diff options
12 files changed, 208 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ad55e255..7a8196f3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ formatting.
| AsciiDoc | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [redpen](, [write-good](, [vale]( |
| Awk | [gawk](|
| Bash | [language-server](, shell [-n flag](, [shellcheck](, [shfmt]( |
+| BibTeX | [bibclean]( |
| Bourne Shell | shell [-n flag](, [shellcheck](, [shfmt]( |
| C | [cppcheck](, [cpplint](, [clang](, [clangd](, [clangtidy]( !!, [clang-format](, [cquery](, [flawfinder](, [gcc](, [uncrustify](, [ccls]( |
| C++ (filetype cpp) | [clang](, [clangd](, [clangcheck]( !!, [clangtidy]( !!, [clang-format](, [clazy]( !!, [cppcheck](, [cpplint]( !!, [cquery](, [flawfinder](, [gcc](, [uncrustify](, [ccls]( |
diff --git a/ale_linters/bib/bibclean.vim b/ale_linters/bib/bibclean.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6750f22f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ale_linters/bib/bibclean.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+" Author: Horacio Sanson -
+" Description: Support for bibclean linter for BibTeX files.
+call ale#Set('bib_bibclean_executable', 'bibclean')
+function! ale_linters#bib#bibclean#GetCommand(buffer) abort
+ let l:executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'bib_bibclean_executable')
+ return ale#Escape(l:executable) . ' -file-position '
+function! ale_linters#bib#bibclean#get_type(str) abort
+ if a:str is# '??'
+ return 'E'
+ else
+ return 'W'
+ endif
+function! ale_linters#bib#bibclean#match_msg(line) abort
+ return matchlist(a:line, '^\(.*\) "stdin", line \(.*\): \(.*\)$')
+function! ale_linters#bib#bibclean#match_entry(line) abort
+ return matchlist(a:line, 'Entry input byte=.* line=\(.*\) column=\(.*\) output .*$')
+function! ale_linters#bib#bibclean#match_value(line) abort
+ return matchlist(a:line, 'Value input byte=.* line=\(.*\) column=\(.*\) output .*$')
+function! ale_linters#bib#bibclean#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
+ let l:output = []
+ let l:type = 'E'
+ let l:msg = ''
+ for l:line in a:lines
+ if empty(l:msg)
+ let l:mlist = ale_linters#bib#bibclean#match_msg(l:line)
+ if !empty(l:mlist)
+ let l:msg = l:mlist[3]
+ let l:type = ale_linters#bib#bibclean#get_type(l:mlist[1])
+ endif
+ else
+ if l:type is# 'E'
+ let l:mlist = ale_linters#bib#bibclean#match_entry(l:line)
+ else
+ let l:mlist = ale_linters#bib#bibclean#match_value(l:line)
+ endif
+ if !empty(l:mlist)
+ call add(l:output, {
+ \ 'lnum': l:mlist[1],
+ \ 'col': l:mlist[2],
+ \ 'text': l:msg,
+ \ 'type': l:type
+ \})
+ let l:msg = ''
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return l:output
+call ale#linter#Define('bib', {
+\ 'name': 'bibclean',
+\ 'executable_callback': ale#VarFunc('bib_bibclean_executable'),
+\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#bib#bibclean#GetCommand',
+\ 'output_stream': 'stderr',
+\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#bib#bibclean#Handle',
diff --git a/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim b/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
index a54be420..75fd1508 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/fix/registry.vim
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ let s:default_registry = {
\ 'suggested_filetypes': ['python'],
\ 'description': 'Fix PEP8 issues with autopep8.',
\ },
+\ 'bibclean': {
+\ 'function': 'ale#fixers#bibclean#Fix',
+\ 'suggested_filetypes': ['bib'],
+\ 'description': 'Format bib files using bibclean.',
+\ },
\ 'black': {
\ 'function': 'ale#fixers#black#Fix',
\ 'suggested_filetypes': ['python'],
diff --git a/autoload/ale/fixers/bibclean.vim b/autoload/ale/fixers/bibclean.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89cb97ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoload/ale/fixers/bibclean.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+" Author: Horacio Sanson -
+" Description: Support for bibclean fixer for BibTeX files.
