path: root/autoload
diff options
authorw0rp <>2017-07-13 23:27:02 +0100
committerw0rp <>2017-07-13 23:27:02 +0100
commit4c6c5bf84fa31ab18ff83122c12b7e8edb18bd1e (patch)
tree6150657f24ba48b20486ce6d97b62b8a0ea7134e /autoload
parentb50ae96413ef34c1ab631507d6763e7667fe8c85 (diff)
#697 - Remove highlights more thoroughly
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload')
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/engine.vim b/autoload/ale/engine.vim
index 616ee351..6cde4bf7 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/engine.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/engine.vim
@@ -667,11 +667,6 @@ endfunction
function! ale#engine#Cleanup(buffer) abort
call ale#engine#RunLinters(a:buffer, [], 1)
- if g:ale_set_highlights
- call ale#highlight#UnqueueHighlights(a:buffer)
- call ale#highlight#RemoveHighlights()
- endif
call remove(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer)
diff --git a/autoload/ale/highlight.vim b/autoload/ale/highlight.vim
index b24fd82b..a109a265 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/highlight.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/highlight.vim
@@ -22,12 +22,6 @@ if !hlexists('ALEInfo')
highlight link ALEInfo ALEWarning
-" This map holds highlights to be set when buffers are opened.
-" We can only set highlights for whatever the current buffer is, so we will
-" wait until the buffer is entered again to show the highlights, unless
-" the buffer is in focus when linting completes.
-let s:buffer_highlights = {}
-let s:buffer_restore_map = {}
" The maximum number of items for the second argument of matchaddpos()
let s:MAX_POS_VALUES = 8
let s:MAX_COL_SIZE = 1073741824 " pow(2, 30)
@@ -53,86 +47,56 @@ function! ale#highlight#CreatePositions(line, col, end_line, end_col) abort
-function! ale#highlight#UnqueueHighlights(buffer) abort
- if has_key(s:buffer_highlights, a:buffer)
- call remove(s:buffer_highlights, a:buffer)
- endif
- if has_key(s:buffer_restore_map, a:buffer)
- call remove(s:buffer_restore_map, a:buffer)
- endif
-function! s:GetALEMatches() abort
- return filter(getmatches(), ' =~# ''^ALE''')
" Given a loclist for current items to highlight, remove all highlights
" except these which have matching loclist item entries.
function! ale#highlight#RemoveHighlights() abort
- for l:match in s:GetALEMatches()
- call matchdelete(
+ for l:match in getmatches()
+ if =~# '^ALE'
+ call matchdelete(
+ endif
function! ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights() abort
- let l:buffer = bufnr('%')
- let l:has_new_items = has_key(s:buffer_highlights, l:buffer)
- let l:loclist = l:has_new_items ? remove(s:buffer_highlights, l:buffer) : []
+ let l:item_list = g:ale_enabled
+ \ ? get(b:, 'ale_highlight_items', [])
+ \ : []
- if l:has_new_items || !g:ale_enabled
- call ale#highlight#RemoveHighlights()
- endif
+ call ale#highlight#RemoveHighlights()
- " Restore items from the map of hidden items,
- " if we don't have some new items to set already.
- if empty(l:loclist) && has_key(s:buffer_restore_map, l:buffer)
- let l:loclist = s:buffer_restore_map[l:buffer]
- endif
- if g:ale_enabled
- for l:item in l:loclist
- if l:item.type ==# 'W'
- if get(l:item, 'sub_type', '') ==# 'style'
- let l:group = 'ALEStyleWarning'
- else
- let l:group = 'ALEWarning'
- endif
- elseif l:item.type ==# 'I'
- let l:group = 'ALEInfo'
- elseif get(l:item, 'sub_type', '') ==# 'style'
- let l:group = 'ALEStyleError'
+ for l:item in l:item_list
+ if l:item.type ==# 'W'
+ if get(l:item, 'sub_type', '') ==# 'style'
+ let l:group = 'ALEStyleWarning'
- let l:group = 'ALEError'
+ let l:group = 'ALEWarning'
- let l:line = l:item.lnum
- let l:col = l:item.col
- let l:end_line = get(l:item, 'end_lnum', l:line)
- let l:end_col = get(l:item, 'end_col', l:col)
- " Set all of the positions, which are chunked into Lists which
- " are as large as will be accepted by matchaddpos.
- call map(
- \ ale#highlight#CreatePositions(l:line, l:col, l:end_line, l:end_col),
- \ 'matchaddpos(l:group, v:val)'
- \)
- endfor
- endif
+ elseif l:item.type ==# 'I'
+ let l:group = 'ALEInfo'
+ elseif get(l:item, 'sub_type', '') ==# 'style'
+ let l:group = 'ALEStyleError'
+ else
+ let l:group = 'ALEError'
+ endif
+ let l:line = l:item.lnum
+ let l:col = l:item.col
+ let l:end_line = get(l:item, 'end_lnum', l:line)
+ let l:end_col = get(l:item, 'end_col', l:col)
+ " Set all of the positions, which are chunked into Lists which
+ " are as large as will be accepted by matchaddpos.
+ call map(
+ \ ale#highlight#CreatePositions(l:line, l:col, l:end_line, l:end_col),
+ \ 'matchaddpos(l:group, v:val)'
+ \)
+ endfor
function! ale#highlight#BufferHidden(buffer) abort
- let l:loclist = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {'loclist': []}).loclist
- " Remember loclist items, so they can be restored later.
- if !empty(l:loclist)
- let s:buffer_restore_map[a:buffer] = filter(
- \ copy(l:loclist),
- \ 'v:val.bufnr == a:buffer && v:val.col > 0'
- \)
- call ale#highlight#RemoveHighlights()
- endif
+ " Remove highlights right away when buffers are hidden.
+ " They will be restored later when buffers are entered.
+ call ale#highlight#RemoveHighlights()
augroup ALEHighlightBufferGroup
@@ -142,19 +106,14 @@ augroup ALEHighlightBufferGroup
augroup END
function! ale#highlight#SetHighlights(buffer, loclist) abort
- " Only set set items for the buffer if ALE is enabled.
- if g:ale_enabled
- " Set a list of items to be set as highlights for a buffer when
- " we next open it.
- "
- " We'll filter the loclist down to items we can set now.
- let s:buffer_highlights[a:buffer] = filter(
- \ copy(a:loclist),
- \ 'v:val.bufnr == a:buffer && v:val.col > 0'
- \)
+ let l:new_list = g:ale_enabled
+ \ ? filter(copy(a:loclist), 'v:val.bufnr == a:buffer && v:val.col > 0')
+ \ : []
- " Update highlights for the current buffer, which may or may not
- " be the buffer we just set highlights for.
- call ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights()
- endif
+ " Set the list in the buffer variable.
+ call setbufvar(str2nr(a:buffer), 'ale_highlight_items', l:new_list)
+ " Update highlights for the current buffer, which may or may not
+ " be the buffer we just set highlights for.
+ call ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights()