rootPluginFilenameAndPath = $rootPluginFilenameAndPath; $this->logger = new PostmanLogger( get_class( $this ) ); if ( PostmanOptions::getInstance()->isMailLoggingEnabled() ) { add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'postmanAddMenuItem', ),20 ); } else { $this->logger->trace( 'not creating PostmanEmailLog admin menu item' ); } if ( PostmanUtils::isCurrentPagePostmanAdmin( 'postman_email_log' ) ) { $this->logger->trace( 'on postman email log page' ); // $this->logger->debug ( 'Registering ' . $actionName . ' Action Post handler' ); add_action( 'admin_post_delete', array( $this, 'delete_log_item', ) ); add_action( 'admin_post_view', array( $this, 'view_log_item', ) ); add_action( 'admin_post_transcript', array( $this, 'view_transcript_log_item', ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'on_admin_init', ) ); } if ( is_admin() ) { $actionName = self::RESEND_MAIL_AJAX_SLUG; $fullname = 'wp_ajax_' . $actionName; // $this->logger->debug ( 'Registering ' . 'wp_ajax_' . $fullname . ' Ajax handler' ); add_action( $fullname, array( $this, 'resendMail', ) ); } } /** */ function on_admin_init() { $this->handleBulkAction(); // register the stylesheet and javascript external resources $pluginData = apply_filters( 'postman_get_plugin_metadata', null ); wp_register_script( 'postman_resend_email_script', plugins_url( 'script/postman_resend_email_sript.js', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), array( PostmanViewController::JQUERY_SCRIPT, PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_SCRIPT, ), $pluginData ['version'] ); } /** */ public function resendMail() { check_ajax_referer( 'resend', 'security' ); // get the email address of the recipient from the HTTP Request $postid = $this->getRequestParameter( 'email' ); if ( ! empty( $postid ) ) { $post = get_post( $postid ); $meta_values = get_post_meta( $postid ); if ( isset( $_POST['mail_to'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['mail_to'] ) ) { $emails = explode( ',', $_POST['mail_to'] ); $to = array_map( 'sanitize_email', $emails ); } else { $to = $meta_values ['original_to'] [0]; } $success = wp_mail( $to, $meta_values ['original_subject'] [0], $meta_values ['original_message'] [0], $meta_values ['original_headers'] [0] ); // Postman API: retrieve the result of sending this message from Postman $result = apply_filters( 'postman_wp_mail_result', null ); $transcript = $result ['transcript']; // post-handling if ( $success ) { $this->logger->debug( 'Email was successfully re-sent' ); // the message was sent successfully, generate an appropriate message for the user $statusMessage = sprintf( __( 'Your message was delivered (%d ms) to the SMTP server! Congratulations :)', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), $result ['time'] ); // compose the JSON response for the caller $response = array( 'message' => $statusMessage, 'transcript' => $transcript, ); $this->logger->trace( 'AJAX response' ); $this->logger->trace( $response ); // send the JSON response wp_send_json_success( $response ); } else { $this->logger->error( 'Email was not successfully re-sent - ' . $result ['exception']->getCode() ); // the message was NOT sent successfully, generate an appropriate message for the user $statusMessage = $result ['exception']->getMessage(); // compose the JSON response for the caller $response = array( 'message' => $statusMessage, 'transcript' => $transcript, ); $this->logger->trace( 'AJAX response' ); $this->logger->trace( $response ); // send the JSON response wp_send_json_error( $response ); } } else { // compose the JSON response for the caller $response = array(); // send the JSON response wp_send_json_error( $response ); } } /** * TODO move this somewhere reusable * * @param unknown $parameterName * @return unknown */ private function getRequestParameter( $parameterName ) { if ( isset( $_POST [ $parameterName ] ) ) { $value = filter_var( $_POST [ $parameterName ], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $this->logger->trace( sprintf( 'Found parameter "%s"', $parameterName ) ); $this->logger->trace( $value ); return $value; } } /** * From */ function