# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [v3.2.0] - (2015-05-13) ### Added - Specify Guzzle proxy via [#149](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/pull/149) - Option to disable exception raising ## [v3.1.0] - (2015-04-27) ### Added - Support for API keys ## [v3.0.0] - (2015-04-14) ### Fixed - CC and BCC not working with SMTPAPI To ### Changed - **Breaking:** A `\SendGrid\Exception` is now raised when response is not 200 - **Breaking:** `addTo` now uses the Web API parameter as opposed to the SMTPAPI Header. Substitutions will most likely break unless you update to use `addSmtpapiTo` - The library now depends on Guzzle3 - Major refactoring ### Added - **Breaking:** `send()` now returns an instance of `\SendGrid\Response` - Numerous missing methods for new functionality - `addSmtpapiTo` for using the SMTPAPI To ## [v2.2.1] - (2014-01-29) ### Fixed - Fix turn_off_ssl_verification option via [#123](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/pull/123) ## [v2.2.0] - (2014-01-12) ### Changed - Remove [Unirest](https://github.com/Mashape/unirest-php/) and replace with native cURL - Add CHANGELOG.md