Before: Save g:ale_c_parse_makefile Save g:ale_c_always_make Save b:ale_c_always_make call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test') let g:ale_c_parse_makefile = 1 let g:ale_c_always_make = 1 let b:ale_c_always_make = 1 function SplitAndParse(path_prefix, command) abort let l:args = ale#c#ShellSplit(a:command) return ale#c#ParseCFlags(a:path_prefix, 0, l:args) endfunction After: delfunction SplitAndParse Restore call ale#test#RestoreDirectory() Execute(The make command should be correct): call ale#test#SetFilename('test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir/file.c') AssertEqual \ [ \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 'make -n --always-make', \ ], \ ale#c#GetMakeCommand(bufnr('')) " You should be able to disable --always-make for a buffer. let b:ale_c_always_make = 0 AssertEqual \ [ \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 'make -n', \ ], \ ale#c#GetMakeCommand(bufnr('')) Execute(Should recognize GNUmakefile as a makefile): call ale#test#SetFilename('test_c_projects/gnumakefile_project/file.c') AssertEqual \ [ \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/gnumakefile_project'), \ 'make -n --always-make', \ ], \ ale#c#GetMakeCommand(bufnr('')) Execute(The CFlags parser should be able to parse include directives): call ale#test#SetFilename('test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir/file.c') AssertEqual \ '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')), \ ale#c#ParseCFlagsFromMakeOutput(bufnr(''), ['gcc -Isubdir -c file.c']) AssertEqual \ '-isystem ' . ale#Escape('/usr/include/dir'), \ ale#c#ParseCFlagsFromMakeOutput(bufnr(''), ['gcc -isystem /usr/include/dir -c file.c']) Execute(ParseCFlags should ignore -c and -o): call ale#test#SetFilename('test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir/file.c') AssertEqual \ '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')), \ ale#c#ParseCFlagsFromMakeOutput(bufnr(''), ['gcc -Isubdir -c file.c -o a.out']) Execute(The CFlags parser should be able to parse macro directives): call ale#test#SetFilename('test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir/file.c') AssertEqual \ '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')) \ . ' -DTEST=1', \ ale#c#ParseCFlagsFromMakeOutput(bufnr(''), ['gcc -Isubdir -DTEST=1 -c file.c']) Execute(The CFlags parser should be able to parse macro directives with spaces): call ale#test#SetFilename('test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir/file.c') AssertEqual \ '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')) \ . ' -DTEST=$(( 2 * 4 ))', \ ale#c#ParseCFlagsFromMakeOutput(bufnr(''), ['gcc -Isubdir -DTEST=$(( 2 * 4 )) -c file.c']) Execute(The CFlags parser should be able to parse shell directives with spaces): call ale#test#SetFilename('test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir/file.c') AssertEqual \ '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')) \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s`', \ ale#c#ParseCFlagsFromMakeOutput(bufnr(''), ['gcc -Isubdir -DTEST=`date +%s` -c file.c']) Execute(ParseCFlags should be able to parse flags with relative paths): AssertEqual \ '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/kernel/include')) \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s`', \ SplitAndParse( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 'gcc -Isubdir ' \ . '-I'. ale#path#Simplify('kernel/include') \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s` -c file.c' \ ) Execute(We should handle paths with spaces in double quotes): AssertEqual \ '-Dgoal=9' \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/dir with spaces')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/kernel/include')) \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s`', \ SplitAndParse( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 'gcc -Dgoal=9 -Tlinkerfile.ld blabla -Isubdir ' \ . '-I"dir with spaces"' . ' -I'. ale#path#Simplify('kernel/include') \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s` -c file.c' \ ) Execute(ParseCFlags should handle paths with spaces in single quotes): AssertEqual \ '-Dgoal=9' \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/dir with spaces')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/kernel/include')) \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s`', \ SplitAndParse( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 'gcc -Dgoal=9 -Tlinkerfile.ld blabla -Isubdir ' \ . '-I''dir with spaces''' . ' -I'. ale#path#Simplify('kernel/include') \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s` -c file.c' \ ) Execute(ParseCFlags