logger = new PostmanLogger( get_class( $this ) ); $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath = $rootPluginFilenameAndPath; PostmanUtils::registerAdminMenu( $this, 'addPortTestSubmenu' ); // hook on the init event add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'on_init', ) ); // initialize the scripts, stylesheets and form fields add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'on_admin_init', ) ); } /** * Functions to execute on the init event * * "Typically used by plugins to initialize. The current user is already authenticated by this time." * ref: http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference#Actions_Run_During_a_Typical_Request */ public function on_init() { // register Ajax handlers new PostmanPortTestAjaxController(); } /** * Fires on the admin_init method */ public function on_admin_init() { $this->registerStylesAndScripts(); } /** * Register and add settings */ private function registerStylesAndScripts() { if ( $this->logger->isTrace() ) { $this->logger->trace( 'registerStylesAndScripts()' ); } // register the stylesheet and javascript external resources $pluginData = apply_filters( 'postman_get_plugin_metadata', null ); wp_register_script( 'postman_port_test_script', plugins_url( 'Postman/Postman-Connectivity-Test/postman_port_test.js', $this->rootPluginFilenameAndPath ), array( PostmanViewController::JQUERY_SCRIPT, 'jquery_validation', PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_SCRIPT, 'sprintf', ), $pluginData ['version'] ); } /** * Register the Email Test screen */ public function addPortTestSubmenu() { $page = add_submenu_page( null, sprintf( __( '%s Setup', 'post-smtp' ), __( 'Postman SMTP', 'post-smtp' ) ), __( 'Postman SMTP', 'post-smtp' ), Postman::MANAGE_POSTMAN_CAPABILITY_NAME, PostmanConnectivityTestController::PORT_TEST_SLUG, array( $this, 'outputPortTestContent', ) ); // When the plugin options page is loaded, also load the stylesheet add_action( 'admin_print_styles-' . $page, array( $this, 'enqueuePortTestResources', ) ); } /** */ function enqueuePortTestResources() { wp_enqueue_style( PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_STYLE ); wp_enqueue_script( 'postman_port_test_script' ); $warning = __( 'Warning', 'post-smtp' ); wp_localize_script( PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_SCRIPT, 'postman_hostname_element_name', '#input_' . PostmanOptions::HOSTNAME ); PostmanConnectivityTestController::addLocalizeScriptForPortTest(); } static function addLocalizeScriptForPortTest() { wp_localize_script( PostmanViewController::POSTMAN_SCRIPT, 'postman_port_test', array( 'in_progress' => _x( 'Checking..', 'The "please wait" message', 'post-smtp' ), 'open' => _x( 'Open', 'The port is open', 'post-smtp' ), 'closed' => _x( 'Closed', 'The port is closed', 'post-smtp' ), 'yes' => __( 'Yes', 'post-smtp' ), 'no' => __( 'No', 'post-smtp' ), /* translators: where %d is a port number */ 'blocked' => __( 'No outbound route between this site and the Internet on Port %d.', 'post-smtp' ), /* translators: where %d is a port number and %s is a hostname */ 'try_dif_smtp' => __( 'Port %d is open, but not to %s.', 'post-smtp' ), /* translators: where %d is the port number and %s is the hostname */ 'success' => __( 'Port %d can be used for SMTP to %s.', 'post-smtp' ), 'mitm' => sprintf( '%s: %s', __( 'Warning', 'post-smtp' ), __( 'connected to %1$s instead of %2$s.', 'post-smtp' ) ), /* translators: where %d is a port number and %s is the URL for the Postman Gmail Extension */ 'https_success' => __( 'Port %d can be used with the %s.', 'post-smtp' ), ) ); } /** * Get the settings option array and print one of its values */ public function port_test_hostname_callback() { $hostname = PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance()->getSelectedTransport()->getHostname(); if ( empty( $hostname ) ) { $hostname = PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance()->getActiveTransport()->getHostname(); } printf( '', $hostname ); } /** */ public function outputPortTestContent() { print '
'; PostmanViewController::outputChildPageHeader( __( 'Connectivity Test', 'post-smtp' ) ); print '

'; print __( 'This test determines which well-known ports are available for Postman to use.', 'post-smtp' ); print '

'; printf( '', __( 'Outgoing Mail Server Hostname', 'post-smtp' ) ); $this->port_test_hostname_callback(); submit_button( _x( 'Begin Test', 'Button Label', 'post-smtp' ), 'primary', 'begin-port-test', true ); print '
'; print ''; print sprintf( '', __( 'Transport', 'post-smtp' ), _x( 'Socket', 'A socket is the network term for host and port together', 'post-smtp' ), __( 'Status', 'post-smtp' ) . '*', __( 'Service Available', 'post-smtp' ), __( 'Server ID', 'post-smtp' ), __( 'Authentication', 'post-smtp' ) ); print sprintf( '', 'None', 'Login', 'Plain', 'CRAM-MD5', 'OAuth 2.0' ); $sockets = PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance()->getSocketsForSetupWizardToProbe(); foreach ( $sockets as $socket ) { if ( $socket ['smtp'] ) { print sprintf( '', $socket ['id'], $socket ['transport_name'], $socket ['host'], $socket ['port'] ); } else { print sprintf( '', $socket ['id'], $socket ['transport_name'], $socket ['host'], $socket ['port'], __( 'n/a', 'post-smtp' ) ); } } print '
