path: root/ale_linters/haskell
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ale_linters/haskell')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ale_linters/haskell/hls.vim b/ale_linters/haskell/hls.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae0556a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ale_linters/haskell/hls.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+" Author: Yen3 <>
+" Description: A language server for haskell
+" The file is based on hie.vim (author: Luxed
+" <>). It search more project root files.
+call ale#Set('haskell_hls_executable', 'haskell-language-server-wrapper')
+function! ale_linters#haskell#hls#FindRootFile(buffer) abort
+ let l:serach_root_files = [
+ \ 'stack.yaml',
+ \ 'cabal.project',
+ \ 'package.yaml',
+ \ 'hie.yaml'
+ \ ]
+ for l:path in ale#path#Upwards(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h'))
+ for l:root_file in l:serach_root_files
+ if filereadable(l:path . l:root_file)
+ return l:path
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ return ''
+function! ale_linters#haskell#hls#GetProjectRoot(buffer) abort
+ " Search for the project file first
+ let l:project_file = ale_linters#haskell#hls#FindRootFile(a:buffer)
+ " If it's empty, search for the cabal file
+ if empty(l:project_file)
+ " Search all of the paths except for the root filesystem path.
+ let l:paths = join(
+ \ ale#path#Upwards(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h'))[:-2],
+ \ ','
+ \)
+ let l:project_file = globpath(l:paths, '*.cabal')
+ endif
+ " If we still can't find one, use the current file.
+ if empty(l:project_file)
+ let l:project_file = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p')
+ endif
+ return fnamemodify(l:project_file, ':h')
+function! ale_linters#haskell#hls#GetCommand(buffer) abort
+ let l:executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'haskell_hls_executable')
+ return ale#handlers#haskell_stack#EscapeExecutable(l:executable,
+ \ 'haskell-language-server-wrapper')
+ \ . ' --lsp'
+call ale#linter#Define('haskell', {
+\ 'name': 'hls',
+\ 'lsp': 'stdio',
+\ 'command': function('ale_linters#haskell#hls#GetCommand'),
+\ 'executable': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'haskell_hls_executable')},
+\ 'project_root': function('ale_linters#haskell#hls#GetProjectRoot'),