path: root/
diff options
authorw0rp <>2019-02-11 22:07:42 +0000
committerw0rp <>2019-02-11 22:07:52 +0000
commitdf9bee88f6d0e4c72658f5fc6ce8b4091602237f (patch)
tree334169170313dd66c5c9ab6a55b0183222433bc1 /
parentaca1edb47613a2f41f4b845455a2236b946da197 (diff)
Rewrite the supported tools lists in new files
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index fa067545..2ce08ed5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -78,140 +78,9 @@ other content at [](
## 1. Supported Languages and Tools
-This plugin supports the following languages and tools. All available
-tools will be run in combination, so they can be complementary.
-Keep the table rows sorted alphabetically by the language name,
-and the tools in the tools column sorted alphabetically by the tool
-name. That seems to be the fairest way to arrange this table.
-Remember to also update doc/ale.txt, which has a similar list with different
-* *^ No linters for text or Vim help filetypes are enabled by default.*
-* *!! These linters check only files on disk. See `:help ale-lint-file-linters`*
-| Language | Tools |
-| -------- | ----- |
-| Ada | [gcc]( |
-| ASM | [gcc]( |
-| Ansible | [ansible-lint]( |
-| API Blueprint | [drafter]( |
-| AsciiDoc | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [redpen](, [write-good](, [vale](, [textlint]( |
-| Awk | [gawk](|
-| Bash | [language-server](, shell [-n flag](, [shellcheck](, [shfmt]( |
-| BibTeX | [bibclean]( |
-| Bourne Shell | shell [-n flag](, [shellcheck](, [shfmt]( |
-| C | [cppcheck](, [cpplint](, [clang](, [clangd](, [clangtidy]( !!, [clang-format](, [cquery](, [flawfinder](, [gcc](, [uncrustify](, [ccls]( |
-| C++ (filetype cpp) | [clang](, [clangd](, [clangcheck]( !!, [clangtidy]( !!, [clang-format](, [clazy]( !!, [cppcheck](, [cpplint]( !!, [cquery](, [flawfinder](, [gcc](, [uncrustify](, [ccls]( |
-| CUDA | [nvcc]( |
-| C# | [mcs]( see:`help ale-cs-mcs` for details, [mcsc]( !! see:`help ale-cs-mcsc` for details and configuration, [uncrustify]( |
-| Chef | [foodcritic]( |
-| Clojure | [joker]( |
-| CloudFormation | [cfn-python-lint]( |
-| CMake | [cmakelint](, [cmake-format]( |
-| CoffeeScript | [coffee](, [coffeelint]( |
-| Crystal | [ameba]( !!, [crystal]( !! |
-| CSS | [csslint](, [prettier](, [stylelint]( |
-| Cucumber | [cucumber]( |
-| Cypher | [cypher-lint]( |
-| Cython (pyrex filetype) | [cython]( |
-| D | [dls](, [dmd](, [uncrustify]( |
-| Dafny | [dafny]( !! |
-| Dart | [dartanalyzer]( !!, [language_server](, [dartfmt]( |
-| Dockerfile | [dockerfile_lint](, [hadolint]( |
-| Elixir | [credo](, [dialyxir](, [dogma](, [mix]( !!, [elixir-ls]( |
-| Elm | [elm-format](, [elm-make]( |
-| Erb | [erb](, [erubi](, [erubis](, [ruumba]( |
-| Erlang | [erlc](, [SyntaxErl]( |
-| Fish | fish [-n flag](
-| Fortran | [gcc](, [language_server]( |
-| Fountain | [proselint]( |
-| FusionScript | [fusion-lint]( |
-| Git Commit Messages | [gitlint]( |
-| GLSL | [glslang](, [glslls]( |
-| Go | [gofmt](, [goimports](, [go mod]( !!, [go vet]( !!, [golint](, [gotype]( !!, [gometalinter]( !!, [go build]( !!, [gosimple]( !!, [staticcheck]( !!, [golangserver](, [golangci-lint]( !!, [bingo]( |
-| GraphQL | [eslint](, [gqlint](, [prettier]( |
-| Hack | [hack](, [hackfmt](, [hhast]( (disabled by default; see `:help ale-integration-hack`) |
-| Haml | [haml-lint]( |
-| Handlebars | [ember-template-lint]( |
-| Haskell | [brittany](, [ghc](, [cabal-ghc](, [stylish-haskell](, [stack-ghc](, [stack-build]( !!, [ghc-mod](, [hlint](, [hdevtools](, [hfmt](, [hie]( |
-| HCL | [terraform-fmt]( |
-| HTML | [alex]( !!, [HTMLHint](, [proselint](, [tidy](, [prettier](, [write-good]( |
-| Idris | [idris]( |
-| ISPC | [ispc]( !! |
-| Java | [checkstyle](, [javac](, [google-java-format](, [PMD](, [javalsp](, [uncrustify]( |
-| JavaScript | [eslint](, [flow](, [jscs](, [jshint](, [prettier](, [prettier-eslint](, [prettier-standard](, [standard](, [tsserver](, [xo](
-| JSON | [fixjson](, [jsonlint](, [jq](, [prettier]( |
-| Julia | [languageserver]( |
-| Kotlin | [kotlinc]( !!, [ktlint]( !!, [languageserver]( see `:help ale-integration-kotlin` for configuration instructions |
-| LaTeX | [alex]( !!, [chktex](, [lacheck](, [proselint](, [redpen](, [vale](, [write-good](, [textlint]( |
