path: root/ale_linters/javascript/jscs.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'ale_linters/javascript/jscs.vim')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/ale_linters/javascript/jscs.vim b/ale_linters/javascript/jscs.vim
index 1853c894..501a3288 100644
--- a/ale_linters/javascript/jscs.vim
+++ b/ale_linters/javascript/jscs.vim
@@ -7,52 +7,16 @@ endif
let g:loaded_ale_linters_javascript_jscs = 1
-function! ale_linters#javascript#jscs#Handle(buffer, lines)
- " Matches patterns line the following:
- "
- " input:57:8: Unexpected token (57:8)
- let l:pattern = '^.\+:\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\): \(.\+\)'
- let l:output = []
- for l:line in a:lines
- let l:match = matchlist(l:line, l:pattern)
- if len(l:match) == 0
- continue
- endif
- let l:text = l:match[3]
- let l:marker_parts = l:match[4]
- if len(l:marker_parts) == 2
- let l:text = l:text . ' (' . l:marker_parts[1] . ')'
- endif
- " vcol is Needed to indicate that the column is a character.
- call add(l:output, {
- \ 'bufnr': a:buffer,
- \ 'lnum': l:match[1] + 0,
- \ 'vcol': 0,
- \ 'col': l:match[2] + 0,
- \ 'text': l:text,
- \ 'type': 'E',
- \ 'nr': -1,
- \})
- endfor
- return l:output
call ale#linter#Define('javascript', {
\ 'name': 'jscs',
\ 'executable': 'jscs',
\ 'command': 'jscs -r unix -n -',
-\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#javascript#jscs#Handle',
+\ 'callback': 'ale#handlers#HandleUnixFormatAsError',
call ale#linter#Define('javascript.jsx', {
\ 'name': 'jscs',
\ 'executable': 'jscs',
\ 'command': 'jscs -r unix -n -',
-\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#javascript#jscs#Handle',
+\ 'callback': 'ale#handlers#HandleUnixFormatAsError',