diff options
authorAdriaan Zonnenberg <>2017-03-28 19:27:07 +0200
committerAdriaan Zonnenberg <>2017-03-28 19:27:07 +0200
commitfe47649a238bea67e897b450e43bd051a1783cca (patch)
parentab3fd2e849ba74e48987fe64a622d7734dd7624c (diff)
Allow commands to be chained using a `|`
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/ale.vim b/plugin/ale.vim
index aadecb66..42c6f28c 100644
--- a/plugin/ale.vim
+++ b/plugin/ale.vim
@@ -225,23 +225,23 @@ endfunction
call s:ALEInitAuGroups()
" Define commands for moving through warnings and errors.
-command! ALEPrevious :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('before', 0)
-command! ALEPreviousWrap :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('before', 1)
-command! ALENext :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('after', 0)
-command! ALENextWrap :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('after', 1)
+command! -bar ALEPrevious :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('before', 0)
+command! -bar ALEPreviousWrap :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('before', 1)
+command! -bar ALENext :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('after', 0)
+command! -bar ALENextWrap :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('after', 1)
" A command for showing error details.
-command! ALEDetail :call ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail()
+command! -bar ALEDetail :call ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail()
" A command for turning ALE on or off.
-command! ALEToggle :call s:ALEToggle()
+command! -bar ALEToggle :call s:ALEToggle()
" A command for linting manually.
-command! ALELint :call ale#Queue(0, 'lint_file')
+command! -bar ALELint :call ale#Queue(0, 'lint_file')
" Define a command to get information about current filetype.
-command! ALEInfo :call ale#debugging#Info()
+command! -bar ALEInfo :call ale#debugging#Info()
" The same, but copy output to your clipboard.
-command! ALEInfoToClipboard :call ale#debugging#InfoToClipboard()
+command! -bar ALEInfoToClipboard :call ale#debugging#InfoToClipboard()
" <Plug> mappings for commands
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_previous) :ALEPrevious<Return>