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authorw0rp <>2017-06-06 22:27:20 +0100
committerw0rp <>2017-06-06 22:27:20 +0100
commite4d886d4a798208d2c5dd10816cd3f47a8f5f431 (patch)
parenteeea72e16740bb1dfa5bd554a927e6bbee76a9b5 (diff)
Add a function for computing the number of arguments for a function
2 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/ale/util.vim b/autoload/ale/util.vim
index 03abacb7..90e052a7 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/util.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/util.vim
@@ -123,3 +123,18 @@ function! ale#util#GetMatches(lines, patterns) abort
return l:matches
+" Given the name of a function, a Funcref, or a lambda, return the number
+" of named arguments for a function.
+function! ale#util#FunctionArgCount(function) abort
+ let l:Function = ale#util#GetFunction(a:function)
+ redir => l:output
+ silent function Function
+ redir END
+ let l:match = matchstr(split(l:output, "\n")[0], '\v\([^)]+\)')[1:-2]
+ let l:arg_list = filter(split(l:match, ', '), 'v:val !=# ''...''')
+ return len(l:arg_list)
diff --git a/test/test_function_arg_count.vader b/test/test_function_arg_count.vader
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..748eed33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_function_arg_count.vader
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ function! Func0()
+ endfunction
+ function! Func1(x)
+ endfunction
+ function! Func2(x,y)
+ endfunction
+ function! Func3(x,y,z)
+ endfunction
+ function! Func3a(x,y,z,...)
+ endfunction
+ delfunction Func0
+ delfunction Func1
+ delfunction Func2
+ delfunction Func3
+ delfunction Func3a
+Execute(We should be able to compute the argument count for function names):
+ AssertEqual 0, ale#util#FunctionArgCount('Func0')
+ AssertEqual 1, ale#util#FunctionArgCount('Func1')
+ AssertEqual 2, ale#util#FunctionArgCount('Func2')
+ AssertEqual 3, ale#util#FunctionArgCount('Func3')
+ AssertEqual 3, ale#util#FunctionArgCount('Func3a')
+Execute(We should be able to compute the argument count for Funcrefs):
+ AssertEqual 0, ale#util#FunctionArgCount(function('Func0'))
+ AssertEqual 1, ale#util#FunctionArgCount(function('Func1'))
+ AssertEqual 2, ale#util#FunctionArgCount(function('Func2'))
+ AssertEqual 3, ale#util#FunctionArgCount(function('Func3'))
+ AssertEqual 3, ale#util#FunctionArgCount(function('Func3a'))
+Execute(We should be able to compute the argument count for lambdas):
+ if has('lambda')
+ AssertEqual 0, ale#util#FunctionArgCount({->1})
+ AssertEqual 1, ale#util#FunctionArgCount({x->1})
+ AssertEqual 2, ale#util#FunctionArgCount({x,y->1})
+ AssertEqual 3, ale#util#FunctionArgCount({x,y,z->1})
+ AssertEqual 3, ale#util#FunctionArgCount({x,y,z,...->1})
+ endif