Before: runtime ale_linters/powershell/psscriptanalyzer.vim After: call ale#linter#Reset() Execute(The psscriptanalyzer handler should handle basic information or warnings): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'type': 'I', \ 'text': 'The cmdlet ''Get-GithubRepo'' does not have a help comment.', \ 'code': 'PSProvideCommentHelp', \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 9, \ 'type': 'W', \ 'text': '''%'' is an alias of ''ForEach-Object''. Alias can introduce possible problems and make scripts hard to maintain. Please consider changing alias to its full content.', \ 'code': 'PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases', \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 23, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': 'The ComputerName parameter of a cmdlet should not be hardcoded as this will expose sensitive information about the system.', \ 'code': 'PSAvoidUsingComputerNameHardcoded', \ }, \ ], \ ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#Handle(bufnr(''), [ \ '1', \ 'Information', \ 'The cmdlet ''Get-GithubRepo'' does not have a help comment.', \ 'PSProvideCommentHelp', \ '9', \ 'Warning', \ '''%'' is an alias of ''ForEach-Object''. Alias can introduce possible problems and make scripts hard to maintain. Please consider changing alias to its full content.', \ 'PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases', \ '23', \ 'Error', \ 'The ComputerName parameter of a cmdlet should not be hardcoded as this will expose sensitive information about the system.', \ 'PSAvoidUsingComputerNameHardcoded', \ ])