diff options
2 files changed, 26 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/ale_linters/d/dmd.vim b/ale_linters/d/dmd.vim
index 6afdc452..25d4b912 100644
--- a/ale_linters/d/dmd.vim
+++ b/ale_linters/d/dmd.vim
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ let g:loaded_ale_linters_d_dmd = 1
" A function for finding the dmd-wrapper script in the Vim runtime paths
function! s:FindWrapperScript()
for parent in split(&runtimepath, ',')
- let path = parent . '/' . 'dmd-wrapper'
+ " Expand the path to deal with ~ issues.
+ let path = expand(parent . '/' . 'dmd-wrapper')
if filereadable(path)
return path
@@ -15,48 +16,11 @@ function! s:FindWrapperScript()
-function! ale_linters#d#dmd#GetDubImports(buffer)
- if !executable('dub')
- " If we don't have dub, then stop here.
- return []
- endif
- " Try to find dub.json
- let dub_path = findfile("dub.json", ",;")
- if dub_path == ''
- " Try to find package.json if that fails
- let dub_path = findfile("package.json", ",;")
- endif
- if dub_path == ''
- " We couldn't find the project root directory, so give up.
- return
- endif
- let dub_dir = fnamemodify(dub_path, ':h')
- let old_path = getcwd()
- try
- " Temporarily change to the project directory.
- execute 'cd' . fnameescape(dub_dir)
- return split(system('dub describe --import-paths'), '\n')
- finally
- " Change back to the old path.
- execute 'cd' . fnameescape(old_path)
- endtry
function! ale_linters#d#dmd#GetCommand(buffer)
let wrapper_script = s:FindWrapperScript()
let command = wrapper_script . ' -o- -vcolumns -c'
- for path in ale_linters#d#dmd#GetDubImports(a:buffer)
- let command .= ' -I' . shellescape(path)
- endfor
return command
diff --git a/dmd-wrapper b/dmd-wrapper
index e413f083..dd2bb53a 100755
--- a/dmd-wrapper
+++ b/dmd-wrapper
@@ -13,4 +13,27 @@ while read line; do
echo "$line" >> "$temp_file"
-dmd "$@" "$temp_file"
+# Read imports from DUB.
+original_path="$(readlink -m .)"
+# We need to look for variable configuration files in parent directories.
+while [ "$path" != '/' ]; do
+ if [ -f "$path/dub.sdl" ] || [ -f "$path/dub.json" ] || [ -f "$path/package.json" ]; then
+ cd "$path"
+ while read import_line; do
+ import_line_options="$import_line_options -I$import_line"
+ done <<< "$(dub describe --import-paths)"
+ cd "$original_path"
+ break
+ fi
+ path="$(dirname "$path")"
+dmd $import_line_options "$@" "$temp_file"