diff options
2 files changed, 117 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/c.vim b/autoload/ale/c.vim
index eeb512ba..a9289e22 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/c.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/c.vim
@@ -219,9 +219,32 @@ function! ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(buffer, file_lookup, dir_lookup) abort
" Search for an exact file match first.
let l:basename = tolower(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':t'))
let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:basename, [])
+ " A source file matching the header filename.
+ let l:source_file = ''
+ if empty(l:file_list) && l:basename =~? '\.h$\|\.hpp$'
+ for l:suffix in ['.c', '.cpp']
+ let l:key = fnamemodify(l:basename, ':r') . l:suffix
+ let l:file_list = get(a:file_lookup, l:key, [])
+ if !empty(l:file_list)
+ let l:source_file = l:key
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
for l:item in l:file_list
- if bufnr(l:item.file) is a:buffer && has_key(l:item, 'command')
+ " Load the flags for this file, or for a source file matching the
+ " header file.
+ if has_key(l:item, 'command')
+ \&& (
+ \ bufnr(l:item.file) is a:buffer
+ \ || (
+ \ !empty(l:source_file)
+ \ && l:item.file[-len(l:source_file):] is? l:source_file
+ \ )
+ \)
return ale#c#ParseCFlags(, l:item.command)
diff --git a/test/test_c_flag_parsing.vader b/test/test_c_flag_parsing.vader
index 340f3ccf..045554a3 100644
--- a/test/test_c_flag_parsing.vader
+++ b/test/test_c_flag_parsing.vader
@@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should tolerate empty values):
AssertEqual '', ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(bufnr(''), {}, {})
Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should parse some basic flags):
- noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
+ silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
- \ '-I' . '/usr/include/xmms2',
+ \ '-I/usr/include/xmms2',
\ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(bufnr(''), { "xmms2-mpris.c": [
\ {
\ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris',
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should parse some basic flags):
\ ] }, {})
Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should tolerate items without commands):
- noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
+ silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
\ '',
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should tolerate items without commands):
\ ] }, {})
Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should fall back to files in the same directory):
- noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
+ silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c'))
- \ '-I' . '/usr/include/xmms2',
+ \ '-I/usr/include/xmms2',
\ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(bufnr(''), {}, { "src": [
\ {
\ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris',
@@ -194,6 +194,94 @@ Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should fall back to files in the same director
\ },
\ ] })
+Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should take commands from matching .c files for .h files):
+ silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.h'))
+ AssertEqual
+ \ '-I/usr/include/xmms2',
+ \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(
+ \ bufnr(''),
+ \ {
+ \ 'xmms2-mpris.c': [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris',
+ \ 'file': (has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c',
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . '/usr/include/xmms2'
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c',
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ },
+ \ )
+Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should take commands from matching .cpp files for .hpp files):
+ silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.hpp'))
+ AssertEqual
+ \ '-I/usr/include/xmms2',
+ \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(
+ \ bufnr(''),
+ \ {
+ \ 'xmms2-mpris.cpp': [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris',
+ \ 'file': (has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.cpp',
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . '/usr/include/xmms2'
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.cpp',
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ },
+ \ )
+Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should take commands from matching .cpp files for .h files):
+ silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.h'))
+ AssertEqual
+ \ '-I/usr/include/xmms2',
+ \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(
+ \ bufnr(''),
+ \ {
+ \ 'xmms2-mpris.cpp': [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris',
+ \ 'file': (has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.cpp',
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . '/usr/include/xmms2'
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.cpp',
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ },
+ \ )
+Execute(ParseCompileCommandsFlags should not take commands from .c files for .h files with different names):
+ silent noautocmd execute 'file! ' . fnameescape(ale#path#Simplify('/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/other.h'))
+ AssertEqual
+ \ '',
+ \ ale#c#ParseCompileCommandsFlags(
+ \ bufnr(''),
+ \ {
+ \ 'xmms2-mpris.c': [
+ \ {
+ \ 'directory': '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris',
+ \ 'file': (has('win32') ? 'C:' : '') . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c',
+ \ 'command': '/usr/bin/cc -I' . '/usr/include/xmms2'
+ \ . ' -o CMakeFiles/xmms2-mpris.dir/src/xmms2-mpris.c.o'
+ \ . ' -c ' . '/foo/bar/xmms2-mpris/src/xmms2-mpris.c',
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ },
+ \ )
Execute(ParseCFlags should handle parenthesis and quotes):
\ '-Dgoal=9 -Dtest1="('' '')" file1.o -Dtest2=''(` `)'' file2.o -Dtest3=`(" ")` file3.o',