path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-07-09feat(biome): add support for json and jsonc (#4805)Braden Kelley
2024-07-08Fix #4714 - Handle ruff garbagew0rp
2024-07-02When ruff version is >=0.5.0 use 'ruff check <path>' instead of 'ruff <path>'...Tom Bourton
2024-06-27fix!(biome): allow passing options to `biome check` (#4799)Braden Kelley
2024-06-25fix(biome): find root when using biome.jsonc (#4774)Braden Kelley
2024-06-25Add Ruby linter with Steep (#4671)Loic Nageleisen
2024-06-24fix(biome): send correct language to lsp proxy (#4773)Braden Kelley
2024-06-21fix(biome): run all enabled biome fixers (#4763)Braden Kelley
2024-06-21fix(biome): use temp file instead of stdin (#4775)Braden Kelley
2024-06-02Run actionlint by default on GitHub filesw0rp
2024-05-31Fix eslint cwd strategy (#4781)ghsang
2024-05-09Update dart analysis_server command (#4761)Macuyler Dunn
2024-05-01Implement listing all returned results for LSP textDocument/implements (#4755)Bryan Garber
2024-04-26fix: force `--no-fix` when `ruff` used as a linter (#4759)Yining
2024-04-17Add htmlbeautifier support (#4751)Arash Mousavi
2024-04-07Added fix subcommand options (#4746)Kevin Van Leer
2024-04-07Make cmake-lint read .cmake-format config file (#4747)Chayoung You
2024-03-14Add support for sqlfluff 3.0.0 (#4743)Shad
2024-03-12Fix 4740 - add hurlfmt linter (#4741)Horacio Sanson
2024-03-02Fix biome formatter (#4733)David Dominguez
2024-03-02Fix: ruff version `0.3.0` cli breaking changes (#4732)Yining
2024-02-28Fix 4586 - Make golangci-lint lint package on by default. (#4730)Horacio Sanson
2024-02-27Fix 4721 - force latex language id on cspell for tex filetype (#4724)Horacio Sanson
2024-02-27Fix chktex highlighting wrong column when using tabs instead of spaces (#4727)Jorengarenar
2024-02-264712 revert chktex 4661 (#4725)Horacio Sanson
2024-02-24Add full support for biome (#4705)Filip Gospodinov
2024-02-24Set working directory for Elvis linter (#4726)Dmitri Vereshchagin
2024-02-23Add support for gjs template linting using embertemplate lint (#4653)Sam
2024-02-22Slang linter for Verilog. (#4713)AlvinRolling
2024-02-22Update project root detection for erlang_ls linter (#4619)Dmitri Vereshchagin
2024-02-22Adding support for Odin language server (ols). (#4679)Benjamin Block
2024-02-22Add wiki link to ShellCheck linting (#4681)Brandon Maier
2024-02-22[hover] ParseLSPResult sets language 'text' for missing spec (#4699)Oliver Albertini
2024-02-06fix #4687 - only lint one file with actionlint (#4688)Tim Carry
2024-02-06Support 'gleam format' as Gleam fixer (#4710)Jonathan Palardy
2024-01-14Add biome support for javascript (#4701)Akiomi Kamakura
2024-01-14Add language id of cspell (#4700)ohakutsu
2024-01-14Fix chktex highlighting wrong column when using tabs instead of spaces (#4661)Jorengarenar
2024-01-14add: support for `rubyfmt` as `ruby` fixer (#4678)Yining
2024-01-14Actionlint: correctly parse error line when using shellcheck sublinter (#4689)Tim Carry
2024-01-14Add end_col and end_lnum to ShellCheck (#4692)Brandon Maier
2024-01-14Support gleamlsp language server for gleam (#4696)Jonathan Palardy
2024-01-14Use different group names for signs and virtual text (#4704)Ingo Meyer
2023-12-10Ruff use json-lines output format (#4656)Finn Steffens
2023-12-10fix tempfile for phpmd, to be able to use phpmd 2.14.0 (#4617)Shad
2023-12-08Add support for Scarb in `cairo` files (#4669)MD
2023-12-07add: support for `nickel format` as `Nickel` fixer (#4665)Yining
2023-12-07Add clang-check linter for C (#4662)Jorengarenar
2023-11-16Adding support for ruff formatter (#4645)Joseph Henrich
2023-11-08Fix: Ruff output option (#4632)Adam Blackwater