path: root/test/fix
diff options
authorw0rp <>2019-06-04 21:51:44 +0100
committerw0rp <>2019-06-04 21:51:53 +0100
commit381fff0e4c0c7c5057ed0d114169fac3a419ff85 (patch)
treeaea41b60665d0250c370b99dde0f87158c655e83 /test/fix
parent42a1fc2d29d710687504043dbb746eefb8248781 (diff)
Make ale_lint_on_save work with b:ale_fix_on_save = 1
Diffstat (limited to 'test/fix')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/fix/test_ale_fix.vader b/test/fix/test_ale_fix.vader
index 05cc4457..9dd04213 100644
--- a/test/fix/test_ale_fix.vader
+++ b/test/fix/test_ale_fix.vader
@@ -525,6 +525,54 @@ Expect(The buffer should be modified):
+Given testft (A file with three lines):
+ a
+ b
+ c
+Execute(ALEFix should run the linters with b:ale_lint_on_save = 1):
+ let g:ale_fix_on_save = 0
+ let b:ale_fix_on_save = 1
+ let g:ale_lint_on_save = 1
+ let g:ale_enabled = 1
+ let g:test_filename = tempname()
+ execute 'noautocmd silent file ' . fnameescape(g:test_filename)
+ call writefile(getline(1, '$'), g:test_filename)
+ let g:ale_fixers.testft = ['AddDollars']
+ " We have to set the buftype to empty so the file will be written.
+ setlocal buftype=
+ call SetUpLinters()
+ call ale#events#SaveEvent(bufnr(''))
+ call ale#test#FlushJobs()
+ " We should save the file.
+ AssertEqual ['$a', '$b', '$c'], readfile(g:test_filename)
+ Assert !&modified, 'The file was marked as ''modified'''
+ if !has('win32')
+ " We should have run the linter.
+ AssertEqual [{
+ \ 'bufnr': bufnr('%'),
+ \ 'lnum': 1,
+ \ 'vcol': 0,
+ \ 'col': 1,
+ \ 'text': 'xxx',
+ \ 'type': 'E',
+ \ 'nr': -1,
+ \ 'pattern': '',
+ \ 'valid': 1,
+ \}], ale#test#GetLoclistWithoutModule()
+ endif
+Expect(The buffer should be modified):
+ $a
+ $b
+ $c
Execute(ALEFix should not fix files on :wq):
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1
let g:ale_lint_on_save = 1