Before: call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('nasm', 'nasm') let b:command_tail = \ ' -X gnu -I ' . ale#Escape(getcwd() . (has('win32') ? '\' : '/')) . ' %s -o ' . (has('win32') ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null') let b:command_tail_opt = \ ' -X gnu -I ' . ale#Escape(getcwd() . (has('win32') ? '\' : '/')) . ' -w+orphan-labels %s -o ' . (has('win32') ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null') After: unlet! b:command_tail unlet! b:command_tail_opt call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest() Execute(The executable should be configurable): AssertLinter 'nasm', ale#Escape('nasm') . b:command_tail, let b:ale_nasm_nasm_executable = '~/nasm' AssertLinter '~/nasm', ale#Escape('~/nasm') . b:command_tail Execute(The options should be configurable): let b:ale_nasm_nasm_options = '-w-macro-params' AssertLinter 'nasm', ale#Escape('nasm') \ . ' -X gnu -I ' . ale#Escape(getcwd() . (has('win32') ? '\' : '/')) . ' -w-macro-params %s -o ' . (has('win32') ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null') Execute(The options should be used in command): let b:ale_nasm_nasm_options = '-w+orphan-labels' AssertLinter 'nasm', ale#Escape('nasm') . b:command_tail_opt