" Author: Jesse Harris - https://github.com/zigford " Description: This file adds support for lintng powershell scripts " using the PSScriptAnalyzer module. " let g:ale_powershell_psscriptanalyzer_exclusions = " \ 'PSAvoidUsingWriteHost,PSAvoidGlobalVars' call ale#Set('powershell_psscriptanalyzer_exclusions', '') call ale#Set('powershell_psscriptanalyzer_executable', 'pwsh') call ale#Set('powershell_psscriptanalyzer_module', \ 'psscriptanalyzer') function! ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#GetExecutable(buffer) abort return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'powershell_psscriptanalyzer_executable') endfunction " Write a powershell script to a temp file for execution " return the command used to execute it function! s:TemporaryPSScript(buffer, input) abort let l:filename = 'script.ps1' " Create a temp dir to house our temp .ps1 script " a temp dir is needed as powershell needs the .ps1 " extension let l:tempdir = ale#util#Tempname() . (has('win32') ? '\' : '/') let l:tempscript = l:tempdir . l:filename " Create the temporary directory for the file, unreadable by 'other' " users. call mkdir(l:tempdir, '', 0750) " Automatically delete the directory later. call ale#command#ManageDirectory(a:buffer, l:tempdir) " Write the script input out to a file. call ale#util#Writefile(a:buffer, a:input, l:tempscript) return l:tempscript endfunction function! ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#RunPowerShell(buffer, command) abort let l:executable = ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#GetExecutable( \ a:buffer) let l:tempscript = s:TemporaryPSScript(a:buffer, a:command) return ale#Escape(l:executable) \ . ' -Exe Bypass -NoProfile -File ' \ . ale#Escape(l:tempscript) \ . ' %t' endfunction " Run Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer and output each linting message as 4 seperate lines " for each parsing function! ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#GetCommand(buffer) abort let l:exclude_option = ale#Var( \ a:buffer, 'powershell_psscriptanalyzer_exclusions') let l:module = ale#Var( \ a:buffer, 'powershell_psscriptanalyzer_module') let l:script = ['Param($Script); \ Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer "$Script" ' \ . (!empty(l:exclude_option) ? '-Exclude ' . l:exclude_option : '') \ . '| ForEach-Object { \ $_.Line; \ $_.Severity; \ $_.Message; \ $_.RuleName}'] return ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#RunPowerShell( \ a:buffer, l:script) endfunction " add every 4 lines to an item(Dict) and every item to a list " return the list function! ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#Handle(buffer, lines) abort let l:output = [] let l:lcount = 0 for l:line in a:lines if l:lcount is# 0 " the very first line let l:item = {'lnum': str2nr(l:line)} elseif l:lcount is# 1 if l:line is# 'Error' let l:item['type'] = 'E' elseif l:line is# 'Information' let l:item['type'] = 'I' else let l:item['type'] = 'W' endif elseif l:lcount is# 2 let l:item['text'] = l:line elseif l:lcount is# 3 let l:item['code'] = l:line call add(l:output, l:item) let l:lcount = -1 endif let l:lcount = l:lcount + 1 endfor return l:output endfunction call ale#linter#Define('powershell', { \ 'name': 'psscriptanalyzer', \ 'executable_callback': 'ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#GetExecutable', \ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#GetCommand', \ 'output_stream': 'stdout', \ 'callback': 'ale_linters#powershell#psscriptanalyzer#Handle', \})