ALE C# Integration                                             *ale-cs-options*

In addition to the linters that are provided with ALE, C# code can be checked
with the OmniSharp plugin. See here: https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vim

csc                                                                *ale-cs-csc*

  The |ale-cs-csc| linter checks for semantic errors when files are opened or

  See |ale-lint-file-linters| for more information on linters which do not
  check for problems while you type.

  The csc linter uses the mono csc compiler, providing full C# 7 and newer
  support, to generate a temporary module target file (/t:module). The module
  includes all '*.cs' files contained in the directory tree rooted at the path
  defined by the |g:ale_cs_csc_source| or |b:ale_cs_csc_source| variable and
  all sub directories.

  It will in future replace the |ale-cs-mcs| and |ale-cs-mcsc| linters as both
  utilize the mcsc compiler which, according to the mono project, is no longer
  actively developed, and only receives maintenance updates. However, because
  the csc compiler does not support the -syntax option, this linter does not
  offer any as-you-type syntax checking, similar to the |ale-cs-mcsc| linter.

  The paths to search for additional assembly files can be specified using the
  |g:ale_cs_csc_assembly_path| or |b:ale_cs_csc_assembly_path| variables.

  NOTE: ALE will not find any errors in files apart from syntax errors if any
  one of the source files contains a syntax error. Syntax errors must be fixed
  first before other errors will be shown.

g:ale_cs_csc_options                                     *g:ale_cs_csc_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This option can be set to pass additional arguments to the `csc` compiler.

  For example, to add the dotnet package which is not added per default: >

      let g:ale_cs_mcs_options = ' /warn:4 /langversion:7.2'
  NOTE: the `/unsafe` option is always passed to `csc`.

g:ale_cs_csc_source                                       *g:ale_cs_csc_source*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This variable defines the root path of the directory tree searched for the
  '*.cs' files to be linted. If this option is empty, the source file's
  directory will be used.

  NOTE: Currently it is not possible to specify sub directories and
  directory sub trees which shall not be searched for *.cs files.

g:ale_cs_csc_assembly_path                         *g:ale_cs_csc_assembly_path*
  Type: |List|
  Default: `[]`

  This variable defines a list of path strings to be searched for external
  assembly files. The list is passed to the csc compiler using the `/lib:`

g:ale_cs_csc_assemblies                               *g:ale_cs_csc_assemblies*
  Type: |List|
  Default: `[]`

  This variable defines a list of external assembly (*.dll) files required
  by the mono mcs compiler to generate a valid module target. The list is
  passed the csc compiler using the `/r:` flag.

  For example: >

    " Compile C# programs with the Unity engine DLL file on Mac.
    let g:ale_cs_mcsc_assemblies = [
    \ '/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/Frameworks/Managed/UnityEngine.dll',
    \ 'path-to-unityproject/obj/Debug',

mcs                                                                *ale-cs-mcs*

  The `mcs` linter looks only for syntax errors while you type. See
  |ale-cs-mcsc| for the separately configured linter for checking for semantic

g:ale_cs_mcs_options                                     *g:ale_cs_mcs_options*

  Type: String
  Default: `''`

  This variable can be changed to pass additional flags given to mcs.

  NOTE: The -unsafe flag is selected implicitly and thus does not need to be
  explicitly included in the |g:ale_cs_mcs_options| or |b:ale_cs_mcs_options|

mcsc                                                              *ale-cs-mcsc*

  The mcsc linter checks for semantic errors when files are opened or saved
  See |ale-lint-file-linters| for more information on linters which do not
  check for problems while you type.

  The mcsc linter uses the mono mcs compiler to generate a temporary module
  target file (-t:module). The module includes including all '*.cs' files
  contained in the directory tree rooted at the path defined by the
  |g:ale_cs_mcsc_source| or |b:ale_cs_mcsc_source| variable.
  variable and all sub directories.

  The paths to search for additional assembly files can be specified using the
  |g:ale_cs_mcsc_assembly_path| or |b:ale_cs_mcsc_assembly_path| variables.

  NOTE: ALE will not find any errors in files apart from syntax errors if any
  one of the source files contains a syntax error. Syntax errors must be fixed
  first before other errors will be shown.

g:ale_cs_mcsc_options                                   *g:ale_cs_mcsc_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This option can be set to pass additional arguments to the `mcs` compiler.

  For example, to add the dotnet package which is not added per default: >

      let g:ale_cs_mcs_options = '-pkg:dotnet'
  NOTE: the `-unsafe` option is always passed to `mcs`.

g:ale_cs_mcsc_source                                     *g:ale_cs_mcsc_source*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This variable defines the root path of the directory tree searched for the
  '*.cs' files to be linted. If this option is empty, the source file's
  directory will be used.

  NOTE: Currently it is not possible to specify sub directories and
  directory sub trees which shall not be searched for *.cs files.

g:ale_cs_mcsc_assembly_path                       *g:ale_cs_mcsc_assembly_path*
  Type: |List|
  Default: `[]`

  This variable defines a list of path strings to be searched for external
  assembly files. The list is passed to the mcs compiler using the `-lib:`

g:ale_cs_mcsc_assemblies                             *g:ale_cs_mcsc_assemblies*
  Type: |List|
  Default: `[]`

  This variable defines a list of external assembly (*.dll) files required
  by the mono mcs compiler to generate a valid module target. The list is
  passed the mcs compiler using the `-r:` flag.

  For example: >

    " Compile C# programs with the Unity engine DLL file on Mac.
    let g:ale_cs_mcsc_assemblies = [
    \ '/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/Frameworks/Managed/UnityEngine.dll',
    \ 'path-to-unityproject/obj/Debug',

uncrustify                                                  *ale-cs-uncrustify*

See |ale-c-uncrustify| for information about the available options.