-| Less | [lessc](, [prettier](, [stylelint]( |
-| LLVM | [llc]( |
-| Lua | [luac](, [luacheck]( |
-| Mail | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [vale]( |
-| Make | [checkmake]( |
-| Markdown | [alex]( !!, [markdownlint]( !!, [mdl](, [prettier](, [proselint](, [redpen](, [remark-lint](, [textlint](, [vale](, [write-good]( |
-| MATLAB | [mlint]( |
-| Mercury | [mmc]( !! |
-| NASM | [nasm]( !! |
-| Nim | [nim check]( !! |
-| nix | [nix-instantiate]( |
-| nroff | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good](|
-| Objective-C | [clang](, [clangd](, [uncrustify](, [ccls]( |
-| Objective-C++ | [clang](, [clangd](, [uncrustify]( |
-| OCaml | [merlin]( see `:help ale-ocaml-merlin` for configuration instructions, [ols](, [ocamlformat]( |
-| Pawn | [uncrustify]( |
-| Perl | [perl -c](, [perl-critic](, [perltidy]( |
-| Perl6 | [perl6 -c]( |
-| PHP | [langserver](, [phan]( see `:help ale-php-phan` to instructions, [php -l](, [phpcs](, [phpmd](, [phpstan](, [phpcbf](, [php-cs-fixer](, [psalm]( !! |
-| PO | [alex]( !!, [msgfmt](, [proselint](, [write-good]( |
-| Pod | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good]( |
-| Pony | [ponyc]( |
-| Prolog | [swipl]( |
-| proto | [protoc-gen-lint]( |
-| Pug | [pug-lint]( |
-| Puppet | [languageserver](, [puppet](, [puppet-lint]( |
-| Python | [autopep8](, [bandit](, [black](, [flake8](, [isort](, [mypy](, [prospector](, [pycodestyle](, [pydocstyle](, [pyls](, [pyre](, [pylint]( !!, [vulture]( !!, [yapf]( |
-| QML | [qmlfmt](, [qmllint]( |
-| R | [lintr]( |
-| Racket | [raco]( |
-| ReasonML | [merlin]( see `:help ale-reasonml-ols` for configuration instructions, [ols](, [refmt]( |
-| reStructuredText | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [redpen](, [rstcheck](, [textlint](, [vale](, [write-good]( |
-| Re:VIEW | [redpen]( |
-| RPM spec | [rpmlint]( (disabled by default; see `:help ale-integration-spec`) |
-| Ruby | [brakeman]( !!, [rails_best_practices]( !!, [reek](, [rubocop](, [ruby](, [rufo](, [solargraph](, [standardrb]( |
-| Rust | [cargo]( !! (see `:help ale-integration-rust` for configuration instructions), [rls](, [rustc](, [rustfmt]( |
-| Sass | [sass-lint](, [stylelint]( |
-| SCSS | [prettier](, [sass-lint](, [scss-lint](, [stylelint]( |
-| Scala | [fsc](, [sbtserver](, [scalac](, [scalafmt](, [scalastyle](|
-| Slim | [slim-lint]( |
-| SML | [smlnj]( |
-| Solidity | [solhint](, [solium]( |
-| Stylus | [stylelint]( |
-| SugarSS | [stylelint]( |
-| SQL | [sqlint](, [sqlfmt]( |
-| Swift | [swiftlint](, [swiftformat]( |
-| Tcl | [nagelfar]( !! |
-| Terraform | [fmt](, [tflint]( |
-| Texinfo | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good](|
-| Text^ | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [redpen](, [textlint](, [vale](, [write-good]( |
-| Thrift | [thrift]( |
-| TypeScript | [eslint](, [prettier](, [tslint](, [tsserver](, typecheck |
-| VALA | [uncrustify]( |
-| Verilog | [iverilog](, [verilator](, [vlog](, [xvlog]( |
-| VHDL | [ghdl](, [vcom](, [xvhdl]( |
-| Vim | [vint]( |
-| Vim help^ | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good]( |
-| Vue | [prettier](, [vls]( |
-| XHTML | [alex]( !!, [proselint](, [write-good]( |
-| XML | [xmllint]( |
-| YAML | [prettier](, [swaglint](, [yamllint]( |
-| YANG | [yang-lsp]( |
+ALE supports a wide variety of languages and tools. See the
+[full list]( in the
+[Supported Languages and Tools]( page.
<a name="usage"></a>
@@ -579,13 +448,13 @@ let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1
If you don't want to use vim-airline, you can implement your own statusline
-function without adding any other plugins. ALE provides some functions to
+function without adding any other plugins. ALE provides some functions to
assist in this endeavour, including:
* `ale#statusline#Count`: Which returns the number of problems found by ALE
for a specified buffer.
* `ale#statusline#FirstProblem`: Which returns a dictionary containing the
- full loclist details of the first problem of a specified type found by ALE
+ full loclist details of the first problem of a specified type found by ALE
in a buffer. (e.g. The first style warning in the current buffer.)
This can be useful for displaying more detailed information such as the
line number of the first problem in a file.