path: root/test/lsp
diff options
authorw0rp <>2019-02-27 23:26:32 +0000
committerw0rp <>2019-02-27 23:26:32 +0000
commitc4328f2a31a8acac96ca8d7615231812bad700bf (patch)
tree62e382a04342fda2deed82364ef4ade2ce03f7a7 /test/lsp
parent37a1d24a36399338a3238f94a92d4db97b8255f3 (diff)
#2132 - Support deferred execution for LSP executables, commands, and addresses
Diffstat (limited to 'test/lsp')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lsp/test_lsp_startup.vader b/test/lsp/test_lsp_startup.vader
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fbd32de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lsp/test_lsp_startup.vader
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ Save g:ale_run_synchronously
+ let g:ale_run_synchronously = 1
+ unlet! g:ale_run_synchronously_callbacks
+ runtime autoload/ale/lsp.vim
+ runtime autoload/ale/lsp_linter.vim
+ runtime autoload/ale/engine.vim
+ runtime autoload/ale/job.vim
+ runtime autoload/ale/socket.vim
+ let g:job_map = {}
+ let g:emulate_job_failure = 0
+ let g:next_job_id = 1
+ let g:socket_map = {}
+ let g:emulate_socket_failure = 0
+ let g:next_channel_id = 0
+ let g:message_buffer = ''
+ let g:calls = []
+ function! ale#engine#IsExecutable(buffer, executable) abort
+ return !empty(a:executable)
+ endfunction
+ function! ale#job#HasOpenChannel(job_id) abort
+ return has_key(g:job_map, a:job_id)
+ endfunction
+ function! ale#job#Stop(job_id) abort
+ if has_key(g:job_map, a:job_id)
+ call remove(g:job_map, a:job_id)
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ function! ale#job#Start(command, options) abort
+ if g:emulate_job_failure
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let l:job_id = g:next_job_id
+ let g:next_job_id += 1
+ let g:job_map[l:job_id] = [a:command, a:options]
+ return l:job_id
+ endfunction
+ function! ale#job#SendRaw(job_id, data) abort
+ let g:message_buffer .= a:data
+ endfunction
+ function! ale#socket#IsOpen(channel_id) abort
+ return has_key(g:socket_map, a:channel_id)
+ endfunction
+ function! ale#socket#Close(channel_id) abort
+ if has_key(g:socket_map, a:channel_id)
+ call remove(g:socket_map, a:channel_id)
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ function! ale#socket#Open(address, options) abort
+ if g:emulate_socket_failure
+ return -1
+ endif
+ let l:channel_id = g:next_channel_id
+ let g:next_channel_id += 1
+ let g:socket_map[l:channel_id] = [a:address, a:options]
+ return l:channel_id
+ endfunction
+ function! ale#socket#Send(channel_id, data) abort
+ let g:message_buffer .= a:data
+ endfunction
+ function! PopMessages() abort
+ let l:message_list = []
+ for l:line in split(g:message_buffer, '\(\r\|\n\|Content-Length\)\+')
+ if l:line[:0] is '{'
+ let l:data = json_decode(l:line)
+ call add(l:message_list, l:data)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let g:message_buffer = ''
+ return l:message_list
+ endfunction
+ function! SendMessage(message) abort
+ let l:conn_id = keys(ale#lsp#GetConnections())[0]
+ let l:body = json_encode(a:message)
+ let l:data = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen(l:body) . "\r\n\r\n" . l:body
