path: root/ale_linters/rust
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ale_linters/rust')
2 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ale_linters/rust/cargo.vim b/ale_linters/rust/cargo.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f04f275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ale_linters/rust/cargo.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+" Author: Daniel Schemala <>
+" Description: rustc invoked by cargo for rust files
+function! ale_linters#rust#cargo#GetCargoExecutable(bufnr)
+ if ale#util#FindNearestFile(a:bufnr, 'Cargo.toml') !=# ''
+ return 'cargo'
+ else
+ " if there is no Cargo.toml file, we don't use cargo even if it exists,
+ " so we return '', because executable('') apparently always fails
+ return ''
+ endif
+call ale#linter#Define('rust', {
+\ 'name': 'cargo',
+\ 'executable_callback': 'ale_linters#rust#cargo#GetCargoExecutable',
+\ 'command': 'cargo rustc -- --error-format=json -Z no-trans',
+\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#rust#rustc#HandleRustcErrors',
+\ 'output_stream': 'stderr',
diff --git a/ale_linters/rust/rustc.vim b/ale_linters/rust/rustc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0f82bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ale_linters/rust/rustc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+" Author: Daniel Schemala <>
+" Description: rustc for rust files
+if !exists('g:ale_rust_ignore_error_codes')
+ let g:ale_rust_ignore_error_codes = []
+function! ale_linters#rust#rustc#HandleRustcErrors(buffer_number, errorlines) abort
+ " FIXME: Fix this linter
+ return []
+ let l:file_name = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer_number), ':t')
+ let l:output = []
+ for l:errorline in a:errorlines
+ " ignore everything that is not Json
+ if l:errorline !~# '^{'
+ continue
+ endif
+ let l:error = json_decode(l:errorline)
+ if !empty(l:error.code) && index(g:ale_rust_ignore_error_codes, l:error.code.code) > -1
+ continue
+ endif
+ for l:span in l:error.spans
+ if l:span.is_primary &&
+ \ (l:span.file_name ==# l:file_name || l:span.file_name ==# '<anon>')
+ call add(l:output, {
+ \ 'bufnr': a:buffer_number,
+ \ 'lnum': l:span.line_start,
+ \ 'vcol': 0,
+ \ 'col': l:span.byte_start,
+ \ 'nr': -1,
+ \ 'text': l:error.message,
+ \ 'type': toupper(l:error.level[0]),
+ \})
+ else
+ " when the error is caused in the expansion of a macro, we have
+ " to bury deeper
+ let l:root_cause = s:FindErrorInExpansion(l:span, l:file_name)
+ if !empty(l:root_cause)
+ call add(l:output, {
+ \ 'bufnr': a:buffer_number,
+ \ 'lnum': l:root_cause[0],
+ \ 'vcol': 0,
+ \ 'col': l:root_cause[1],
+ \ 'nr': -1,
+ \ 'text': l:error.message,
+ \ 'type': toupper(l:error.level[0]),
+ \})
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ return l:output
+" returns: a list [lnum, col] with the location of the error or []
+function! s:FindErrorInExpansion(span, file_name) abort
+ if a:span.file_name ==# a:file_name
+ return [a:span.line_start, a:span.byte_start]
+ endif
+ if !empty(a:span.expansion)
+ return s:FindErrorInExpansion(a:span.expansion.span, a:file_name)
+ endif
+ return []
+function! ale_linters#rust#rustc#RustcCommand(buffer_number) abort
+ " Try to guess the library search path. If the project is managed by cargo,
+ " it's usually <project root>/target/debug/deps/ or
+ " <project root>/target/release/deps/
+ let l:cargo_file = ale#util#FindNearestFile(a:buffer_number, 'Cargo.toml')
+ if l:cargo_file !=# ''
+ let l:project_root = fnamemodify(l:cargo_file, ':h')
+ let l:dependencies = '-L ' . l:project_root . '/target/debug/deps -L ' .
+ \ l:project_root . '/target/release/deps'
+ else
+ let l:dependencies = ''
+ endif
+ return 'rustc --error-format=json -Z no-trans ' . l:dependencies . ' -'
+call ale#linter#Define('rust', {
+\ 'name': 'rustc',
+\ 'executable': 'rustc',
+\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#rust#rustc#RustcCommand',
+\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#rust#rustc#HandleRustcErrors',
+\ 'output_stream': 'stderr',