path: root/autoload/ale/handlers/cppcheck.vim
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-11-20Fix --file-filter option on cppcheck command (#3987)Dan George
2021-11-18Cppcheck buffered file only (#3983)Dan George
2021-11-15Add cppcheck handler match on misra msg (#3980)Dan George
2021-09-03Cppcheck backwards compat 1.34 (#3887)tsjordan-eng
2021-03-01Close #2281 - Separate cwd commands from commandsw0rp
2020-08-06fix cppcheck for 1.89+, and add column support (#3030)tsjordan-eng
2019-06-03Fix #1279 - Run cppcheck differently when modifiedChristoph Koehler
2017-08-08Ban use of ==# or ==? in the codebase, and prefer is# or is? insteadw0rp
2017-06-22Fix #677 - Ignore errors from other files for cppcheckw0rp
2017-04-24Break shared handlers up into their own files, and fix stylelint error handlingw0rp