#!/bin/bash # Generate source files for ALE to read. They don't have to be very long, the delay is in reading compile_commands, not actually running tests mkdir -p gen_src for i in {1..400}; do echo "const char *GeneratedFunc${i}() { return \"Word ${i}\"; }" > gen_src/source${i}.cpp; done # Create the compile_commands database echo "[ {" > compile_commands.json for i in {1..399}; do { echo "\"command\": \"clang++ -c $(pwd)/gen_src/source${i}.cpp -o $(pwd)/build/obj/Debug/source${i}.o -MF $(pwd)/build/obj/Debug/source${i}.d -MMD -MP\"," echo "\"directory\": \"$(pwd)/build\"," echo "\"file\": \"$(pwd)/gen_src/source${i}.cpp\"" echo "}, {" } >> compile_commands.json done { echo "\"command\": \"clang++ -c $(pwd)/gen_src/source400.cpp -o $(pwd)/build/obj/Debug/source400.o -MF $(pwd)/build/obj/Debug/source400.d -MMD -MP\"," echo "\"directory\": \"$(pwd)/build\"," echo "\"file\": \"$(pwd)/gen_src/source400.cpp\"" echo "} ]" } >> compile_commands.json # Start up vim and switch back and forth between files -- at least one of the files must be near the bottom of compile_commands.json time vim -c "for i in range(0,20) | edit gen_src/source10.cpp | edit gen_src/source400.cpp | endfor" \ -c "noautocmd qa!" \ `find . | grep "source..\.cpp"`