should handle paths with minuses): AssertEqual \ '-Dgoal=9' \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/dir with spaces')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/dir-with-dash')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/kernel/include')) \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s`', \ SplitAndParse( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 'gcc -Dgoal=9 -Tlinkerfile.ld blabla -Isubdir ' \ . '-I''dir with spaces''' . ' -Idir-with-dash' \ . ' -I'. ale#path#Simplify('kernel/include') \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s` -c file.c' \ ) Execute(We should handle -D with minuses): AssertEqual \ '-Dgoal=9' \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')) \ . ' -Dmacro-with-dash' \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/dir with spaces')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/dir-with-dash')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/kernel/include')) \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s`', \ SplitAndParse( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 'gcc -Dgoal=9 -Tlinkerfile.ld blabla -Isubdir ' \ . '-Dmacro-with-dash ' \ . '-I''dir with spaces''' . ' -Idir-with-dash' \ . ' -I'. ale#path#Simplify('kernel/include') \ . ' -DTEST=`date +%s` -c file.c' \ ) Execute(We should handle flags at the end of the line): AssertEqual \ '-Dgoal=9' \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir')) \ . ' -Dmacro-with-dash' \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/dir with spaces')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/dir-with-dash')) \ . ' ' . '-I' . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/kernel/include')), \ SplitAndParse( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 'gcc -Dgoal=9 -Tlinkerfile.ld blabla -Isubdir ' \ . '-Dmacro-with-dash ' \ . '-I''dir with spaces''' . ' -Idir-with-dash' \ . ' -I'. ale#path#Simplify('kernel/include') \ ) Execute(FlagsFromCompileCommands should tolerate empty values): AssertEqual '', ale#c#FlagsFromCompileCommands(bufnr(''), '') Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should tolerate empty values): AssertEqual '', ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(bufnr(''), {}, {}) Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should parse some basic flags): silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c')) " We should read the absolute path filename entry, not the other ones. AssertEqual \ '-I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')), \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags( \ bufnr(''), \ { \ ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'): [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ }, \ ], \ "xmms2-mpris.c": [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ }, \ ], \ }, \ { \ ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src'): [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': 'other.c', \ }, \ ], \ "src": [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify((has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-other.c'), \ }, \ ], \ }, \ ) Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should fall back to files with the same name): silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c')) " We should prefer the basename file flags, not the base dirname flags. AssertEqual \ '-I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')), \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags( \ bufnr(''), \ { \ "xmms2-mpris.c": [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ }, \ ], \ }, \ { \ "src": [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify((has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-other.c'), \ }, \ ], \ }, \ ) Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should parse flags for exact directory matches): silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c')) " We should ues the exact directory flags, not the file basename flags. AssertEqual \ '-I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')), \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags( \ bufnr(''), \ { \ "xmms2-mpris.c": [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ }, \ ], \ }, \ { \ ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src'): [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': 'other.c', \ }, \ ], \ "src": [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify((has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-other.c'), \ }, \ ], \ }, \ ) Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should fall back to files in the same