diff options
authorw0rp <>2017-06-06 20:08:19 +0100
committerw0rp <>2017-06-06 20:08:19 +0100
commit7db805b0cd1367ebf866e0c149fd819e425f6e0d (patch)
parentef86a8a389842b4de5196bd458e2014bc63da238 (diff)
#482 - Fix Flow handling with relative paths
4 files changed, 130 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/ale_linters/javascript/flow.vim b/ale_linters/javascript/flow.vim
index 4e1494e2..1b13e5d1 100644
--- a/ale_linters/javascript/flow.vim
+++ b/ale_linters/javascript/flow.vim
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ function! ale_linters#javascript#flow#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
" Comments have no line of column information, so we skip them.
" In certain cases, `l:message.loc.source` points to a different path
" than the buffer one, thus we skip this loc information too.
- if has_key(l:message, 'loc') && l:line ==# 0 && l:message.loc.source ==# expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p')
+ if has_key(l:message, 'loc')
+ \&& l:line ==# 0
+ \&& ale#path#IsBufferPath(a:buffer, l:message.loc.source)
let l:line = l:message.loc.start.line + 0
let l:col = l:message.loc.start.column + 0
diff --git a/autoload/ale/path.vim b/autoload/ale/path.vim
index 88aa482d..0365ceed 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/path.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/path.vim
@@ -62,35 +62,19 @@ function! ale#path#IsAbsolute(filename) abort
return a:filename[:0] ==# '/' || a:filename[1:2] ==# ':\'
-" Given a directory and a filename, resolve the path, which may be relative
-" or absolute, and get an absolute path to the file, following symlinks.
-function! ale#path#GetAbsPath(directory, filename) abort
- " If the path is already absolute, then just resolve it.
- if ale#path#IsAbsolute(a:filename)
- return resolve(a:filename)
- endif
- " Get an absolute path to our containing directory.
- " If our directory is relative, then we'll use the CWD.
- let l:absolute_directory = ale#path#IsAbsolute(a:directory)
- \ ? a:directory
- \ : getcwd() . '/' . a:directory
- " Resolve the relative path to the file with the absolute path to our
- " directory.
- return resolve(l:absolute_directory . '/' . a:filename)
" Given a buffer number and a relative or absolute path, return 1 if the
" two paths represent the same file on disk.
-function! ale#path#IsBufferPath(buffer, filename) abort
+function! ale#path#IsBufferPath(buffer, complex_filename) abort
+ let l:test_filename = simplify(a:complex_filename)
+ if l:test_filename[:1] ==# './'
+ let l:test_filename = l:test_filename[2:]
+ endif
let l:buffer_filename = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p')
- let l:resolved_filename = ale#path#GetAbsPath(
- \ fnamemodify(l:buffer_filename, ':h'),
- \ a:filename
- \)
- return resolve(l:buffer_filename) ==# l:resolved_filename
+ return l:buffer_filename ==# l:test_filename
+ \ || l:buffer_filename[-len(l:test_filename):] ==# l:test_filename
" Given a path, return every component of the path, moving upwards.
diff --git a/test/handler/test_flow_handler.vader b/test/handler/test_flow_handler.vader
index 597366f3..46b52229 100644
--- a/test/handler/test_flow_handler.vader
+++ b/test/handler/test_flow_handler.vader
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ After:
call ale#linter#Reset()
Execute(The flow handler should process errors correctly.):
- e! /home/w0rp/Downloads/graphql-js/src/language/parser.js
+ silent! noautocmd file /home/w0rp/Downloads/graphql-js/src/language/parser.js
let g:flow_output = {
\ "flowVersion": "0.39.0",
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Execute(The flow handler should process errors correctly.):
AssertEqual g:expected, g:actual
Execute(The flow handler should fetch the correct location for the currently opened file, even when it's not in the first message.):
- e! /Users/rav/Projects/vim-ale-flow/index.js
+ silent! noautocmd file /Users/rav/Projects/vim-ale-flow/index.js
let g:flow_output = {
\ "flowVersion": "0.44.0",
@@ -232,3 +232,107 @@ Execute(The flow handler should fetch the correct location for the currently ope
AssertEqual g:expected, g:actual
+Execute(The flow handler should handle relative paths):
+ silent! noautocmd file /Users/rav/Projects/vim-ale-flow/index.js
+ let g:flow_output = {
