Before: call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('php', 'phpstan') let g:old_dir = g:dir " Create a temporary directory and work within it, otherwise these tests " cannot be run in parallel. let g:parent_dir = tempname() let g:dir = ale#path#Simplify(g:parent_dir . '/src') call mkdir(g:parent_dir, '', 0750) call mkdir(g:dir, '', 0750) silent! execute 'cd ' . fnameescape(g:dir) silent! noautocmd execute 'file ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test.php')) call delete('./phpstan.neon') GivenCommandOutput ['0.10.2'] After: silent! execute 'cd ' . fnameescape(g:old_dir) call delete(g:dir, 'rf') let g:dir = g:old_dir unlet! g:old_dir call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest() Execute(The local phpstan executable should be used): call mkdir('vendor/bin', 'p', 0750) call writefile([''], 'vendor/bin/phpstan') call ale#test#SetFilename('phpstan-test-files/foo/test.php') let g:executable = ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/vendor/bin/phpstan') AssertLinter g:executable, \ ale#Escape(g:executable) . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json -l ' . ale#Escape('4') . ' %s' AssertLinterCwd v:null Execute(use_global should override local executable detection): let g:ale_php_phpstan_use_global = 1 call mkdir('vendor/bin', 'p', 0750) call writefile([''], 'vendor/bin/phpstan') call ale#test#SetFilename('phpstan-test-files/foo/test.php') AssertLinter 'phpstan', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json -l ' . ale#Escape('4') . ' %s' Execute(Custom executables should be used for the executable and command): let g:ale_php_phpstan_executable = 'phpstan_test' AssertLinter 'phpstan_test', \ ale#Escape('phpstan_test') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json -l ' . ale#Escape('4') . ' %s' Execute(project with level set to 3): call ale#test#SetFilename('phpstan-test-files/foo/test.php') let g:ale_php_phpstan_level = 3 AssertLinter 'phpstan', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json -l ' . ale#Escape('3') . ' %s' Execute(Custom phpstan configuration file): let g:ale_php_phpstan_configuration = 'phpstan_config' AssertLinter 'phpstan', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json -c ' . ale#Escape('phpstan_config') . ' -l ' . ale#Escape('4') . ' %s' Execute(Choose the right format for error format param): GivenCommandOutput ['0.10.3'] AssertLinter 'phpstan', [ \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' --version', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --error-format json -l ' . ale#Escape('4') . ' %s' \ ] Execute(Configuration file exists in current directory): call writefile(['parameters:', ' level: 7'], './phpstan.neon') let g:ale_php_phpstan_level = '' let g:ale_php_phpstan_configuration = '' AssertLinter 'phpstan', [ \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' --version', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json %s' \ ] AssertLinterCwd g:dir Execute(Configuration dist file exists in current directory): call writefile(['parameters:', ' level: 7'], './phpstan.neon.dist') let g:ale_php_phpstan_level = '' let g:ale_php_phpstan_configuration = '' AssertLinter 'phpstan', [ \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' --version', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json %s' \ ] AssertLinterCwd g:dir Execute(Configuration file exists in current directory, but force phpstan level): call writefile(['parameters:', ' level: 7'], './phpstan.neon') let g:ale_php_phpstan_configuration = '' let g:ale_php_phpstan_level = '7' AssertLinter 'phpstan', [ \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' --version', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json -l ' . ale#Escape('7') . ' %s' \ ] Execute(Configuration file exists in current directory, but force phpstan configuration): call writefile(['parameters:', ' level: 7'], './phpstan.neon') let g:ale_php_phpstan_level = '' let g:ale_php_phpstan_configuration = 'phpstan.custom.neon' AssertLinter 'phpstan', [ \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' --version', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json -c ' . ale#Escape('phpstan.custom.neon') . ' %s' \ ] Execute(Autoload parameter is added to the command): let g:ale_php_phpstan_autoload = 'autoload.php' AssertLinter 'phpstan', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json -a ' . ale#Escape('autoload.php') . ' -l ' . ale#Escape('4') . ' %s' Execute(Memory limit parameter is added to the command): let g:ale_php_phpstan_memory_limit = '500M' AssertLinter 'phpstan', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json -l ' . ale#Escape('4') . ' --memory-limit ' . ale#Escape('500M') . ' %s' Execute(Directory is changed to that of the configuration file): call writefile([], '../phpstan.neon') AssertLinterCwd g:parent_dir AssertLinter 'phpstan', \ ale#Escape('phpstan') . ' analyze --no-progress --errorFormat json %s'