directory): silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c')) AssertEqual \ '-I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')), \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags( \ bufnr(''), \ {}, \ { \ "src": [ \ { \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'), \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2') \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'), \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify((has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-other.c'), \ }, \ ], \ }, \ ) Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should tolerate items without commands): silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c')) AssertEqual \ '', \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags( \ bufnr(''), \ { \ "xmms2-mpris.c": [ \ { \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris', \ 'file': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c', \ }, \ ], \ }, \ {}, \ ) Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should take commands from matching .c files for .h files): silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.h')) AssertEqual \ '-I ' . ale#Escape('/usr/include/xmms2'), \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags( \ bufnr(''), \ { \ 'xmms2-mpris.c': [ \ { \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris', \ 'file': (has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c', \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . '/usr/include/xmms2' \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c', \ }, \ ], \ }, \ {}, \ ) Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should take commands from matching .cpp files for .hpp files): silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.hpp')) AssertEqual \ '-I ' . ale#Escape('/usr/include/xmms2'), \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags( \ bufnr(''), \ { \ 'xmms2-mpris.cpp': [ \ { \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris', \ 'file': (has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.cpp', \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . '/usr/include/xmms2' \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.cpp', \ }, \ ], \ }, \ { \ }, \ ) Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should take commands from matching .cpp files for .h files): silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.h')) AssertEqual \ '-I ' . ale#Escape('/usr/include/xmms2'), \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags( \ bufnr(''), \ { \ 'xmms2-mpris.cpp': [ \ { \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris', \ 'file': (has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.cpp', \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . '/usr/include/xmms2' \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.cpp', \ }, \ ], \ }, \ { \ }, \ ) Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should not take commands from .c files for .h files with different names): silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/other.h')) AssertEqual \ '', \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags( \ bufnr(''), \ { \ 'xmms2-mpris.c': [ \ { \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris', \ 'file': (has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c', \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . '/usr/include/xmms2' \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o' \ . ' -c ' . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c', \ }, \ ], \ }, \ { \ }, \ ) Execute(ShellSplit should not merge flags): AssertEqual \ [ \ 'gcc', \ '-Dgoal=9', \ '-Tlinkerfile.ld', \ 'blabla', \ '-Isubdir', \ 'subdir/somedep1.o', \ 'subdir/somedep2.o', \ '-I''dir with spaces''', \ '-Idir-with-dash', \ 'subdir/somedep3.o', \ 'subdir/somedep4.o', \ '-I' . ale#path#Simplify('kernel/include'), \ 'subdir/somedep5.o', \ 'subdir/somedep6.o', \ ], \ ale#c#ShellSplit( \ 'gcc -Dgoal=9 -Tlinkerfile.ld blabla -Isubdir ' \ . 'subdir/somedep1.o ' . 'subdir/somedep2.o ' \ . '-I''dir with spaces''' . ' -Idir-with-dash ' \ . 'subdir/somedep3.o ' . 'subdir/somedep4.o ' \ . ' -I'. ale#path#Simplify('kernel/include') . ' ' \ . 'subdir/somedep5.o ' . 