diff options
7 files changed, 314 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/c.vim b/autoload/ale/c.vim
index 5cf4c690..6f18ce4c 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/c.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/c.vim
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ function! ale#c#ExpandAtArgs(path_prefix, raw_split_lines) abort
let l:path = join(split(l:option, '\zs')[1:], '')
" Make path absolute
- if stridx(l:path, s:sep) != 0 && stridx(l:path, '/') != 0
+ if !ale#path#IsAbsolute(l:path)
let l:rel_path = substitute(l:path, '"', '', 'g')
let l:rel_path = substitute(l:rel_path, '''', '', 'g')
- let l:path = a:path_prefix . s:sep . l:rel_path
+ let l:path = ale#path#GetAbsPath(a:path_prefix, l:rel_path)
" Read the file and add all the arguments
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ function! ale#c#ParseCFlags(path_prefix, cflag_line) abort
\ || stridx(l:option, '-isystem') == 0
\ || stridx(l:option, '-idirafter') == 0
\ || stridx(l:option, '-iframework') == 0
+ \ || stridx(l:option, '-include') == 0
if stridx(l:option, '-I') == 0 && l:option isnot# '-I'
let l:arg = join(split(l:option, '\zs')[2:], '')
let l:option = '-I'
@@ -142,10 +143,12 @@ function! ale#c#ParseCFlags(path_prefix, cflag_line) abort
" Fix relative paths if needed
- if stridx(l:arg, s:sep) != 0 && stridx(l:arg, '/') != 0
+ if !ale#path#IsAbsolute(l:arg)
let l:rel_path = substitute(l:arg, '"', '', 'g')
let l:rel_path = substitute(l:rel_path, '''', '', 'g')
- let l:arg = ale#Escape(a:path_prefix . s:sep . l:rel_path)
+ let l:arg = ale#Escape(
+ \ ale#path#GetAbsPath(a:path_prefix, l:rel_path)
+ \)
call add(l:cflags_list, l:option)
@@ -268,6 +271,10 @@ if !exists('s:compile_commands_cache')
let s:compile_commands_cache = {}
+function! ale#c#ResetCompileCommandsCache() abort
+ let s:compile_commands_cache = {}
function! s:GetLookupFromCompileCommandsFile(compile_commands_file) abort
let l:empty = [{}, {}]
@@ -298,9 +305,20 @@ function! s:GetLookupFromCompileCommandsFile(compile_commands_file) abort
let l:dir_lookup = {}
for l:entry in (type(l:raw_data) is v:t_list ? l:raw_data : [])
+ let l:filename = ale#path#GetAbsPath(, l:entry.file)
+ " Store a key for lookups by the absolute path to the filename.
+ let l:file_lookup[l:filename] = get(l:file_lookup, l:filename, []) + [l:entry]
+ " Store a key for fuzzy lookups by the absolute path to the directory.
+ let l:dirname = fnamemodify(l:filename, ':h')
+ let l:dir_lookup[l:dirname] = get(l:dir_lookup, l:dirname, []) + [l:entry]
+ " Store a key for fuzzy lookups by just the basename of the file.
let l:basename = tolower(fnamemodify(l:entry.file, ':t'))
let l:file_lookup[l:basename] = get(l:file_lookup, l:basename, []) + [l:entry]
+ " Store a key for fuzzy lookups by just the basename of the directory.
let l:dirbasename = tolower(fnamemodify(, ':p:h:t'))
let l:dir_lookup[l:dirbasename] = get(l:dir_lookup, l:dirbasename, []) + [l:entry]
@@ -326,17 +344,41 @@ function! ale#c#GetCompileCommand(json_item) abort
function! ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(buffer, file_lookup, dir_lookup) abort
+ let l:buffer_filename = ale#path#Simplify(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p'))
+ let l:basename = tolower(fnamemodify(l:buffer_filename, ':t'))
+ " Look for any file in the same directory if we can't find an exact match.
+ let l:dir = fnamemodify(l:buffer_filename, ':h')
" Search for an exact file match first.
- let l:basename = tolower(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':t'))
- let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:basename, [])
+ let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:buffer_filename, [])
+ " Try the absolute path to the directory second.
+ let l:dir_list = get(a:dir_lookup, l:dir, [])
+ if empty(l:file_list) && empty(l:dir_list)
+ " If we can't find matches with the path to the file, try a
+ " case-insensitive match for any similarly-named file.