+ call ale#lsp#HandleMessage(l:conn_id, l:data)
+ endfunction
+ function! Start() abort
+ let l:linter = values(ale#linter#GetLintersLoaded())[0][0]
+ return ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(
+ \ bufnr(''),
+ \ l:linter,
+ \ {linter, details -> add(g:calls, [, details])},
+ \)
+ endfunction
+ function! AssertInitSuccess(linter_name, conn_prefix, language, root, command) abort
+ let l:messages = PopMessages()
+ if a:linter_name is# 'tsserver'
+ AssertEqual
+ \ [
+ \ {
+ \ 'seq': v:null,
+ \ 'arguments': {
+ \ 'file': expand('%:p'),
+ \ },
+ \ 'type': 'request',
+ \ 'command': 'open',
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ l:messages
+ else
+ AssertEqual
+ \ [
+ \ {
+ \ 'method': 'initialize',
+ \ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ \ 'id': 1,
+ \ 'params': {
+ \ 'initializationOptions': {},
+ \ 'rootUri': ale#path#ToURI(a:root),
+ \ 'capabilities': {},
+ \ 'rootPath': a:root,
+ \ 'processId': getpid(),
+ \ },
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ l:messages
+ call SendMessage({
+ \ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ \ 'id': 1,
+ \ 'result': {
+ \ 'capabilities': {
+ \ 'renameProvider': v:true,
+ \ 'executeCommandProvider': {
+ \ 'commands': [],
+ \ },
+ \ 'hoverProvider': v:true,
+ \ 'documentSymbolProvider': v:true,
+ \ 'documentRangeFormattingProvider': v:true,
+ \ 'codeLensProvider': {
+ \ 'resolveProvider': v:false
+ \ },
+ \ 'referencesProvider': v:true,
+ \ 'textDocumentSync': 2,
+ \ 'documentFormattingProvider': v:true,
+ \ 'codeActionProvider': v:true,
+ \ 'signatureHelpProvider': {
+ \ 'triggerCharacters': ['(', ','],
+ \ },
+ \ 'completionProvider': {
+ \ 'triggerCharacters': ['.'],
+ \ 'resolveProvider': v:false
+ \ },
+ \ 'definitionProvider': v:true,
+ \ 'experimental': {},
+ \ 'documentHighlightProvider': v:true,
+ \ 'workspaceSymbolProvider': v:true,
+ \ },
+ \ },
+ \})
+ let l:messages = PopMessages()
+ AssertEqual
+ \ [
+ \ {
+ \ 'method': 'initialized',
+ \ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ \ 'params': {},
+ \ },
+ \ {
+ \ 'method': 'textDocument/didOpen',
+ \ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ \ 'params': {
+ \ 'textDocument': {
+ \ 'uri': ale#path#ToURI(expand('%:p')),
+ \ 'version': ale#lsp#message#GetNextVersionID() - 1,
+ \ 'languageId': a:language,
+ \ 'text': "\n",
+ \ },
+ \ },
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ l:messages
+ endif
+ AssertEqual
+ \ [
+ \ [
+ \ a:linter_name,
+ \ {
+ \ 'connection_id': a:conn_prefix . ':' . a:root,
+ \ 'project_root': a:root,
+ \ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
+ \ 'command': !empty(a:command) ? ale#job#PrepareCommand(bufnr(''), a:command) : '',
+ \ },
+ \ ],
+ \ ],
+ \ g:calls
+ endfunction
+ function! AssertInitFailure() abort
+ let l:messages = PopMessages()
+ AssertEqual [], l:messages
+ AssertEqual [], g:calls
+ endfunction
+ call ale#linter#Reset()
+ Restore
+ call ale#linter#Reset()
+ call ale#lsp#ResetConnections()
+ unlet! g:job_map
+ unlet! g:emulate_job_failure
+ unlet! g:next_job_id
+ unlet! g:socket_map
+ unlet! g:emulate_socket_failure
+ unlet! g:next_channel_id