+call ale#Set('bib_bibclean_executable', 'bibclean')
+call ale#Set('bib_bibclean_options', '-align-equals')
+function! ale#fixers#bibclean#Fix(buffer) abort
+ let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'bib_bibclean_options')
+ let l:executable = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'bib_bibclean_executable')
+ return {
+ \ 'command': ale#Escape(l:executable)
+ \ . ' ' . (empty(l:options) ? '' : l:options),
+ \}
diff --git a/doc/ale-bib.txt b/doc/ale-bib.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35998c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ale-bib.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ALE BibTeX Integration *ale-bib-options*
+bibclean *ale-bib-bibclean*
+g:ale_bib_bibclean_executable *g:ale_bib_bibclean_executable*
+ Type: |String|
+ Default: `'bibclean'`
+g:ale_bib_bibclean_options *g:ale_bib_bibclean_options*
+ Type: |String|
+ Default: `'-align-equals'`
diff --git a/doc/ale.txt b/doc/ale.txt
index 1a37f73f..48d7bc13 100644
--- a/doc/ale.txt
+++ b/doc/ale.txt
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ CONTENTS *ale-contents*
+ bib...................................|ale-bib-options|
+ bibclean............................|ale-bib-bibclean|
@@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ Notes:
* AsciiDoc: `alex`!!, `proselint`, `redpen`, `write-good`, `vale`
* Awk: `gawk`
* Bash: `language-server`, `shell` (-n flag), `shellcheck`, `shfmt`
+* BibTeX: `bibclean`
* Bourne Shell: `shell` (-n flag), `shellcheck`, `shfmt`
* C: `cppcheck`, `cpplint`!!, `clang`, `clangd`, `clangtidy`!!, `clang-format`, `cquery`, `flawfinder`, `gcc`, `uncrustify`, `ccls`
* C++ (filetype cpp): `clang`, `clangd`, `clangcheck`!!, `clangtidy`!!, `clang-format`, `clazy`!!, `cppcheck`, `cpplint`!!, `cquery`, `flawfinder`, `gcc`, `uncrustify`, `ccls`
diff --git a/test/command_callback/bib_paths/dummy.bib b/test/command_callback/bib_paths/dummy.bib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/command_callback/bib_paths/dummy.bib
diff --git a/test/command_callback/test_bib_bibclean_command_callback.vader b/test/command_callback/test_bib_bibclean_command_callback.vader
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa6f7d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/command_callback/test_bib_bibclean_command_callback.vader
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('bib', 'bibclean')
+ let g:ale_ruby_rubocop_executable = 'bibclean'
+ let g:ale_ruby_rubocop_options = ''
+ call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest()
+Execute(Executable should default to bibclean):
+ AssertLinter 'bibclean', ale#Escape('bibclean')
+ \ . ' -file-position '
+Execute(Should be able to set a custom executable):
+ let g:ale_bib_bibclean_executable = 'bin/bibclean'
+ AssertLinter 'bin/bibclean' , ale#Escape('bin/bibclean')
+ \ . ' -file-position '
+Execute(Should not include custom options):
+ let g:ale_bib_bibclean_options = '-no-prettryprint'
+ AssertLinter 'bibclean' , ale#Escape('bibclean')
+ \ . ' -file-position '
diff --git a/test/fixers/test_bibclean_fixer_callback.vader b/test/fixers/test_bibclean_fixer_callback.vader
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d3081e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixers/test_bibclean_fixer_callback.vader
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ Save g:ale_bib_bibclean_executable
+ Save g:ale_bib_bibclean_options
+ let g:ale_bib_bibclean_executable = 'xxxinvalid'
+ let g:ale_bib_bibclean_options = '-align-equals'