handleBulkAction() { // only do this for administrators if ( PostmanUtils::isAdmin() && isset( $_REQUEST ['email_log_entry'] ) ) { $this->logger->trace( 'handling bulk action' ); if ( wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST ['_wpnonce'], 'bulk-email_log_entries' ) ) { $this->logger->trace( sprintf( 'nonce "%s" passed validation', $_REQUEST ['_wpnonce'] ) ); if ( isset( $_REQUEST ['action'] ) && ($_REQUEST ['action'] == 'bulk_delete' || $_REQUEST ['action2'] == 'bulk_delete') ) { $this->logger->trace( sprintf( 'handling bulk delete' ) ); $purger = new PostmanEmailLogPurger(); $postids = $_REQUEST ['email_log_entry']; foreach ( $postids as $postid ) { $purger->verifyLogItemExistsAndRemove( $postid ); } $mh = new PostmanMessageHandler(); $mh->addMessage( __( 'Mail Log Entries were deleted.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ); } else { $this->logger->warn( sprintf( 'action "%s" not recognized', $_REQUEST ['action'] ) ); } } else { $this->logger->warn( sprintf( 'nonce "%s" failed validation', $_REQUEST ['_wpnonce'] ) ); } $this->redirectToLogPage(); } } /** */ function delete_log_item() { // only do this for administrators if ( PostmanUtils::isAdmin() ) { $this->logger->trace( 'handling delete item' ); $postid = $_REQUEST ['email']; if ( wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST ['_wpnonce'], 'delete_email_log_item_' . $postid ) ) { $this->logger->trace( sprintf( 'nonce "%s" passed validation', $_REQUEST ['_wpnonce'] ) ); $purger = new PostmanEmailLogPurger(); $purger->verifyLogItemExistsAndRemove( $postid ); $mh = new PostmanMessageHandler(); $mh->addMessage( __( 'Mail Log Entry was deleted.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ); } else { $this->logger->warn( sprintf( 'nonce "%s" failed validation', $_REQUEST ['_wpnonce'] ) ); } $this->redirectToLogPage(); } } /** */ function view_log_item() { // only do this for administrators if ( PostmanUtils::isAdmin() ) { $this->logger->trace( 'handling view item' ); $postid = $_REQUEST ['email']; $post = get_post( $postid ); $meta_values = get_post_meta( $postid ); // print ''; print ''; if ( ! empty( $meta_values ['from_header'] [0] ) ) { printf( '', _x( 'From', 'Who is this message From?', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), esc_html( $meta_values ['from_header'] [0] ) ); } // show the To header (it's optional) if ( ! empty( $meta_values ['to_header'] [0] ) ) { printf( '', _x( 'To', 'Who is this message To?', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), esc_html( $meta_values ['to_header'] [0] ) ); } // show the Cc header (it's optional) if ( ! empty( $meta_values ['cc_header'] [0] ) ) { printf( '', _x( 'Cc', 'Who is this message Cc\'d to?', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), esc_html( $meta_values ['cc_header'] [0] ) ); } // show the Bcc header (it's optional) if ( ! empty( $meta_values ['bcc_header'] [0] ) ) { printf( '', _x( 'Bcc', 'Who is this message Bcc\'d to?', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), esc_html( $meta_values ['bcc_header'] [0] ) ); } // show the Reply-To header (it's optional) if ( ! empty( $meta_values ['reply_to_header'] [0] ) ) { printf( '', __( 'Reply-To', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), esc_html( $meta_values ['reply_to_header'] [0] ) ); } printf( '', _x( 'Date', 'What is the date today?', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), $post->post_date ); printf( '', _x( 'Subject', 'What is the subject of this message?', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), esc_html( $post->post_title ) ); // The Transport UI is always there, in more recent versions that is if ( ! empty( $meta_values ['transport_uri'] [0] ) ) { printf( '', _x( 'Delivery-URI', 'What is the unique URI of the configuration?', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), esc_html( $meta_values ['transport_uri'] [0] ) ); } print '
'; print '
'; print '
			print $this->sanitize_message( $post->post_content );
			print '
