path: root/Postman/PostmanWpMail.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Postman/PostmanWpMail.php')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Postman/PostmanWpMail.php b/Postman/PostmanWpMail.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a2b508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Postman/PostmanWpMail.php
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
+ exit; // Exit if accessed directly
+if ( ! class_exists( 'PostmanWpMail' ) ) {
+ /**
+ * Moved this code into a class so it could be used by both wp_mail() and PostmanSendTestEmailController
+ *
+ * @author jasonhendriks
+ */
+ class PostmanWpMail {
+ private $exception;
+ private $transcript;
+ private $totalTime;
+ private $logger;
+ /**
+ * Load the dependencies
+ */
+ public function init() {
+ $this->logger = new PostmanLogger( get_class( $this ) );
+ require_once 'Postman-Mail/PostmanMessage.php';
+ require_once 'Postman-Email-Log/PostmanEmailLogService.php';
+ require_once 'Postman-Mail/PostmanMailEngine.php';
+ require_once 'Postman-Auth/PostmanAuthenticationManagerFactory.php';
+ require_once 'PostmanState.php';
+ }
+ /**
+ * This methods follows the wp_mail function interface, but implements it Postman-style.
+ * Exceptions are held for later inspection.
+ * An instance of PostmanState updates the success/fail tally.
+ *
+ * @param mixed $to
+ * @param mixed $subject
+ * @param mixed $body
+ * @param mixed $headers
+ * @param mixed $attachments
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function send( $to, $subject, $message, $headers = '', $attachments = array() ) {
+ // initialize for sending
+ $this->init();
+ // build the message
+ $postmanMessage = $this->processWpMailCall( $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments );
+ // build the email log entry
+ $log = new PostmanEmailLog();
+ $log->originalTo = $to;
+ $log->originalSubject = $subject;
+ $log->originalMessage = $message;
+ $log->originalHeaders = $headers;
+ // send the message and return the result
+ return $this->sendMessage( $postmanMessage, $log );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param PostmanMessage $message
+ * @return PostmanMessage
+ */
+ private function apply_default_headers( $message ) {
+ $headers[] = 'Message-ID: ' . $this->createMessageId();
+ $message->addHeaders($headers);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the Message-ID
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function createMessageId() {
+ $id = md5(uniqid(time()));
+ if (isset($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) {
+ $hostName = sanitize_text_field($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
+ } else {
+ $hostName = php_uname('n');
+ }
+ return $id . '@' . str_replace('www.', '', $hostName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Builds a PostmanMessage based on the WordPress wp_mail parameters
+ *
+ * @param mixed $to
+ * @param mixed $subject
+ * @param mixed $message
+ * @param mixed $headers
+ * @param mixed $attachments
+ */
+ private function processWpMailCall( $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments ) {
+ $this->logger->trace( 'wp_mail parameters before applying WordPress wp_mail filter:' );
+ $this->traceParameters( $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments );
+ /**
+ * Filter the wp_mail() arguments.
+ *
+ * @since 1.5.4
+ *
+ * @param array $args
+ * A compacted array of wp_mail() arguments, including the "to" email,
+ * subject, message, headers, and attachments values.
+ */
+ $atts = apply_filters( 'wp_mail', compact( 'to', 'subject', 'message', 'headers', 'attachments' ) );
+ if ( isset( $atts ['to'] ) ) {
+ $to = $atts ['to'];
+ }
+ if ( isset( $atts ['subject'] ) ) {
+ $subject = $atts ['subject'];
+ }
+ if ( isset( $atts ['message'] ) ) {
+ $message = $atts ['message'];
+ }
+ if ( isset( $atts ['headers'] ) ) {
+ $headers = $atts ['headers'];
+ }
+ if ( isset( $atts ['attachments'] ) ) {
+ $attachments = $atts ['attachments'];
+ }
+ if ( ! is_array( $attachments ) ) {
+ $attachments = explode( "\n", str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $attachments ) );
+ }
+ $this->logger->trace( 'wp_mail parameters after applying WordPress wp_mail filter:' );
+ $this->traceParameters( $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments );
+ // Postman API: register the response hook
+ add_filter( 'postman_wp_mail_result', array(
+ $this,
+ 'postman_wp_mail_result',
+ ) );
+ // create the message
+ $postmanMessage = $this->createNewMessage();
+ $this->populateMessageFromWpMailParams( $postmanMessage, $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments );
+ // return the message
+ return $postmanMessage;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new instance of PostmanMessage with a pre-set From and Reply-To
+ *
+ * @return PostmanMessage
+ */
+ public function createNewMessage() {
+ $message = new PostmanMessage();
+ $options = PostmanOptions::getInstance();
+ // the From is set now so that it can be overridden
+ $transport = PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance()->getActiveTransport();
+ $message->setFrom( $transport->getFromEmailAddress(), $transport->getFromName() );
+ // the Reply-To is set now so that it can be overridden
+ $message->setReplyTo( $options->getReplyTo() );
+ $message->setCharset( get_bloginfo( 'charset' ) );
+ return $message;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A convenient place for any code to inject a constructed PostmanMessage
+ * (for example, from MyMail)
+ *
+ * The body parts may be set already at this time.