'; /* Translators: Where %s is the name of the service providing Internet connectivity test */ printf( '', sprintf( __( 'According to %s', 'post-smtp' ), 'portquiz.net' ) ); printf( '', plugins_url( 'post-smtp/style/ajax-loader.gif' ) ); print ''; print ''; print '
'; } } /** * * @author jasonhendriks */ class PostmanPortTestAjaxController { private $logger; /** * Constructor * * @param PostmanOptions $options */ function __construct() { $this->logger = new PostmanLogger( get_class( $this ) ); PostmanUtils::registerAjaxHandler( 'postman_get_hosts_to_test', $this, 'getPortsToTestViaAjax' ); PostmanUtils::registerAjaxHandler( 'postman_wizard_port_test', $this, 'runSmtpTest' ); PostmanUtils::registerAjaxHandler( 'postman_wizard_port_test_smtps', $this, 'runSmtpsTest' ); PostmanUtils::registerAjaxHandler( 'postman_port_quiz_test', $this, 'runPortQuizTest' ); PostmanUtils::registerAjaxHandler( 'postman_test_port', $this, 'runSmtpTest' ); PostmanUtils::registerAjaxHandler( 'postman_test_smtps', $this, 'runSmtpsTest' ); } /** * This Ajax function determines which hosts/ports to test in both the Wizard Connectivity Test and direct Connectivity Test * * Given a single outgoing smtp server hostname, return an array of host/port * combinations to run the connectivity test on */ function getPortsToTestViaAjax() { $queryHostname = PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'hostname' ); // originalSmtpServer is what SmtpDiscovery thinks the SMTP server should be, given an email address $originalSmtpServer = PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'original_smtp_server' ); if ( $this->logger->isDebug() ) { $this->logger->debug( 'Probing available transports for sockets against hostname ' . $queryHostname ); } $sockets = PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance()->getSocketsForSetupWizardToProbe( $queryHostname, $originalSmtpServer ); $response = array( 'hosts' => $sockets, ); wp_send_json_success( $response ); } /** * This Ajax function retrieves whether a TCP port is open or not */ function runPortQuizTest() { $hostname = 'portquiz.net'; $port = intval( PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'port' ) ); $this->logger->debug( 'testing TCP port: hostname ' . $hostname . ' port ' . $port ); $portTest = new PostmanPortTest( $hostname, $port ); $success = $portTest->genericConnectionTest(); $this->buildResponse( $hostname, $port, $portTest, $success ); } /** * This Ajax function retrieves whether a TCP port is open or not. * This is called by both the Wizard and Port Test */ function runSmtpTest() { $hostname = trim( PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'hostname' ) ); $port = intval( PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'port' ) ); $transport = trim( PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'transport' ) ); $timeout = PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'timeout' ); $this->logger->trace( $timeout ); $portTest = new PostmanPortTest( $hostname, $port ); if ( isset( $timeout ) ) { $portTest->setConnectionTimeout( intval( $timeout ) ); $portTest->setReadTimeout( intval( $timeout ) ); } if ( $port != 443 ) { $this->logger->debug( sprintf( 'testing SMTP socket %s:%s (%s)', $hostname, $port, $transport ) ); $success = $portTest->testSmtpPorts(); } else { $this->logger->debug( sprintf( 'testing HTTPS socket %s:%s (%s)', $hostname, $port, $transport ) ); $success = $portTest->testHttpPorts(); } $this->buildResponse( $hostname, $port, $portTest, $success, $transport ); } /** * This Ajax function retrieves whether a TCP port is open or not */ function runSmtpsTest() { $hostname = trim( PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'hostname' ) ); $port = intval( PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'port' ) ); $transport = trim( PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'transport' ) ); $transportName = trim( PostmanUtils::getRequestParameter( 'transport_name' ) ); $this->logger->debug( sprintf( 'testing SMTPS socket %s:%s (%s)', $hostname, $port, $transport ) ); $portTest = new PostmanPortTest( $hostname, $port ); $portTest->transportName = $transportName; $success = $portTest->testSmtpsPorts(); $this->buildResponse( $hostname, $port, $portTest, $success, $transport ); } /** * * @param unknown $hostname * @param unknown $port * @param unknown $success */ private function buildResponse( $hostname, $port, PostmanPortTest $portTest, $success, $transport = '' ) { $this->logger->debug( sprintf( 'testing port result for %s:%s success=%s', $hostname, $port, $success ) ); $response = array( 'hostname' => $hostname, 'hostname_domain_only' => $portTest->hostnameDomainOnly, 'port' => $port, 'protocol' => $portTest->protocol, 'secure' => ($portTest->secure), 'mitm' => ($portTest->mitm), 'reported_hostname' => $portTest->reportedHostname, 'reported_hostname_domain_only' => $portTest->reportedHostnameDomainOnly, 'message' => $portTest->getErrorMessage(), 'start_tls' => $portTest->startTls, 'auth_plain' => $portTest->authPlain, 'auth_login' => $portTest->authLogin, 'auth_crammd5' => $portTest->authCrammd5, 'auth_xoauth' => $portTest->authXoauth, 'auth_none' => $portTest->authNone, 'try_smtps' => $portTest->trySmtps, 'success' => $success, 'transport' => $transport, ); $this->logger->trace( 'Ajax response:' ); $this->logger->trace( $response ); if ( $success ) { wp_send_json_success( $response ); } else { wp_send_json_error( $response ); } } }