+ let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:basename, [])
+ " If we can't find matches with the path to the directory, try a
+ " case-insensitive match for anything in similarly-named directory.
+ let l:dir_list = get(a:dir_lookup, tolower(fnamemodify(l:dir, ':t')), [])
+ endif
" A source file matching the header filename.
let l:source_file = ''
if empty(l:file_list) && l:basename =~? '\.h$\|\.hpp$'
for l:suffix in ['.c', '.cpp']
- let l:key = fnamemodify(l:basename, ':r') . l:suffix
+ " Try to find a source file by an absolute path first.
+ let l:key = fnamemodify(l:buffer_filename, ':r') . l:suffix
let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:key, [])
+ if empty(l:file_list)
+ " Look fuzzy matches on the basename second.
+ let l:key = fnamemodify(l:basename, ':r') . l:suffix
+ let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:key, [])
+ endif
if !empty(l:file_list)
let l:source_file = l:key
@@ -345,27 +387,25 @@ function! ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(buffer, file_lookup, dir_lookup) abort
for l:item in l:file_list
+ let l:filename = ale#path#GetAbsPath(, l:item.file)
" Load the flags for this file, or for a source file matching the
" header file.
if (
- \ bufnr(l:item.file) is a:buffer
+ \ bufnr(l:filename) is a:buffer
\ || (
\ !empty(l:source_file)
- \ && l:item.file[-len(l:source_file):] is? l:source_file
+ \ && l:filename[-len(l:source_file):] is? l:source_file
\ )
return ale#c#ParseCFlags(, ale#c#GetCompileCommand(l:item))
- " Look for any file in the same directory if we can't find an exact match.
- let l:dir = ale#path#Simplify(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h'))
- let l:dirbasename = tolower(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h:t'))
- let l:dir_list = get(a:dir_lookup, l:dirbasename, [])
for l:item in l:dir_list
- if ale#path#Simplify(fnamemodify(l:item.file, ':h')) is? l:dir
+ let l:filename = ale#path#GetAbsPath(, l:item.file)
+ if ale#path#Simplify(fnamemodify(l:filename, ':h')) is? l:dir
return ale#c#ParseCFlags(, ale#c#GetCompileCommand(l:item))
diff --git a/autoload/ale/completion.vim b/autoload/ale/completion.vim
index a273d4e1..f6a0c350 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/completion.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/completion.vim
@@ -540,7 +540,8 @@ function! ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions(response) abort
" Don't use LSP items with additional text edits when autoimport for
" completions is turned off.
- if has_key(l:item, 'additionalTextEdits') && !g:ale_completion_autoimport
+ if !empty(get(l:item, 'additionalTextEdits'))
+ \&& !g:ale_completion_autoimport
@@ -562,31 +563,32 @@ function! ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions(response) abort
let l:text_changes = []
for l:edit in l:item.additionalTextEdits
- let l:range = l:edit.range
call add(l:text_changes, {
\ 'start': {
- \ 'line': l:range.start.line + 1,
- \ 'offset': l:range.start.character + 1,
+ \ 'line': l:edit.range.start.line + 1,
+ \ 'offset': l:edit.range.start.character + 1,
\ },
\ 'end': {
- \ 'line': l:range.end.line + 1,
- \ 'offset': l:range.end.character + 1,
+ \ 'line': l:edit.range.end.line + 1,
+ \ 'offset': l:edit.range.end.character + 1,
\ },
\ 'newText': l:edit.newText,
- let l:changes = [{
- \ 'fileName': expand('#' . l:buffer . ':p'),
- \ 'textChanges': l:text_changes,
- \}]
- \
- let l:result.user_data = json_encode({
- \ 'codeActions': [{
- \ 'description': 'completion',
- \ 'changes': l:changes,
- \ }],
- \ })
+ if !empty(l:text_changes)
+ let l:result.user_data = json_encode({
+ \ 'codeActions': [{
+ \ 'description': 'completion',
+ \ 'changes': [
+ \ {
+ \ 'fileName': expand('#' . l:buffer . ':p'),
+ \ 'textChanges': l:text_changes,
+ \ }
+ \ ],
+ \ }],
+ \})
+ endif
call add(l:results, l:result)
@@ -900,6 +902,8 @@ function! ale#completion#Done() abort
augroup ALECompletionActions
+ autocmd!
autocmd CompleteDone * call ale#completion#HandleUserData(v:completed_item)
augroup END
diff --git a/autoload/ale/preview.vim b/autoload/ale/preview.vim
index faf45cb0..8b94aa7a 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/preview.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/preview.vim
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
" Author: w0rp <>
" Description: Preview windows for showing whatever information in.
