use std::cmp::Ord; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet}; use std::io::{self, BufRead}; struct WireStep { dir : char, len : i32, } type WirePath = Vec; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct WirePoint { wire: u8, steps: usize, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd)] // struct MapCoords { x: i32, y: i32, } type MapPoint = Vec; type WireMap = BTreeMap; impl Ord for MapCoords { fn cmp(&self, other:&Self) -> Ordering { let self_distance = i32::abs(self.x) + i32::abs(self.y); let other_distance = i32::abs(other.x) + i32::abs(other.y); if self_distance < other_distance { Ordering::Less } else if self_distance > other_distance { Ordering::Greater } else if self.y < other.y { Ordering::Less } else if self.y > other.y { Ordering::Greater } else if self.x < other.x { Ordering::Less } else if self.x > other.x { Ordering::Greater } else { Ordering::Equal } } } fn read_input() -> Vec { let stdin = io::stdin(); stdin.lock().lines() .map(|line| { line.unwrap().split(',').map(|s| WireStep { dir: s.chars().next().unwrap(), len: s.get(1..).unwrap().parse().unwrap(), }).collect() }).collect() } fn map_wire(wire: u8, path:&WirePath, map:&mut WireMap) { let mut x = 0; let mut y = 0; let wp = WirePoint { wire, steps: 0 }; let mp = map.entry(MapCoords{x, y}).or_insert(vec![]); mp.push(wp); let mut steps = 0; for trace in path.iter() { for _ in 0..trace.len { match trace.dir { 'U' => y -= 1, 'D' => y += 1, 'R' => x += 1, 'L' => x -= 1, d => panic!("Invalid direction {}", d), } steps += 1; let wp = WirePoint { wire, steps }; let mp = map.entry(MapCoords{x, y}).or_insert(vec![]); mp.push(wp); } } } fn create_map(paths:&Vec, map:&mut WireMap) { let mut wire_id = 1; for path in paths.iter() { map_wire(wire_id, path, map); wire_id += 1; } } fn find_intersections(wire_map:&WireMap) -> WireMap { let mut ret = WireMap::new(); for (coords, wiring) in wire_map { let wire_crossings = wiring.iter().map(|w| { w.wire }).collect::>().len(); if wire_crossings > 1 && ! (coords.x == 0 && coords.y == 0) { ret.insert(*coords, wiring.to_vec()); } } ret } fn first_puzzle(wire_paths:&Vec) -> Option { let mut wire_map:WireMap = BTreeMap::new(); create_map(&wire_paths, &mut wire_map); let intersections = find_intersections(&wire_map); match intersections.iter().next() { Some((c, _)) => Some((i32::abs(c.x) + i32::abs(c.y)) as usize), _ => None, } } fn second_puzzle(wire_paths:&Vec) -> Option { let mut wire_map:WireMap = BTreeMap::new(); create_map(&wire_paths, &mut wire_map); let intersections = find_intersections(&wire_map); let lengths : Vec = intersections.iter().map(|(_, wiring)| { wiring.iter().map(|w| { w.steps }).sum() }).collect(); lengths.into_iter().min() } fn main() { let wire_paths = read_input(); let first = first_puzzle(&wire_paths); match first { Some(s) => println!("Solution to first part: {}.", s), _ => println!("No solution found for first part."), } let second = second_puzzle(&wire_paths); match second { Some(s) => println!("Solution to second part: {}.", s), _ => println!("No solution found for second part."), } }