'subdir/somedep6.o' \ ) Execute(ShellSplit should handle parenthesis and quotes): AssertEqual \ [ \ 'gcc', \ '-Dgoal=9', \ '-Tlinkerfile.ld', \ 'blabla', \ '-Dtest1="('' '')"', \ 'file1.o', \ '-Dtest2=''(` `)''', \ 'file2.o', \ '-Dtest3=`(" ")`', \ 'file3.o', \ ] , \ ale#c#ShellSplit( \ 'gcc -Dgoal=9 -Tlinkerfile.ld blabla ' \ . '-Dtest1="('' '')" file1.o ' \ . '-Dtest2=''(` `)'' file2.o ' \ . '-Dtest3=`(" ")` file3.o' \ ) Execute(We should include several important flags): AssertEqual \ '-I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/inc')) \ . ' -I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/include')) \ . ' -iquote ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incquote')) \ . ' -isystem ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incsystem')) \ . ' -idirafter ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incafter')) \ . ' -iframework ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incframework')) \ . ' -include ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/foo bar')) \ . ' -imacros ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incmacros')) \ . ' -Dmacro="value"' \ . ' -DGoal=9' \ . ' -D macro2' \ . ' -D macro3="value"' \ . ' -Bbdir' \ . ' -B bdir2' \ . ' -iprefix prefix -iwithprefix prefix2 -iwithprefixbefore prefix3' \ . ' -isysroot sysroot --sysroot=test --no-sysroot-suffix -imultilib multidir' \ . ' -Wsome-warning -std=c89 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -ansi' \ . ' -foption -O2 -C -CC -trigraphs -nostdinc -nostdinc++' \ . ' -iplugindir=dir -march=native -w', \ ale#c#ParseCFlags( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 0, \ [ \ 'gcc', \ '-Iinc', \ '-I', \ 'include', \ '-iquote', \ 'incquote', \ '-isystem', \ 'incsystem', \ '-idirafter', \ 'incafter', \ '-iframework', \ 'incframework', \ '-include', \ '''foo bar''', \ '-imacros', \ 'incmacros', \ '-Dmacro="value"', \ '-DGoal=9', \ '-D', \ 'macro2', \ '-D', \ 'macro3="value"', \ '-Bbdir', \ '-B', \ 'bdir2', \ '-iprefix', \ 'prefix', \ '-iwithprefix', \ 'prefix2', \ '-iwithprefixbefore', \ 'prefix3', \ '-isysroot', \ 'sysroot', \ '--sysroot=test', \ '--no-sysroot-suffix', \ '-imultilib', \ 'multidir', \ '-Wsome-warning', \ '-std=c89', \ '-pedantic', \ '-pedantic-errors', \ '-ansi', \ '-foption', \ '-O2', \ '-C', \ '-CC', \ '-trigraphs', \ '-nostdinc', \ '-nostdinc++', \ '-iplugindir=dir', \ '-march=native', \ '-w', \ ], \ ) Execute(We should quote the flags we need to quote): AssertEqual \ '-I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/inc')) \ . ' -I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/include')) \ . ' -iquote ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incquote')) \ . ' -isystem ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incsystem')) \ . ' -idirafter ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incafter')) \ . ' -iframework ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incframework')) \ . ' -include ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/foo bar')) \ . ' -imacros ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incmacros')) \ . ' ' . ale#Escape('-Dmacro="value"') \ . ' -DGoal=9' \ . ' -D macro2' \ . ' -D ' . ale#Escape('macro3="value"') \ . ' -Bbdir' \ . ' -B bdir2' \ . ' -iprefix prefix -iwithprefix prefix2 -iwithprefixbefore prefix3' \ . ' -isysroot sysroot --sysroot=test' \ . ' ' . ale#Escape('--sysroot="quoted"') \ . ' ' . ale#Escape('--sysroot=foo bar') \ . ' --no-sysroot-suffix -imultilib multidir' \ . ' -Wsome-warning -std=c89 -pedantic -pedantic-errors -ansi' \ . ' -foption -O2 -C -CC -trigraphs -nostdinc -nostdinc++' \ . ' -iplugindir=dir -march=native -w', \ ale#c#ParseCFlags( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 1, \ [ \ 'gcc', \ '-Iinc', \ '-I', \ 'include', \ '-iquote', \ 'incquote', \ '-isystem', \ 'incsystem', \ '-idirafter', \ 'incafter', \ '-iframework', \ 'incframework', \ '-include', \ '''foo bar''', \ '-imacros', \ 'incmacros', \ '-Dmacro="value"', \ '-DGoal=9', \ '-D', \ 'macro2', \ '-D', \ 'macro3="value"', \ '-Bbdir', \ '-B', \ 'bdir2', \ '-iprefix', \ 'prefix', \ '-iwithprefix', \ 'prefix2', \ '-iwithprefixbefore', \ 'prefix3', \ '-isysroot', \ 'sysroot', \ '--sysroot=test', \ '--sysroot="quoted"', \ '--sysroot=foo bar', \ '--no-sysroot-suffix', \ '-imultilib', \ 'multidir', \ '-Wsome-warning', \ '-std=c89', \ '-pedantic', \ '-pedantic-errors', \ '-ansi', \ '-foption', \ '-O2', \ '-C', \ '-CC', \ '-trigraphs', \ '-nostdinc', \ '-nostdinc++', \ '-iplugindir=dir', \ '-march=native', \ '-w', \ ], \ ) Execute(We should exclude other flags that cause problems): AssertEqual \ '', \ ale#c#ParseCFlags( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 0, \ [ \ 'gcc', \ '-Wl,option', \ '-Wa,option', \ '-Wp,option', \ '-c', \ 'filename.c', \ 'somelib.a', \ '-fdump-file=name', \ '-fdiagnostics-arg', \ '-fno-show-column', \ '-fstack-usage', \ '-Tlinkerfile.ld', \ ], \ ) Execute(We should expand @file in CFlags): AssertEqual \ '-DARGS1 -DARGS2 -O2', \ ale#c#ParseCFlags( \ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'), \ 0, \ [ \ 'gcc', \ '-g', \ '@./args', \ '-O2', \ ], \ )