-if !has_key(s:, 'last_selection_list')
- let s:last_selection_list = []
+if !has_key(s:, 'last__list')
+ let s:last_list = []
-if !has_key(s:, 'last_selection_open_in')
- let s:last_selection_open_in = 'current-buffer'
+if !has_key(s:, 'last_options')
+ let s:last_options = {}
+function! ale#preview#SetLastSelection(item_list, options) abort
+ let s:last_list = a:item_list
+ let s:last_options = {
+ \ 'open_in': get(a:options, 'open_in', 'current-buffer'),
+ \ 'use_relative_paths': get(a:options, 'use_relative_paths', 0),
+ \}
" Open a preview window and show some lines in it.
" A second argument can be passed as a Dictionary with options. They are...
@@ -81,19 +89,14 @@ function! ale#preview#ShowSelection(item_list, ...) abort
let b:ale_preview_item_list = a:item_list
let b:ale_preview_item_open_in = get(l:options, 'open_in', 'current-buffer')
- " Remove the last preview
- let s:last_selection_list = b:ale_preview_item_list
- let s:last_selection_open_in = b:ale_preview_item_open_in
+ " Remember preview state, so we can repeat it later.
+ call ale#preview#SetLastSelection(a:item_list, l:options)
function! ale#preview#RepeatSelection() abort
- if empty(s:last_selection_list)
- return
+ if !empty(s:last_list)
+ call ale#preview#ShowSelection(s:last_list, s:last_options)
- call ale#preview#ShowSelection(s:last_selection_list, {
- \ 'open_in': s:last_selection_open_in,
- \})
function! s:Open(open_in) abort
diff --git a/doc/ale.txt b/doc/ale.txt
index ac51e466..da430042 100644
--- a/doc/ale.txt
+++ b/doc/ale.txt
@@ -562,15 +562,9 @@ displayed.
5.4 Find References *ale-find-references*
-ALE supports finding references for symbols though any enabled LSP linters.
-ALE will display a preview window showing the places where a symbol is
-referenced in a codebase when a command is run. The following commands are
-|ALEFindReferences| - Find references for the word under the cursor.
- `-relative` Show file paths in the results relative to the working dir
+ALE supports finding references for symbols though any enabled LSP linters
+with the |ALEFindReferences| command. See the documentation for the command
+for a full list of options.
5.5 Hovering *ale-hover*
@@ -613,13 +607,9 @@ Documentation for symbols at the cursor can be retrieved using the
5.6 Symbol Search *ale-symbol-search*
-ALE supports searching for workspace symbols via LSP linters. The following
-commands are supported:
-|ALESymbolSearch| - Search for symbols in the workspace.
- `-relative` Show file paths in the results relative to the working dir
+ALE supports searching for workspace symbols via LSP linters with the
+|ALESymbolSearch| command. See the documentation for the command
+for a full list of options.
6. Global Options *ale-options*
@@ -871,7 +861,7 @@ g:ale_default_navigation *g:ale_default_navigation*
Default: `'buffer'`
The default method for navigating away from the current buffer to another
- buffer, such as for |ALEFindReferences:|, or |ALEGoToDefinition|.
+ buffer, such as for |ALEFindReferences|, or |ALEGoToDefinition|.
g:ale_disable_lsp *g:ale_disable_lsp*
@@ -2911,13 +2901,20 @@ ALEFindReferences *ALEFindReferences*
The default method used for navigating to a new location can be changed
by modifying |g:ale_default_navigation|.
+ You can add `-relative` to the command to view results with relatives paths,
+ instead of absolute paths.
The selection can be opened again with the |ALERepeatSelection| command.
You can jump back to the position you were at before going to a reference of
something with jump motions like CTRL-O. See |jump-motions|.
A plug mapping `<Plug>(ale_find_references)` is defined for this command.
+ You can define additional plug mapping with any additional options you want
+ like so: >
+ nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(my_mapping) :ALEFindReferences -relative<Return>
@@ -3029,6 +3026,9 @@ ALESymbolSearch `<query>` *ALESymbolSearch*
The arguments provided to this command will be used as a search query for
finding symbols in the workspace, such as functions, types, etc.
