Before: call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('python', 'vulture') call ale#test#SetFilename('') let b:bin_dir = has('win32') ? 'Scripts' : 'bin' After: unlet! b:bin_dir unlet! b:executable call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest() Execute(The vulture command callback should lint file directory by default): AssertLinter 'vulture', \ ale#path#CdString(expand('#' . bufnr('') . ':p:h')) \ . ale#Escape('vulture') . ' .' Execute(The vulture command callback should lint project root, when present): silent execute 'file ' . fnameescape(g:dir . '/python_paths/no_virtualenv/subdir/foo/') AssertLinter 'vulture', \ ale#path#CdString(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/python_paths/no_virtualenv/subdir')) \ . ale#Escape('vulture') . ' .' Execute(The option for disabling change directory works and only lints file): let g:ale_python_vulture_change_directory = 0 AssertLinter 'vulture', ale#Escape('vulture') . ' %s' Execute(The vulture executable should be configurable, and escaped properly): let g:ale_python_vulture_executable = 'executable with spaces' AssertLinter 'executable with spaces', \ ale#path#CdString(expand('#' . bufnr('') . ':p:h')) \ . ale#Escape('executable with spaces') . ' .' Execute(The vulture command callback should let you set options): let g:ale_python_vulture_options = '--some-option' AssertLinter 'vulture', \ ale#path#CdString(expand('#' . bufnr('') . ':p:h')) \ . ale#Escape('vulture') . ' --some-option .' Execute(The vulture command callback should detect virtualenv directories and switch to the project root): silent execute 'file ' . fnameescape(g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/subdir/foo/') let b:executable = ale#path#Simplify( \ g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/env/' . b:bin_dir . '/vulture' \) AssertLinter b:executable, \ ale#path#CdString(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/subdir')) \ . ale#Escape(b:executable) . ' .' Execute(You should able able to use the global vulture instead): silent execute 'file ' . fnameescape(g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/subdir/foo/') let g:ale_python_vulture_use_global = 1 AssertLinter 'vulture', \ ale#path#CdString(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/subdir')) \ . ale#Escape('vulture') . ' .' Execute(Setting executable to 'pipenv' appends 'run vulture'): let g:ale_python_vulture_executable = 'path/to/pipenv' AssertLinter 'path/to/pipenv', \ ale#path#CdString(expand('#' . bufnr('') . ':p:h')) \ . ale#Escape('path/to/pipenv') . ' run vulture' . ' .'