diff options
authorw0rp <>2016-10-23 13:04:41 +0100
committerw0rp <>2016-10-23 13:04:41 +0100
commit36461b69d7dbf0abe494cd450dd9233eed7b672f (patch)
parentf94865c4ce2a61e304faf5aa99d643b44260fde5 (diff)
Support loading eslint from node_modules, re issue #118.
4 files changed, 71 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/ale_linters/javascript/eslint.vim b/ale_linters/javascript/eslint.vim
index e93113d4..e9b7d959 100644
--- a/ale_linters/javascript/eslint.vim
+++ b/ale_linters/javascript/eslint.vim
@@ -4,6 +4,26 @@
let g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable =
\ get(g:, 'ale_javascript_eslint_executable', 'eslint')
+let g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global =
+\ get(g:, 'ale_javascript_eslint_use_global', 0)
+function! ale_linters#javascript#eslint#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
+ if g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global
+ return g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable
+ endif
+ return ale#util#ResolveLocalPath(
+ \ a:buffer,
+ \ 'node_modules/.bin/eslint',
+ \ g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable
+ \)
+function! ale_linters#javascript#eslint#GetCommand(buffer) abort
+ return ale_linters#javascript#eslint#GetExecutable(a:buffer)
+ \ . ' -f unix --stdin --stdin-filename %s'
function! ale_linters#javascript#eslint#Handle(buffer, lines)
" Matches patterns line the following:
@@ -39,7 +59,7 @@ endfunction
call ale#linter#Define('javascript', {
\ 'name': 'eslint',
-\ 'executable': g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable,
-\ 'command': g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable . ' -f unix --stdin --stdin-filename %s',
+\ 'executable_callback': 'ale_linters#javascript#eslint#GetExecutable',
+\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#javascript#eslint#GetCommand',
\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#javascript#eslint#Handle',
diff --git a/autoload/ale/util.vim b/autoload/ale/util.vim
index 82bed85a..969e1e30 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/util.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/util.vim
@@ -44,6 +44,21 @@ function! ale#util#FindNearestFile(buffer, filename) abort
return ''
+" Given a buffer, a string to search for, an a global fallback for when
+" the search fails, look for a file in parent paths, and if that fails,
+" use the global fallback path instead.
+function! ale#util#ResolveLocalPath(buffer, search_string, global_fallback) abort
+ " Search for a locally installed file first.
+ let l:path = ale#util#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, a:search_string)
+ " If the serach fails, try the global executable instead.
+ if empty(l:path)
+ let l:path = a:global_fallback
+ endif
+ return l:path
function! ale#util#GetFunction(string_or_ref) abort
if type(a:string_or_ref) == type('')
return function(a:string_or_ref)
diff --git a/doc/ale.txt b/doc/ale.txt
index 42531598..c879a98b 100644
--- a/doc/ale.txt
+++ b/doc/ale.txt
@@ -370,8 +370,25 @@ g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable *g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable*
Type: |String|
Default: `'eslint'`
- This variable can be changed to change the path to eslint. If you have
- eslint_d installed, you can set this option to use eslint_d instead.
+ ALE will first discover the eslint path in an ancestor node_modules
+ directory. If no such path exists, this variable will be used instead.
+ This variable can be set to change the path to eslint. If you have eslint_d
+ installed, you can set this option to use eslint_d instead.
+ If you wish to use only a globally installed version of eslint, set
+ |g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global| to `1`.
+g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global *g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global*
+ Type: |String|
+ Default: `0`
+ This variable controls whether or not ALE will search for a local path for
+ eslint first. If this variable is set to `1`, then ALE will always use the
+ global version of eslint, in preference to locally installed versions of
+ eslint in node_modules.
diff --git a/test/test_resolve_local_path.vader b/test/test_resolve_local_path.vader
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdbac01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_resolve_local_path.vader
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Execute(Open a file some directory down):
+ silent! cd /testplugin/test
+ :e! top/middle/bottom/dummy.txt
+Then(We should be able to to find the local version of a file):
+ AssertEqual
+ \ expand('%:p:h:h:h:h') . '/top/example.ini',
+ \ ale#util#ResolveLocalPath(bufnr('%'), 'example.ini', '/global/config.ini')
+Execute(Do nothing):
+Then(We shouldn't find anything for files which don't match):
+ AssertEqual
+ \ '/global/config.ini',
+ \ ale#util#ResolveLocalPath(bufnr('%'), 'missing.ini', '/global/config.ini')