+ You can add `-relative` to the command to view results with relatives paths,
+ instead of absolute paths.
ALELint *ALELint*
diff --git a/test/completion/test_lsp_completion_parsing.vader b/test/completion/test_lsp_completion_parsing.vader
index 8b8b41c7..b8e71320 100644
--- a/test/completion/test_lsp_completion_parsing.vader
+++ b/test/completion/test_lsp_completion_parsing.vader
@@ -609,6 +609,7 @@ Execute(Should handle completion messages with additionalTextEdits when ale_comp
Execute(Should not handle completion messages with additionalTextEdits when ale_completion_autoimport is turned off):
let g:ale_completion_autoimport = 0
+ let b:ale_completion_info = {'line': 30}
\ [],
@@ -645,3 +646,36 @@ Execute(Should not handle completion messages with additionalTextEdits when ale_
\ ],
\ },
\ })
+Execute(Should still handle completion messages with empty additionalTextEdits with ale_completion_autoimport turned off):
+ let g:ale_completion_autoimport = 0
+ AssertEqual
+ \ [
+ \ {
+ \ 'word': 'next_callback',
+ \ 'menu': 'PlayTimeCallback',
+ \ 'info': '',
+ \ 'kind': 'v',
+ \ 'icase': 1,
+ \ }
+ \ ],
+ \ ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions({
+ \ 'id': 226,
+ \ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ \ 'result': {
+ \ 'isIncomplete': v:false,
+ \ 'items': [
+ \ {
+ \ 'detail': 'PlayTimeCallback',
+ \ 'filterText': 'next_callback',
+ \ 'insertText': 'next_callback',
+ \ 'insertTextFormat': 1,
+ \ 'kind': 6,
+ \ 'label': ' next_callback',
+ \ 'sortText': '3ee19999next_callback',
+ \ 'additionalTextEdits': [],
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ })
diff --git a/test/test_c_flag_parsing.vader b/test/test_c_flag_parsing.vader
index e9830db8..6656d508 100644
--- a/test/test_c_flag_parsing.vader
+++ b/test/test_c_flag_parsing.vader
@@ -178,44 +178,164 @@ Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should tolerate empty values):
Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should parse some basic flags):
silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
+ " We should read the absolute path filename entry, not the other ones.
\ '-I ' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2'),
- \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(bufnr(''), { "xmms2-mpris.c": [
+ \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(
+ \ bufnr(''),
\ {
- \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
- \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')
- \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
- \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
- \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'): [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ "xmms2-mpris.c": [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ },
+ \ ],
\ },
- \ ] }, {})
+ \ {
+ \ ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src'): [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': 'other.c',
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ "src": [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify((has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-other.c'),
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ )
-Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should tolerate items without commands):
+Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should fall back to files with the same name):
silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
+ " We should prefer the basename file flags, not the base dirname flags.
- \ '',
- \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(bufnr(''), { "xmms2-mpris.c": [
+ \ '-I ' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2'),
+ \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(
+ \ bufnr(''),
\ {
- \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris',
- \ 'file': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c',
+ \ "xmms2-mpris.c": [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ },
+ \ ],
\ },
- \ ] }, {})
+ \ {
+ \ "src": [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify((has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-other.c'),
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ )
+Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should parse flags for exact directory matches):
+ silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
+ " We should ues the exact directory flags, not the file basename flags.