+ unlet! g:message_buffer
+ unlet! g:calls
+ delfunction PopMessages
+ delfunction Start
+ delfunction AssertInitSuccess
+ delfunction AssertInitFailure
+ runtime autoload/ale/engine.vim
+ runtime autoload/ale/job.vim
+ runtime autoload/ale/socket.vim
+Execute(tsserver should be started correctly):
+ runtime ale_linters/typescript/tsserver.vim
+ Assert Start()
+ call AssertInitSuccess('tsserver', 'tsserver', '', '', ale#Escape('tsserver'))
+Execute(tsserver failures should be handled appropriately):
+ runtime ale_linters/typescript/tsserver.vim
+ let g:emulate_job_failure = 1
+ Assert !Start()
+ call AssertInitFailure()
+Execute(LSP jobs should start correctly):
+ call ale#linter#Define('foobar', {
+ \ 'name': 'foo',
+ \ 'lsp': 'stdio',
+ \ 'executable': 'foo',
+ \ 'command': 'foo',
+ \ 'project_root': '/foo/bar',
+ \ 'initialization_options': {},
+ \})
+ Assert Start()
+ call AssertInitSuccess('foo', 'foo', 'foobar', '/foo/bar', 'foo')
+Execute(LSP job failures should be handled):
+ call ale#linter#Define('foobar', {
+ \ 'name': 'foo',
+ \ 'lsp': 'stdio',
+ \ 'executable': 'foo',
+ \ 'command': 'foo',
+ \ 'project_root': '/foo/bar',
+ \ 'initialization_options': {},
+ \})
+ let g:emulate_job_failure = 1
+ Assert !Start()
+ call AssertInitFailure()
+Execute(LSP TCP connections should start correctly):
+ call ale#linter#Define('foobar', {
+ \ 'name': 'foo',
+ \ 'lsp': 'socket',
+ \ 'address': 'foo',
+ \ 'project_root': '/foo/bar',
+ \ 'initialization_options': {},
+ \})
+ Assert Start()
+ call AssertInitSuccess('foo', 'foo', 'foobar', '/foo/bar', '')
+Execute(LSP TCP connection failures should be handled):
+ call ale#linter#Define('foobar', {
+ \ 'name': 'foo',
+ \ 'lsp': 'socket',
+ \ 'address': 'foo',
+ \ 'project_root': '/foo/bar',
+ \ 'initialization_options': {},
+ \})
+ let g:emulate_socket_failure = 1
+ Assert !Start()
+ call AssertInitFailure()
+Execute(Deferred executables should be handled correctly):
+ call ale#linter#Define('foobar', {
+ \ 'name': 'foo',
+ \ 'lsp': 'stdio',
+ \ 'executable': {b -> ale#command#Run(b, 'echo', {-> 'foo'})},
+ \ 'command': '%e -c',
+ \ 'project_root': '/foo/bar',
+ \ 'initialization_options': {},
+ \})
+ Assert Start()
+ call ale#test#FlushJobs()
+ call AssertInitSuccess('foo', 'foo', 'foobar', '/foo/bar', ale#Escape('foo') . ' -c')
+Execute(Deferred commands should be handled correctly):
+ call ale#linter#Define('foobar', {
+ \ 'name': 'foo',
+ \ 'lsp': 'stdio',
+ \ 'executable': 'foo',
+ \ 'command': {b -> ale#command#Run(b, 'echo', {-> '%e -c'})},
+ \ 'project_root': '/foo/bar',
+ \ 'initialization_options': {},
+ \})
+ Assert Start()
+ call ale#test#FlushJobs()
+ call AssertInitSuccess('foo', 'foo', 'foobar', '/foo/bar', ale#Escape('foo') . ' -c')
+Execute(Deferred addresses should be handled correctly):
+ call ale#linter#Define('foobar', {
+ \ 'name': 'foo',
+ \ 'lsp': 'socket',
+ \ 'address': {b -> ale#command#Run(b, 'echo', {-> 'localhost:1234'})},
+ \ 'project_root': '/foo/bar',
+ \ 'initialization_options': {},
+ \})
+ Assert Start()
+ call ale#test#FlushJobs()
+ call AssertInitSuccess('foo', 'localhost:1234', 'foobar', '/foo/bar', '')