'; print ''; die(); } } function sanitize_message( $message ) { $allowed_tags = wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ); $allowed_tags['style'] = array(); return wp_kses( $message, $allowed_tags ); } /** */ function view_transcript_log_item() { // only do this for administrators if ( PostmanUtils::isAdmin() ) { $this->logger->trace( 'handling view transcript item' ); $postid = $_REQUEST ['email']; $post = get_post( $postid ); $meta_values = get_post_meta( $postid ); // print ''; printf( '


', __( 'This is the conversation between Postman and the mail server. It can be useful for diagnosing problems. DO NOT post it on-line, it may contain your account password.', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ); print '
'; print '
			if ( ! empty( $meta_values ['session_transcript'] [0] ) ) {
				print esc_html( $meta_values ['session_transcript'] [0] );
			} else {
				/* Translators: Meaning "Not Applicable" */
				print __( 'n/a', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN );
			print '
'; print ''; die(); } } /** * For whatever reason, PostmanUtils::get..url doesn't work here? :( */ function redirectToLogPage() { PostmanUtils::redirect( PostmanUtils::POSTMAN_EMAIL_LOG_PAGE_RELATIVE_URL ); die(); } /** * Register the page */ function postmanAddMenuItem() { // only do this for administrators if ( PostmanUtils::isAdmin() ) { $this->logger->trace( 'created PostmanEmailLog admin menu item' ); /* Translators where (%s) is the name of the plugin */ $pageTitle = sprintf( __( '%s Email Log', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ), __( 'Post SMTP', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ); $pluginName = _x( 'Email Log', 'The log of Emails that have been delivered', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ); $page = add_submenu_page( PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_MENU_SLUG, $pageTitle, $pluginName, Postman::MANAGE_POSTMAN_CAPABILITY_LOGS, 'postman_email_log', array( $this, 'postman_render_email_page' ) ); // When the plugin options page is loaded, also load the stylesheet add_action( 'admin_print_styles-' . $page, array( $this, 'postman_email_log_enqueue_resources', ) ); } } function postman_email_log_enqueue_resources() { $pluginData = apply_filters( 'postman_get_plugin_metadata', null ); wp_register_style( 'postman_email_log', plugins_url( 'style/postman-email-log.css', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), null, $pluginData ['version'] ); wp_enqueue_style( 'postman_email_log' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'postman_resend_email_script' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'sprintf' ); wp_localize_script( 'postman_resend_email_script', 'postman_js_email_was_resent', __( 'Email was successfully resent (but without attachments)', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ); /* Translators: Where %s is an error message */ wp_localize_script( 'postman_resend_email_script', 'postman_js_email_not_resent', __( 'Email could not be resent. Error: %s', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ); wp_localize_script( 'postman_resend_email_script', 'postman_js_resend_label', __( 'Resend', Postman::TEXT_DOMAIN ) ); } /** * *************************** RENDER TEST PAGE ******************************** * ****************************************************************************** * This function renders the admin page and the example list table. * Although it's * possible to call prepare_items() and display() from the constructor, there * are often times where you may need to include logic here between those steps, * so we've instead called those methods explicitly. It keeps things flexible, and * it's the way the list tables are used in the WordPress core. */ function postman_render_email_page() { // Create an instance of our package class... $testListTable = new PostmanEmailLogView(); wp_enqueue_script( 'postman_resend_email_script' ); // Fetch, prepare, sort, and filter our data... $testListTable->prepare_items(); ?>

Please notice: when you select a date for example 11/20/2017, behind the scene the query select 11/20/2017 00:00:00.
So if you searching for an email arrived that day at any hour you need to select 11/20/2017 as the From Date and 11/21/2017 as the To Date.