path: root/autoload
diff options
authorroel0 <>2018-03-19 21:55:59 +0100
committerroel0 <>2018-03-19 21:56:18 +0100
commitc47b5fd4b8f9b7c08774e631dae60ca51c23e7c9 (patch)
treedc72fd5a25569679790d16cc0b471c203ac8ac0a /autoload
parent68b9399d4c4cdca8a29b5e6125d44779c52def81 (diff)
Automatically determine build flags by parsing 'make -n' output #1167
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/c.vim b/autoload/ale/c.vim
index f6ad7deb..4bf8ad4d 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/c.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/c.vim
@@ -22,6 +22,69 @@ function! ale#c#FindProjectRoot(buffer) abort
return ''
+function! ale#c#ParseCFlags(project_root, stdout_make) abort
+ let l:cflags_list = []
+ let l:cflags = split(a:stdout_make, " ")
+ let l:shell_option = 0
+ let l:macro_option = 0
+ let l:previous_option = ''
+ for l:option in l:cflags
+ " Check if cflag contained spaces
+ if l:shell_option || stridx(l:option, "=`") >= 0
+ " Cflag contained shell command with spaces (ex. -D='date +%s')
+ let l:shell_option = 1
+ let l:previous_option .= l:option . ' '
+ if l:option[-1: -1] != "`"
+ continue
+ endif
+ let l:shell_option = 0
+ elseif l:macro_option || stridx(l:option, "$((") > 0
+ " Cflag contained macro with spaces (ex -Da=$(( 4 * 20 )))
+ let l:macro_option = 1
+ let l:previous_option .= l:option . ' '
+ if stridx(l:option, "))") < 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ let l:macro_option = 0
+ endif
+ if l:previous_option != ''
+ let l:option = l:previous_option
+ let l:previous_option = ''
+ endif
+ " Fix relative paths if needed
+ if stridx(l:option, "-I") >= 0
+ if stridx(l:option, "-I/") < 0
+ let l:option = '-I' . a:project_root . s:sep . l:option[2:]
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Parse the cflag
+ if stridx(l:option, "-I") >= 0 ||
+ \ stridx(l:option, "-D") >= 0
+ if index(l:cflags_list, l:option) < 0
+ call add(l:cflags_list, l:option)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return l:cflags_list
+function! ale#c#ParseMakefile(buffer) abort
+ let l:project_root = ale#c#FindProjectRoot(a:buffer)
+ let l:project_cflags = []
+ if !empty(l:project_root)
+ if !empty(globpath(l:project_root, 'Makefile', 0))
+ let stdout_make = system('cd '. l:project_root . ' && make -n')
+ for l:object in split(l:stdout_make, '\n')
+ if stridx(l:object, expand("%t"))
+ return ale#c#ParseCFlags(l:project_root, l:object)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endif
+ return []
" Given a buffer number, search for a project root, and output a List
" of directories to include based on some heuristics.