'def', \ 'kind': 'parameterName', \ 'displayParts': [ \ {'text': '('}, \ {'text': 'property'}, \ {'text': ')'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'Foo'}, \ {'text': '.'}, \ {'text': 'def'}, \ {'text': ':'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'number'}, \ ], \ 'documentation': [ \ {'text': 'foo'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'bar'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'baz'}, \ ], \ }, \ ], \}) Given typescript(): let abc = y. let foo = ab let foo = (ab) Execute(Completion should be done after dots in TypeScript): AssertEqual '.', ale#completion#GetPrefix(&filetype, 1, 13) Execute(Completion should be done after words in TypeScript): AssertEqual 'ab', ale#completion#GetPrefix(&filetype, 2, 13) Execute(Completion should be done after words in parens in TypeScript): AssertEqual 'ab', ale#completion#GetPrefix(&filetype, 3, 14) Execute(Completion should not be done after parens in TypeScript): AssertEqual '', ale#completion#GetPrefix(&filetype, 3, 15)