+ AssertEqual
+ \ '-I ' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2'),
+ \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(
+ \ bufnr(''),
+ \ {
+ \ "xmms2-mpris.c": [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src'): [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': 'other.c',
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ "src": [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/ignoreme')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify((has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-other.c'),
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ )
Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should fall back to files in the same directory):
silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
\ '-I ' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2'),
- \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(bufnr(''), {}, { "src": [
+ \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(
+ \ bufnr(''),
+ \ {},
\ {
- \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
- \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')
- \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
- \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
- \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify((has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-other.c'),
+ \ "src": [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris'),
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . ale#path#Simplify('/usr/include/xmms2')
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'),
+ \ 'file': ale#path#Simplify((has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-other.c'),
+ \ },
+ \ ],
\ },
- \ ] })
+ \ )
+Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should tolerate items without commands):
+ silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
+ AssertEqual
+ \ '',
+ \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(
+ \ bufnr(''),
+ \ {
+ \ "xmms2-mpris.c": [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris',
+ \ 'file': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c',
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ {},
+ \ )
Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should take commands from matching .c files for .h files):
silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.h'))
@@ -235,8 +355,7 @@ Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should take commands from matching .c files fo
\ },
\ ],
\ },
- \ {
- \ },
+ \ {},
\ )
Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should take commands from matching .cpp files for .hpp files):
@@ -333,14 +452,15 @@ Execute(ParseCFlags should handle parenthesis and quotes):
\ . '-Dtest3=`(" ")` file3.o '
\ )
-Execute(CFlags we want to pass):
+Execute(We should include several important flags):
- \ '-I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/inc'))
- \ . ' -I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/include'))
- \ . ' -iquote ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incquote'))
- \ . ' -isystem ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incsystem'))
+ \ '-I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/inc'))
+ \ . ' -I ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/include'))
+ \ . ' -iquote ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incquote'))
+ \ . ' -isystem ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incsystem'))
\ . ' -idirafter ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incafter'))
- \ . ' -iframework ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incframework'))
+ \ . ' -iframework ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/incframework'))
+ \ . ' -include ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/test_c_projects/makefile_project/foo bar'))
\ . ' -Dmacro=value -D macro2 -Bbdir -B bdir2'
\ . ' -iprefix prefix -iwithprefix prefix2 -iwithprefixbefore prefix3'
\ . ' -isysroot sysroot --sysroot=test --no-sysroot-suffix -imultilib multidir'
@@ -351,6 +471,7 @@ Execute(CFlags we want to pass):
\ ale#path#Simplify(g:dir. '/test_c_projects/makefile_project'),
\ 'gcc'
\ . ' -Iinc -I include -iquote incquote -isystem incsystem -idirafter incafter -iframework incframework'
+ \ . ' -include ''foo bar'''
\ . ' -Dmacro=value -D macro2 -Bbdir -B bdir2'
\ . ' -iprefix prefix -iwithprefix prefix2 -iwithprefixbefore prefix3'
\ . ' -isysroot sysroot --sysroot=test --no-sysroot-suffix -imultilib multidir'
@@ -359,7 +480,7 @@ Execute(CFlags we want to pass):
\ . ' -iplugindir=dir -march=native -w'
\ )
-Execute(CFlags we dont want to pass):
+Execute(We should exclude other flags that cause problems):
\ '',
\ ale#c#ParseCFlags(
@@ -368,7 +489,7 @@ Execute(CFlags we dont want to pass):
\ . '-fdump-file=name -fdiagnostics-arg -fno-show-column -fstack-usage'
\ )
-Execute(Expanding @file in CFlags):
+Execute(We should expand @file in CFlags):
\ '-DARGS1 -DARGS2 -O2',
\ ale#c#ParseCFlags(
diff --git a/test/test_find_references.vader b/test/test_find_references.vader
index 9949362a..ca05f631 100644
--- a/test/test_find_references.vader
+++ b/test/test_find_references.vader
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ Before:
let g:preview_called = 1
let g:item_list = a:item_list
let g:options = a:options
+ call ale#preview#SetLastSelection(a:item_list, a:options)
@@ -110,7 +112,16 @@ Given typescript(Some typescript file):
Execute(Results should be shown for tsserver responses):
- call ale#references#SetMap({3: {}})
+ " We should remember these options when we repeat the selection.
+ call ale#references#SetMap(
+ \ {
+ \ 3: {
+ \ 'ignorethis': 'x',
+ \ 'open_in': 'tab',
+ \ 'use_relative_paths': 1,
+ \ }
+ \ }
+ \)
call ale#references#HandleTSServerResponse(1, {
\ 'command': 'references',
\ 'request_seq': 3,
@@ -158,8 +169,7 @@ Execute(Results should be shown for tsserver responses):
AssertEqual {}, ale#references#GetMap()
" We should be able to repeat selections with ALERepeatSelection
- let g:ale_item_list = []
+ let g:item_list = []
@@ -170,6 +180,12 @@ Execute(Results should be shown for tsserver responses):
\ ],
\ g:item_list
AssertEqual {}, ale#references#GetMap()
+ AssertEqual
+ \ {
+ \ 'open_in': 'tab',
+ \ 'use_relative_paths': 1,
+ \ },
+ \ g:options
Execute(The preview window should not be opened for empty tsserver responses):
call ale#references#SetMap({3: {}})