+ call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test/fixers')
+ Restore
+ call ale#test#RestoreDirectory()
+Execute(The bibclean callback should return the correct default values):
+ call ale#test#SetFilename('../command_callback/bib_paths/dummy.bib')
+ AssertEqual
+ \ {'command': ale#Escape(g:ale_bib_bibclean_executable) . ' -align-equals'},
+ \ ale#fixers#bibclean#Fix(bufnr(''))
+Execute(The bibclean callback should include custom bibclean options):
+ let g:ale_bib_bibclean_options = '-author -check-values'
+ call ale#test#SetFilename('../command_callback/bib_paths/dummy.bib')
+ AssertEqual
+ \ {
+ \ 'command': ale#Escape(g:ale_bib_bibclean_executable) . ' -author -check-values'
+ \ },
+ \ ale#fixers#bibclean#Fix(bufnr(''))
diff --git a/test/fixers/test_rufo_fixer_callback.vader b/test/fixers/test_rufo_fixer_callback.vader
index a0828406..98108efc 100644
--- a/test/fixers/test_rufo_fixer_callback.vader
+++ b/test/fixers/test_rufo_fixer_callback.vader
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ Before:
" Use an invalid global executable, so we don't match it.
let g:ale_ruby_rufo_executable = 'xxxinvalid'
- call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test/fixers')
- silent cd ..
- silent cd command_callback
+ call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test/command_callback')
let g:dir = getcwd()
diff --git a/test/handler/test_bibclean_handler.vader b/test/handler/test_bibclean_handler.vader
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6179d7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/handler/test_bibclean_handler.vader
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ runtime ale_linters/bib/bibclean.vim
+ call ale#linter#Reset()
+Execute(The bibclean handler should parse lines correctly):
+ AssertEqual
+ \ [
+ \ {
+ \ 'lnum': '60',
+ \ 'type': 'W',
+ \ 'text': 'Unexpected value in ``month = "09"''''.',
+ \ 'col': '17'
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ 'lnum': '63',
+ \ 'type': 'E',
+ \ 'text': 'Expected comma after last field ``keywords''''.',
+ \ 'col': ' 1'
+ \ }
+ \ ],
+ \ ale_linters#bib#bibclean#Handle(255, [
+ \ "%% \"stdin\", line 60: Unexpected value in ``month = \"09\"''.",
+ \ "%% File positions: input [main.bib] output [stdout]",
+ \ "%% Entry input byte=1681 line=50 column= 1 output byte=1680 line=50 column= 0",
+ \ "%% Value input byte=2137 line=60 column=17 output byte=2137 line=60 column=17",
+ \ "%% Current input byte=2139 line=60 column=19 output byte=2137 line=60 column=17",
+ \ "?? \"stdin\", line 71: Expected comma after last field ``keywords''.",
+ \ "?? File positions: input [main.bib] output [stdout]",
+ \ "?? Entry input byte=2145 line=63 column= 1 output byte=2146 line=63 column= 0",
+ \ "?? Value input byte=2528 line=71 column= 2 output byte=2527 line=70 column=49",
+ \ "?? Current input byte=2529 line=71 column= 3 output byte=2528 line=70 column=50"
+ \ ])
diff --git a/test/script/check-toc b/test/script/check-toc
index 8e411589..09d794ee 100755
--- a/test/script/check-toc
+++ b/test/script/check-toc
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ doc_files="$(/bin/ls -1v doc | grep ^ale- | sed 's/^/doc\//' | paste -sd ' ' -)"
grep -h '\*ale-.*-options\|^[a-z].*\*ale-.*\*$' $doc_files \
| sed 's/^/ /' \
| sed 's/ALE Shell Integration/ALE sh Integration/' \
+ | sed 's/ALE BibTeX Integration/ALE bib Integration/' \
| sed 's/ ALE \(.*\) Integration/\1/' \
| sed 's/ *\*\(..*\)\*$/, \1/' \
| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' \