+ \ "flowVersion": "0.44.0",
+ \ "errors": [{
+ \ "operation": {
+ \ "context": " <Foo foo=\"bar\"/>, document.getElementById('foo')",
+ \ "descr": "React element `Foo`",
+ \ "type": "Blame",
+ \ "loc": {
+ \ "source": "vim-ale-flow/index.js",
+ \ "type": "SourceFile",
+ \ "start": {
+ \ "line": 6,
+ \ "column": 3,
+ \ "offset": 92
+ \ },
+ \ "end": {
+ \ "line": 6,
+ \ "column": 18,
+ \ "offset": 108
+ \ }
+ \ },
+ \ "path": "vim-ale-flow/index.js",
+ \ "line": 6,
+ \ "endline": 6,
+ \ "start": 3,
+ \ "end": 18
+ \ },
+ \ "kind": "infer",
+ \ "level": "error",
+ \ "message": [{
+ \ "context": "module.exports = function(props: Props) {",
+ \ "descr": "property `bar`",
+ \ "type": "Blame",
+ \ "loc": {
+ \ "source": "vim-ale-flow/foo.js",
+ \ "type": "SourceFile",
+ \ "start": {
+ \ "line": 9,
+ \ "column": 34,
+ \ "offset": 121
+ \ },
+ \ "end": {
+ \ "line": 9,
+ \ "column": 38,
+ \ "offset": 126
+ \ }
+ \ },
+ \ "path": "vim-ale-flow/foo.js",
+ \ "line": 9,
+ \ "endline": 9,
+ \ "start": 34,
+ \ "end": 38
+ \ }, {
+ \ "context": v:null,
+ \ "descr": "Property not found in",
+ \ "type": "Comment",
+ \ "path": "",
+ \ "line": 0,
+ \ "endline": 0,
+ \ "start": 1,
+ \ "end": 0
+ \ }, {
+ \ "context": " <Foo foo=\"bar\"/>, document.getElementById('foo')",
+ \ "descr": "props of React element `Foo`",
+ \ "type": "Blame",
+ \ "loc": {
+ \ "source": "vim-ale-flow/index.js",
+ \ "type": "SourceFile",
+ \ "start": {
+ \ "line": 6,
+ \ "column": 3,
+ \ "offset": 92
+ \ },
+ \ "end": {
+ \ "line": 6,
+ \ "column": 18,
+ \ "offset": 108
+ \ }
+ \ },
+ \ "path": "vim-ale-flow/index.js",
+ \ "line": 6,
+ \ "endline": 6,
+ \ "start": 3,
+ \ "end": 18
+ \ }]
+ \ }],
+ \ "passed": v:false
+ \}
+ let g:actual = ale_linters#javascript#flow#Handle(bufnr(''), [json_encode(g:flow_output)])
+ let g:expected = [
+ \ {
+ \ 'lnum': 6,
+ \ 'col': 3,
+ \ 'type': 'E',
+ \ 'text': 'property `bar`: Property not found in props of React element `Foo` See also: React element `Foo`'
+ \ }
+ \]
+ AssertEqual g:expected, g:actual
diff --git a/test/test_path_equality.vader b/test/test_path_equality.vader
index b1f06967..5d92794f 100644
--- a/test/test_path_equality.vader
+++ b/test/test_path_equality.vader
@@ -1,18 +1,3 @@
-Execute(ale#path#GetAbsPath should handle simple relative paths):
- AssertEqual '/foo/bar', ale#path#GetAbsPath('/foo', 'bar')
- AssertEqual 'C:\foo/bar', ale#path#GetAbsPath('C:\foo', 'bar')
- AssertEqual getcwd() . '/foo/bar', ale#path#GetAbsPath('foo', 'bar')
-Execute(ale#path#GetAbsPath should handle relative paths with dots):
- AssertEqual '/foo/baz', ale#path#GetAbsPath('/foo', 'bar/sub/../../baz')
- AssertEqual '/foo/baz', ale#path#GetAbsPath('/foo/', 'bar/sub/../../baz')
- AssertEqual '/foo/other', ale#path#GetAbsPath('/foo/bar', '../other')
- AssertEqual '/foo/other', ale#path#GetAbsPath('/foo/bar/', '../other')
-Execute(ale#path#GetAbsPath should handle absolute paths):
- AssertEqual '/foo/bar', ale#path#GetAbsPath('/something else', '/foo/bar')
- AssertEqual 'C:\foo/bar', ale#path#GetAbsPath('D:\another thing', 'C:\foo/bar')
Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match simple relative paths):
silent file! foo.txt
@@ -25,7 +10,17 @@ Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match absolute paths):
Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), getcwd() . '/foo.txt'), 'No match for foo.txt'
Assert !ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), getcwd() . '/bar.txt'), 'Bad match for bar.txt'
-Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match paths with dots):
+Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match paths beginning with ./):
+ silent file! foo.txt
+ Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), './foo.txt'), 'No match for ./foo.txt'
+Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match if our path ends with the test path):
+ silent file! foo/bar/baz.txt
+ Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), 'bar/baz.txt'), 'No match for bar/baz.txt'
+Execute(ale#path#IsBufferPath should match paths with redundant slashes):
silent file! foo.txt
- Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), './test/../foo.txt'), 'No match for ./test/../foo.txt'
+ Assert ale#path#IsBufferPath(bufnr(''), getcwd() . '////foo.txt'), 'No match for foo.txt'