Before: Save g:ale_completion_tsserver_remove_warnings let g:ale_completion_tsserver_remove_warnings = 0 After: Restore unlet! b:ale_tsserver_completion_names Execute(TypeScript completions responses should be parsed correctly): AssertEqual [], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletions({ \ 'body': [], \}) AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'word': 'foo', \ 'source': '/path/to/foo.ts', \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'bar', \ 'source': '', \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'baz', \ 'source': '', \ } \ ], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletions({ \ 'body': [ \ {'name': 'foo', 'source': '/path/to/foo.ts'}, \ {'name': 'bar'}, \ {'name': 'baz'}, \ ], \}) Execute(TypeScript completions responses should include warnings): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'word': 'foo', \ 'source': '/path/to/foo.ts', \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'bar', \ 'source': '', \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'baz', \ 'source': '', \ } \ ], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletions({ \ 'body': [ \ {'name': 'foo', 'source': '/path/to/foo.ts'}, \ {'name': 'bar', 'kind': 'warning'}, \ {'name': 'baz'}, \ ], \}) Execute(TypeScript completions responses should not include warnings if excluded): let g:ale_completion_tsserver_remove_warnings = 1 AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'word': 'foo', \ 'source': '/path/to/foo.ts', \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'baz', \ 'source': '', \ } \ ], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletions({ \ 'body': [ \ {'name': 'foo', 'source': '/path/to/foo.ts'}, \ {'name': 'bar', 'kind': 'warning'}, \ {'name': 'baz'}, \ ], \}) Execute(TypeScript completion details responses should be parsed correctly): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'word': 'abc', \ 'menu': '(property) number', \ 'info': '', \ 'kind': 'v', \ 'icase': 1, \ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport, \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'def', \ 'menu': '(property) Foo.def: number', \ 'info': 'foo bar baz', \ 'kind': 'v', \ 'icase': 1, \ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport, \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'ghi', \ 'menu': '(class) Foo', \ 'info': '', \ 'kind': 'v', \ 'icase': 1, \ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport, \ }, \ ], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletionEntryDetails({ \ 'body': [ \ { \ 'name': 'abc', \ 'kind': 'parameterName', \ 'displayParts': [ \ {'text': '('}, \ {'text': 'property'}, \ {'text': ')'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'Foo'}, \ {'text': '.'}, \ {'text': 'abc'}, \ {'text': ':'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'number'}, \ ], \ }, \ { \ 'name': 'def', \ 'kind': 'parameterName', \ 'displayParts': [ \ {'text': '('}, \ {'text': 'property'}, \ {'text': ')'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'Foo'}, \ {'text': '.'}, \ {'text': 'def'}, \ {'text': ':'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'number'}, \ ], \ 'documentation': [ \ {'text': 'foo'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'bar'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'baz'}, \ ], \ }, \ { \ 'name': 'ghi', \ 'kind': 'className', \ 'displayParts': [ \ {'text': '('}, \ {'text': 'class'}, \ {'text': ')'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'Foo'}, \ ], \ }, \ ], \}) Execute(Entries without details should be included in the responses): let b:ale_tsserver_completion_names = [{ \ 'word': 'xyz', \ 'source': '/path/to/xyz.ts', \ }] AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'word': 'abc', \ 'menu': 'import { def } from "./Foo"; (property) number', \ 'info': '', \ 'kind': 'v', \ 'icase': 1, \ 'user_data': json_encode({ \ 'codeActions': [{ \ 'description': 'import { def } from "./Foo";', \ 'changes': [], \ }], \ }), \ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport, \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'def', \ 'menu': '(property) Foo.def: number', \ 'info': 'foo bar baz', \ 'kind': 'v', \ 'icase': 1, \ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport, \ }, \ { \ 'word': 'xyz', \ 'menu': '', \ 'info': '', \ 'kind': 'v', \ 'icase': 1, \ }, \ ], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletionEntryDetails({ \ 'body': [ \ { \ 'name': 'abc', \ 'kind': 'parameterName', \ 'displayParts': [ \ {'text': '('}, \ {'text': 'property'}, \ {'text': ')'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'Foo'}, \ {'text': '.'}, \ {'text': 'abc'}, \ {'text': ':'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'number'}, \ ], \ 'codeActions': [{ \ 'description': 'import { def } from "./Foo";', \ 'changes': [], \ }], \ }, \ { \ 'name': 'def', \ 'kind': 'parameterName', \ 'displayParts': [ \ {'text': '('}, \ {'text': 'property'}, \ {'text': ')'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'Foo'}, \ {'text': '.'}, \ {'text': 'def'}, \ {'text': ':'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'number'}, \ ], \ 'documentation': [ \ {'text': 'foo'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'bar'}, \ {'text': ' '}, \ {'text': 'baz'}, \ ], \ }, \ ], \}) Execute(Default imports should be handled correctly): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'word': 'abcd', \ 'menu': 'Import default ''abcd'' from module "./foo" (alias) const abcd: 3', \ 'info': '', \ 'kind': 't', \ 'icase': 1, \ 'user_data': json_encode({ \ 'codeActions': [{ \ 'description': 'Import default ''abcd'' from module "./foo"', \ 'changes': [], \ }], \ }), \ 'dup': g:ale_completion_autoimport, \ }, \ ], \ ale#completion#ParseTSServerCompletionEntryDetails({ \ 'body': [ \ { \ 'name': 'default', \ 'kind': 'alias', \ 'displayParts': [ \ {'kind': 'punctuation', 'text': '('}, \ {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'alias'}, \ {'kind': 'punctuation', 'text': ')'}, \ {'kind': 'space', 'text': ' '}, \ {'kind': 'keyword', 'text': 'const'}, \ {'kind': 'space', 'text': ' '}, \ {'kind': 'localName', 'text': 'abcd'}, \ {'kind': 'punctuation', 'text': ':'}, \ {'kind': 'space', 'text': ' '}, \ {'kind': 'stringLiteral', 'text': '3'}, \ {'kind': 'lineBreak', 'text': '^@'}, \ {'kind': 'keyword', 'text': 'export'}, \ {'kind': 'space', 'text': ' '}, \ {'kind': 'keyword', 'text': 'default'}, \ {'kind': 'space', 'text': ' '}, \ {'kind': 'aliasName', 'text': 'abcd'} \ ], \ 'codeActions': [ \ { \ 'description': 'Import default ''abcd'' from module "./foo"', \ 'changes': [], \ }, \ ], \ }, \ ], \ })