ALE HTML Integration                                         *ale-html-options*

htmlhint                                                    *ale-html-htmlhint*

g:ale_html_htmlhint_executable                 *g:ale_html_htmlhint_executable*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'htmlhint'`

  See |ale-integrations-local-executables|

g:ale_html_htmlhint_options                       *g:ale_html_htmlhint_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'--format=unix'`

  This variable can be changed to modify flags given to HTMLHint.

g:ale_html_htmlhint_use_global                 *g:ale_html_htmlhint_use_global*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `0`

  See |ale-integrations-local-executables|

tidy                                                            *ale-html-tidy*

`tidy` is a console application which corrects and cleans up HTML and XML
documents by fixing markup errors and upgrading legacy code to modern

`/usr/bin/tidy` on macOS (installed by default) is too old. It was released
on 31 Oct 2006. It does not consider modern HTML specs (HTML5) and shows
outdated warnings. So |ale| ignores `/usr/bin/tidy` on macOS.

To use `tidy` on macOS, please install the latest version with Homebrew:
  $ brew install tidy-html5
`/usr/local/bin/tidy` is installed.

g:ale_html_tidy_executable                         *g:ale_html_tidy_executable*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'tidy'`

  This variable can be changed to change the path to tidy.

g:ale_html_tidy_options                               *g:ale_html_tidy_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'-q -e -language en'`

  This variable can be changed to change the arguments provided to the

  ALE will attempt to automatically detect the appropriate file encoding to
  provide to html-tidy, and fall back to UTF-8 when encoding detection fails.

  The recognized file encodings are as follows: ascii, big5, cp1252 (win1252),
  cp850 (ibm858), cp932 (shiftjis), iso-2022-jp (iso-2022), latin1, macroman
  (mac), sjis (shiftjis), utf-16le, utf-16, utf-8

write-good                                                *ale-html-write-good*

See |ale-write-good-options|