+ *
+ * @param PostmanMessage $message
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function sendMessage( PostmanMessage $message, PostmanEmailLog $log ) {
+ $this->apply_default_headers( $message );
+ // get the Options and AuthToken
+ $options = PostmanOptions::getInstance();
+ $authorizationToken = PostmanOAuthToken::getInstance();
+ // get the transport and create the transportConfig and engine
+ $transport = PostmanTransportRegistry::getInstance()->getActiveTransport();
+ // create the Mail Engine
+ $engine = $transport->createMailEngine();
+ // add plugin-specific attributes to PostmanMessage
+ $message->addHeaders( $options->getAdditionalHeaders() );
+ $message->addTo( $options->getForcedToRecipients() );
+ $message->addCc( $options->getForcedCcRecipients() );
+ $message->addBcc( $options->getForcedBccRecipients() );
+ // apply the WordPress filters
+ // may impact the from address, from email, charset and content-type
+ $message->applyFilters();
+ //do_action_ref_array( 'phpmailer_init', array( &$message ) );
+ // create the body parts (if they are both missing)
+ if ( $message->isBodyPartsEmpty() ) {
+ $message->createBodyParts();
+ }
+ // is this a test run?
+ $testMode = apply_filters( 'postman_test_email', false );
+ if ( $this->logger->isDebug() ) {
+ $this->logger->debug( 'testMode=' . $testMode );
+ }
+ // start the clock
+ $startTime = microtime( true ) * 1000;
+ try {
+ // prepare the message
+ $message->validate( $transport );
+ // send the message
+ if ( $options->getRunMode() == PostmanOptions::RUN_MODE_PRODUCTION ) {
+ if ( $transport->isLockingRequired() ) {
+ PostmanUtils::lock();
+ // may throw an exception attempting to contact the OAuth2 provider
+ $this->ensureAuthtokenIsUpdated( $transport, $options, $authorizationToken );
+ }
+ $this->logger->debug( 'Sending mail' );
+ // may throw an exception attempting to contact the SMTP server
+ $engine->send( $message );
+ // increment the success counter, unless we are just tesitng
+ if ( ! $testMode ) {
+ PostmanState::getInstance()->incrementSuccessfulDelivery();
+ }
+ }
+ // clean up
+ $this->postSend( $engine, $startTime, $options, $transport );
+ if ( $options->getRunMode() == PostmanOptions::RUN_MODE_PRODUCTION || $options->getRunMode() == PostmanOptions::RUN_MODE_LOG_ONLY ) {
+ // log the successful delivery
+ PostmanEmailLogService::getInstance()->writeSuccessLog( $log, $message, $engine->getTranscript(), $transport );
+ }
+ // return successful
+ return true;
+ } catch ( Exception $e ) {
+ // save the error for later
+ $this->exception = $e;
+ // write the error to the PHP log
+ $this->logger->error( get_class( $e ) . ' code=' . $e->getCode() . ' message=' . trim( $e->getMessage() ) );
+ // increment the failure counter, unless we are just tesitng
+ if ( ! $testMode && $options->getRunMode() == PostmanOptions::RUN_MODE_PRODUCTION ) {
+ PostmanState::getInstance()->incrementFailedDelivery();
+ }
+ // clean up
+ $this->postSend( $engine, $startTime, $options, $transport );
+ if ( $options->getRunMode() == PostmanOptions::RUN_MODE_PRODUCTION || $options->getRunMode() == PostmanOptions::RUN_MODE_LOG_ONLY ) {
+ // log the failed delivery
+ PostmanEmailLogService::getInstance()->writeFailureLog( $log, $message, $engine->getTranscript(), $transport, $e->getMessage() );
+ }
+ // Fallback
+ if ( $this->fallback( $log, $message, $options ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $mail_error_data = array(
+ 'to' => $message->getToRecipients(),
+ 'subject' => $message->getSubject(),
+ 'message' => $message->getBody(),
+ 'headers' => $message->getHeaders(),
+ 'attachments' => $message->getAttachments()
+ );
+ $mail_error_data['phpmailer_exception_code'] = $e->getCode();
