Before: call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('typescript', 'standard') call ale#test#SetFilename('testfile.js') unlet! b:executable After: call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest() Execute(bin/cmd.js paths should be preferred): call ale#test#SetFilename('standard-test-files/with-cmd/testfile.js') let b:executable = ale#path#Simplify( \ g:dir \ . '/standard-test-files/with-cmd/node_modules/standard/bin/cmd.js' \) AssertLinter b:executable, \ (has('win32') ? 'node.exe ' : '') \ . ale#Escape(b:executable) \ . ' --stdin %s' Execute(.bin directories should be used too): call ale#test#SetFilename('standard-test-files/with-bin/testfile.js') let b:executable = ale#path#Simplify( \ g:dir \ . '/standard-test-files/with-bin/node_modules/.bin/standard' \) AssertLinter b:executable, ale#Escape(b:executable) . ' --stdin %s' Execute(The global executable should be used otherwise): AssertLinter 'standard', ale#Escape('standard') . ' --stdin %s' Execute(The global executable should be configurable): let b:ale_typescript_standard_executable = 'foobar' AssertLinter 'foobar', ale#Escape('foobar') . ' --stdin %s' Execute(The options should be configurable): let b:ale_typescript_standard_options = '--wat' AssertLinter 'standard', ale#Escape('standard') . ' --wat --stdin %s'