diff options
authorJasper Woudenberg <>2017-03-01 23:14:30 -0800
committerJasper Woudenberg <>2017-03-01 23:27:48 -0800
commit70711022db8c8a5602550601ef275c20b2105bcc (patch)
parent18508f74532f41aa4c66a5e217550f00d150a30d (diff)
Add support for error details
Some review needed.
5 files changed, 47 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ale_linters/elm/make.vim b/ale_linters/elm/make.vim
index 23297838..3a4febc9 100644
--- a/ale_linters/elm/make.vim
+++ b/ale_linters/elm/make.vim
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ function! ale_linters#elm#make#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
\ 'col': l:error.region.start.column,
\ 'type': (l:error.type ==? 'error') ? 'E' : 'W',
\ 'text': l:error.overview,
+ \ 'detail': l:error.overview . "\n\n" . l:error.details
diff --git a/autoload/ale/cursor.vim b/autoload/ale/cursor.vim
index 9aaa8e91..d6594db5 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/cursor.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/cursor.vim
@@ -93,3 +93,28 @@ function! ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarningWithDelay() abort
let s:cursor_timer = timer_start(10, function('ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning'))
+function! ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail(...) abort
+ " Only show the details in normal mode, otherwise we will get problems.
+ if mode() !=# 'n'
+ return
+ endif
+ let l:buffer = bufnr('%')
+ if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, l:buffer)
+ return
+ endif
+ let l:pos = getcurpos()
+ let l:loclist = g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].loclist
+ let l:index = ale#util#BinarySearch(l:loclist, l:pos[1], l:pos[2])
+ if l:index >= 0
+ let l:loc = l:loclist[l:index]
+ if has_key(l:loc, 'detail')
+ echo l:loc.detail
+ endif
+ endif
diff --git a/autoload/ale/engine.vim b/autoload/ale/engine.vim
index bc834083..fdf19db2 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/engine.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/engine.vim
@@ -332,6 +332,10 @@ function! ale#engine#FixLocList(buffer, linter, loclist) abort
\ 'linter_name':,
+ if has_key(l:old_item, 'detail')
+ let l:item.detail = l:old_item.detail
+ endif
if l:item.lnum == 0
" When errors appear at line 0, put them at line 1 instead.
let l:item.lnum = 1
diff --git a/plugin/ale.vim b/plugin/ale.vim
index 1d7f77a5..a3a407c4 100644
--- a/plugin/ale.vim
+++ b/plugin/ale.vim
@@ -208,6 +208,9 @@ command! ALEPreviousWrap :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('before', 1)
command! ALENext :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('after', 0)
command! ALENextWrap :call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump('after', 1)
+" A command for showing error details.
+command! ALEDetail :call ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail()
" A command for turning ALE on or off.
command! ALEToggle :call s:ALEToggle()
" A command for linting manually.
@@ -225,6 +228,7 @@ nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_next) :ALENext<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_next_wrap) :ALENextWrap<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_toggle) :ALEToggle<Return>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_lint) :ALELint<Return>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(ale_detail) :ALEDetail<Return>
" Housekeeping
diff --git a/test/test_cursor_warnings.vader b/test/test_cursor_warnings.vader
index b12f2451..dbf5360f 100644
--- a/test/test_cursor_warnings.vader
+++ b/test/test_cursor_warnings.vader
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ Before:
\ 'nr': -1,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'col': 10,
- \ 'text': 'Missing semicolon. (semi)'
+ \ 'text': 'Missing semicolon. (semi)',
+ \ 'detail': 'Every statement should end with a semicolon'
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 2,
@@ -84,3 +85,14 @@ Then(Check the cursor output):
let g:lines = split(g:output, "\n")
AssertEqual 'Missing radix parameter (radix)', g:lines[-1]
+Execute(Evaluate the cursor detail function at line 1):
+ :1
+ call ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail()
+Then(Check the cursor output):
+ redir => g:output
+ :mess
+ redir END
+ AssertEqual "Every statement should end with a semicolon", g:output[-1]