AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-04-10Typo correcting 3.0.7 -> 0.3.7 for `vint --no-color`David Alexander
2017-04-09added shellcheck executable and options variableSzero
2017-04-08Add a pull request template which asks for some common requests by yours trulyw0rp
2017-04-08Merge pull request #456 from mathsaey/patch-1w0rp
2017-04-08Added a missing space to the nimcheck commandMathijs Saey
2017-04-08Add Ruby MRI linter (#453)Brandon Roehl
2017-04-08improved the sml linter (#445)Shalom Yiblet
2017-04-07Update nimcheck.vim (#451)Mathijs Saey
2017-04-07Add support for linting Handlebars templates with ember-template-lint (#452)Adrian
2017-04-05Adds options to foodcritic linter (#437)José Júnior
2017-04-03Cover handling of swiftlint errors with testsw0rp
2017-04-03#447 Pass a temporary file to the shell linter insteadw0rp
2017-04-03#447 Support zsh in the shell linterw0rp
2017-04-03Cover basic GCC functionality with testsw0rp
2017-04-03Update the Makefile to use the latest Docker imagew0rp
2017-04-03Add g++ to the Dockerfilew0rp
2017-04-03#380 Add some experimental code for killing long-running processes in NeoVimw0rp
2017-04-03#446 Do not run ALE if inside of a command windoww0rp
2017-04-03#446 Fix g:ale_lint_on_text_changed compatibility issuesw0rp
2017-04-02Update the test suite so it uses the latest Docker image, and use Bourne shel...w0rp
2017-04-02Add Bash to the Dockerfile, which no longer comes with vim-testbed by defaultw0rp
2017-04-02Update the Makefile to use the latest Docker buildw0rp
2017-04-02Allow for any current Python2 and PIP versions in the Docker buildw0rp
2017-04-02Make the Dockerfile build againw0rp
2017-04-02Add C and C++ tools to the Dockerfilew0rp
2017-03-31Fix #438 Create Java .class files for javac in a temporary directoryw0rp
2017-03-31Clean up some whitespacew0rp
2017-03-31adds line highlights style (#436)Steven Lu
2017-03-30Remove 'col' from linters where it is hardcoded to 1 (#434)Adriaan Zonnenberg
2017-03-30Merge pull request #429 from breed808/gow0rp
2017-03-30Add options to facilitate linting only in normal mode (#425)taylorskalyo
2017-03-30Merge pull request #431 from janclarin/masterw0rp
2017-03-30Document conflicting plugins checkJan Clarin
2017-03-30Fix #426 check for g:ale_emit_conflict_warnings existenceJan Clarin
2017-03-30Add support for gosimple and staticcheckBen Reedy
2017-03-29Fix #260 automatically set .csslintrc files from ancestor directoriesw0rp
2017-03-29Use the lint_file option so the Cargo linter will only be run against files o...w0rp
2017-03-29Make the tslint file match the style in the rest of the codebasew0rp
2017-03-29Fix #421 Automatically detect create-react-app pathsw0rp
2017-03-28#326 Document existing StandardJS optionsw0rp
2017-03-28Merge pull request #424 from adriaanzon/command-enable-disablew0rp
2017-03-28Move linter documentation into separate filesw0rp
2017-03-29Add :ALEEnable and :ALEDisable commandsAdriaan Zonnenberg
2017-03-28Merge pull request #423 from adriaanzon/command-barw0rp
2017-03-28Allow commands to be chained using a `|`Adriaan Zonnenberg
2017-03-27Fix #130 - Run linters when the filetype is changedw0rp
2017-03-27Enabling linting on save by default, re #333w0rp
2017-03-27Cover the rubocop handler with testsw0rp
2017-03-27Adjust rubocop error levelsGabriel Holodak
2017-03-27Add a pause for the command chain testw0rp