+ do_action( 'wp_mail_failed', new WP_Error( 'wp_mail_failed', $e->getMessage(), $mail_error_data ) );
+ // return failure
+ if ( PostmanOptions::getInstance()->getSmtpMailer() == 'phpmailer' ) {
+ throw new phpmailerException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private function fallback( $log, $postMessage,$options ) {
+ if ( ! $options->is_fallback && $options->getFallbackIsEnabled() && $options->getFallbackIsEnabled() == 'yes' ) {
+ $options->is_fallback = true;
+ $status = $this->sendMessage( $postMessage, $log );
+ $options->is_fallback = false;
+ return $status;
+ } else {
+ $options->is_fallback = false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clean up after sending the mail
+ *
+ * @param PostmanZendMailEngine $engine
+ * @param mixed $startTime
+ */
+ private function postSend( PostmanMailEngine $engine, $startTime, PostmanOptions $options, PostmanModuleTransport $transport ) {
+ // save the transcript
+ $this->transcript = $engine->getTranscript();
+ // log the transcript
+ if ( $this->logger->isTrace() ) {
+ $this->logger->trace( 'Transcript:' );
+ $this->logger->trace( $this->transcript );
+ }
+ // delete the semaphore
+ if ( $transport->isLockingRequired() ) {
+ PostmanUtils::unlock();
+ }
+ // stop the clock
+ $endTime = microtime( true ) * 1000;
+ $this->totalTime = $endTime - $startTime;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the result of the last call to send()
+ *
+ * @return multitype:Exception NULL
+ */
+ function postman_wp_mail_result() {
+ $result = array(
+ 'time' => $this->totalTime,
+ 'exception' => $this->exception,
+ 'transcript' => $this->transcript,
+ );
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ private function ensureAuthtokenIsUpdated( PostmanModuleTransport $transport, PostmanOptions $options, PostmanOAuthToken $authorizationToken ) {
+ assert( ! empty( $transport ) );
+ assert( ! empty( $options ) );
+ assert( ! empty( $authorizationToken ) );
+ // ensure the token is up-to-date
+ $this->logger->debug( 'Ensuring Access Token is up-to-date' );
+ // interact with the Authentication Manager
+ $wpMailAuthManager = PostmanAuthenticationManagerFactory::getInstance()->createAuthenticationManager();
+ if ( $wpMailAuthManager->isAccessTokenExpired() ) {
+ $this->logger->debug( 'Access Token has expired, attempting refresh' );
+ $wpMailAuthManager->refreshToken();
+ $authorizationToken->save();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Aggregates all the content into a Message to be sent to the MailEngine
+ *
+ * @param mixed $to
+ * @param mixed $subject
+ * @param mixed $body
+ * @param mixed $headers
+ * @param mixed $attachments
+ */
+ private function populateMessageFromWpMailParams( PostmanMessage $message, $to, $subject, $body, $headers, $attachments ) {
+ $message->addHeaders( $headers );
+ $message->setBody( $body );
+ $message->setSubject( $subject );
+ $message->addTo( $to );
+ $message->setAttachments( $attachments );
+ return $message;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Trace the parameters to aid in debugging
+ *
+ * @param mixed $to
+ * @param mixed $subject
+ * @param mixed $body
+ * @param mixed $headers
+ * @param mixed $attachments
+ */
+ private function traceParameters( $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments ) {
+ $this->logger->trace( 'to:' );
+ $this->logger->trace( $to );
+ $this->logger->trace( 'subject:' );
+ $this->logger->trace( $subject );
+ $this->logger->trace( 'headers:' );
+ $this->logger->trace( $headers );
+ $this->logger->trace( 'attachments:' );
+ $this->logger->trace( $attachments );
+ $this->logger->trace( 'message:' );
+ $this->logger->trace( $message );
+ }
+ }