path: root/autoload
diff options
authorw0rp <>2017-08-11 10:31:25 +0100
committerw0rp <>2017-08-11 10:31:25 +0100
commit78b9ae0f1c65e53eac509b6946f8c70369fab980 (patch)
treebff335f57b7f678f16172d5028a43d84a4c2ad41 /autoload
parentd5ae3201a4128c9e7b1042e9ea40b7f13cf72a10 (diff)
Add a fix function for breaking up long Python lines, which is hidden for now
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/fixers/generic_python.vim b/autoload/ale/fixers/generic_python.vim
index 8bdde505..124146be 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/fixers/generic_python.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/fixers/generic_python.vim
@@ -23,3 +23,38 @@ function! ale#fixers#generic_python#AddLinesBeforeControlStatements(buffer, line
return l:new_lines
+" This function breaks up long lines so that autopep8 or other tools can
+" fix the badly-indented code which is produced as a result.
+function! ale#fixers#generic_python#BreakUpLongLines(buffer, lines) abort
+ " Default to a maximum line length of 79
+ let l:max_line_length = 79
+ let l:conf = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'setup.cfg')
+ " Read the maximum line length from setup.cfg
+ if !empty(l:conf)
+ for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(
+ \ readfile(l:conf),
+ \ '\v^ *max-line-length *\= *(\d+)',
+ \)
+ let l:max_line_length = str2nr(l:match[1])
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let l:new_list = []
+ for l:line in a:lines
+ if len(l:line) > l:max_line_length && l:line !~# '# *noqa'
+ let l:line = substitute(l:line, '\v([(,])([^)])', '\1\n\2', 'g')
+ let l:line = substitute(l:line, '\v([^(])([)])', '\1,\n\2', 'g')
+ for l:split_line in split(l:line, "\n")
+ call add(l:new_list, l:split_line)
+ endfor
+ else
+ call add(l:new_list, l:line)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return l:new_list